Summer break in Dnipropetrovsk

The second team, under the capable leadership of Michael Maruschke and Torsten Strauss, has successfully completed the section of the tour from Ekaterinburg and both Michael and Torsten have now returned safely to their home turf.

Our assessment so far is very positive: true, there were one or two technical glitches with the Editourmobil, but overall the Russian section of the tour was an unqualified success. All the interviews were very interesting and informative, and we are grateful for the hospitality shown to us at all the companies we visited, the recommendations we received and the wholehearted support we were given.

With many of our interview partners taking a well-deserved holiday, we decided to take a one month break ourselves, during which the Editourmobil will be securely parked. Right at the beginning of the tour the Retal company kindly offered us a supervised parking space on their premises in Dnipropetrovsk, an offer we were delighted to accept. Michael and Torsten duly delivered the vehicle to the appointed spot, where it is now waiting for the next leg of the tour. Particular thanks go to Retal for their splendid support.

The final part of the adventure begins on September 3, when the third team, consisting of Alexander Büchler and Waldemar Schmitke, will fly in to take the Editourmobil through the Ukraine and Poland. Finally, the last lap will see the team returning to Nuremberg, where the tour started in late June.

We look forward to it

Until then, have a wonderful August

Yours Kay Krüger, Project Manager

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