From Ukraine to Poland

Sunday morning and it’s an 8 clock start taking the the Editourmobil in a westerly direction through Kiev. On the way, we have come to know all about the conditions of the road in the Ukraine. In the east, dire. The more west we go, the better the roads become.

Our last day in the Ukraine graced us with the best motorways in the country. The Ukrainians probably improved the main roads for Euro 2012 a few months ago.
Almost to the Polish border we have the luxury of a four-lane motorway.

The departure from the Ukraine is complicated, but it all passes off smoothly. Our patience is however severely tested by the delays at the Polish frontier. We use the seemingly endless wait to write up a few posts. After 2 hours we are over the Polish border, but it takes us another hour to buy the motorway transponder for the Editourmobil, which will enable us to speed through the toll booths. After 14 long hours and 750 km on the road, we finally turn off the engine.

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