Rain, better streets and a first conclusion

Well, we’ve said goodbye to the nice weather. We get up and take advantage of the spell of continuous rain that has in the meantime set in to get some writing done. Waldemar Schmitke is increasingly enjoying filling out the fact-orientated magazine contributions with just the right injection of emotion. I too need to keep writing for at least an hour in order to adequately review the time spent.

In the eastern Ukraine we had been the third team to take to the vehicle and have been able, along with the others, to experience the fact that, not only in the Ukraine, but also in Poland, the trend of development is in each case from west to east. This applies to the roads in particular. In the east they tend to be more like a collection of potholes. In the west of Poland the motorways are in a better condition than in Germany. The same also applies to the PET industry. The further west we went the more we found the lightweight preform featuring the PCO 1881 neckfinish was the standard whilst, in the east, we were still coming across the heavier PCO 1810. The only place that the old, heavy BPF was still to be found was in Russia. At Hanex in the west of Poland we even found a further development of the lightweight PCO 1881.

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