Gruppo Bertolaso reflects its presence at DTI
Gruppo Bertolaso has been present in India since 1999, when it supplied the first bottling lines for the spirits industry. Speeds of 6000, 10,000 and 12,000 bph have been achieved.
In 2003 Bertolaso and Mumbai-based SNS Overseas established a business relationship in 2003. The partnership is responsible for sales and the service in India. A year later, in 2004, Bertolaso began supplying bottling lines for still and sparkling wines to some of the most important wineries in India. Its latest plant was supplied to the Krsma winery in Pune.
Betolaso supplies plants for water, soft drinks and fruit juices and its stand at the most recent edition of Drinktec and the drink technology India was focused on non-alcoholic products in PET bottles.
Machinery solutions proposed by Bertolaso are suitable for medium and high speed lines with mechanical, electro-pneumatic and volumetric filling valves. Monoblocs with rinser, filler and corker are designed and manufactured in “neck handling” versions, without infeed-screw and transfer scrolls. Stainless steel frames are designed for ease of cleaning. The drive on each turret is powered by brushless motors.
Gruppo Bertolaso supplies flexible monoblocs capable of running PET bottles and of applying a variety of bottle closures. Its plants are manufactured to respond efficiently to customer needs; each machine is customized to operators’ individual requirements. The company also supplies automatic conveyors for the transport of bottles, cartons and packages. Layouts are designed to suit customers’ requirements and the space available at their facility.