P+G has recently joined Brussels based Petcore Europe

Gian De Belder, Principal Scientist Sustainable Packaging R&D, says that P&G is delighted to have become a member of Petcore Europe. The group would address a number of important issues in the industry such as difficult-to-recycle PET packaging (e.g. heavy coloured and opaque bottles), improve sorting efficiencies after collection and work with a newly established Petcore Europe group on recycling of thermoformed packs.

"These types of partnerships are important to enable more sustainable packaging innovations entering the marketplace. It will bring key players together to realise Europe’s Circular Economy package and will help P&G reach our ambitious 2020 and long-term sustainability goals", said Gian De Belder.

Petcore Europe already has close working relationship with leading brand owners and their respective associations. Having now a global brand leader such as P&G as a direct member is definitely a great asset and a stimulating opportunity for Petcore Europe.

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