Petcore Europe Conference 2015 in Brussels

On 24 November 2015, the annual Petcore Europe Conference will take place in Brussels. In previous years known as the PET Network Day, the conference brings together more than 100 experts and leaders from the whole PET value chain in Europe and beyond as well as representatives from the European institutions. This year, the conference will focus on the four key aspects Sustainability, circular Economy, Innovation and Globalisation. "For everyone involved in the PET value chain it is essential to stay up to date on the latest developments regarding European legislation, trends, innovation and what is happening outside of Europe," outlines Patrick Peuch, Petcore Europe Executive Director.

The first session of the conference will be dedicated to Sustainability and will give an outline of different EU projects like the EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) on packed bottled water or the EU Polymark project focusing on the first results of a novel identification technology for differentiating high value plastics in waste streams. Furthermore, speakers will discuss the EU food contact plastics recycling regulation as well as the emerging problem of recycling PET thermoforms.

The second session on Circular Economy will primarily focus on the eagerly awaited European Circular Economy Package as well as the Europe-wide PET collection and recycling rates in 2014, based on a survey commissioned by Petcore Europe.

The Innovation session will outline examples of new PET packaging and future trends like the use of PET in aerosols. Furthermore, a novel technology for the recycling of heavy coloured post-consumer PET packaging will be presented and discussed.

The last session on Globalisation will feature a presentation on the PET situation in India, Russia and the USA. After a presentation by Waste Free Oceans on the problem of marine litter, the session will be concluded by a panel debate about the effective communication on PET to the public and how industry can respond to public concerns and needs.

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