Amcor releases its 2015 sustainability report

Amcor’s sustainability report shows the company’s sustainability performance for the 2014/2015 period. The performance highlights for 2015 include the surpassed Enviro Action five year targets (reduction in greenhouse gas intensity, waste to landfill and water use achieved since the baseline year 2010-2011) with a reduction of 28% in greenhouse gas emissions intensity; 60% waste to landfill intensity reduction; and 20% decrease in water use intensity.

Since launching the Amcor Community Program last year, the company has invested about half a million US$ in communities through this program; and 67% of manufacturing sites certified to international food safety management standards to ensure we are producing high quality products that are safe to use.

The Amcor 2015 Sustainability GRI Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI’s G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Account Ability’s AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008). EY, a global integrated services organisation, has independently assessed the Report and confirmed that it has been prepared in accordance with the GRI G4 Reporting Framework at a Core Level.

To view or download the 2015 Sustainability Review, detailed GRI Report, or to provide feedback, please visit

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