Tracer workshop: How to improve plastic sorting efficiency

The announced tracer workshop taking place on February 24, 2016 at Brussels aims a cross-industry discussion to harmonise the use of tracers into plastic packaging materials. The workshop will focus on PET as a start and intends to create a precedent for other plastics later on. It is organised by Petcore Europe.

Europe has a historical track record on plastic recycling and it is assumed that target numbers will only increase with the EU’s new Circular Economy Package. Many new packaging developments are taking place, including material shifts, which sometimes might be challenging for already established recycling streams and/or creates a need for new streams. There is a responsibility and unique opportunity to ensure these new innovative packages are properly sorted and recycled into useful end applications.

Europe Petcore Europe is the European trade association based in Brussels representing the whole PET value chain in Europe. Petcore Europe‘s mission is to ensure that the PET industry and its associations are aligned to deliver increased value and sustainable growth in the PET value chain, to ensure that PET is positioned and recognized as an environmentally sustainable packaging material, to validate and support innovative packaging solutions from a recycling perspective, and to work with all interested parties to ensure the sustainable growth of PET post-consumer collection and recycling.

A new Task Force on difficult-to-recycle PET packages is being formed within Petcore Europe, in order to address a rising issue on heavily-colored PET post-consumer packages.

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