BrauBeviale 2016 – supporting program
From 8 to 10 November, the sector’s regular table at BrauBeviale 2016 in Nuremberg, Germany, will be richly set: covering all aspects of the beverage production process chain, the menu features high-quality raw materials, efficient technologies, effective logistics solutions and creative marketing ideas.
The supporting program includes, among others, the Craft Beer Corner where beverage experts will be presenting special tasting sessions for specialist retailers, caterers, producers and all other interested trade fair guests as well as the European MicroBrew Symposium, which for the fifth time, is taking a very close look at markets, trends and technologies. Parallel to this, for the first time, there will be a further training event for European distillers and representatives from the spirits industry: the 1st European MicroDistilling Symposium. Also featured is the international beer competition European Beer Star, the popular tradition at BrauBeviale is the selection of the Consumers’ Favourites in Gold, Silver and Bronze.
On all three days of the fair, there will be interesting presentations and discussions held by experts for experts at the Forum BrauBeviale. The range of themes extends from design right up to the beverage container issue, from packaging up to Creative Beverage Culture or training in the beverage industry.
PET @ BrauBeviale
Covering all aspects of the beverage packaging theme, BrauBeviale is presenting a diverse range: packaging materials and packing supplies – from glass, through to cans up to kegs or barrels – sealing systems – bottle caps, swing tops, twist-off caps, corks and more – along with packing ancillaries. In addition to this, PET@BrauBeviale is offering solutions for the entire PET value-added chain. In the PETarena – connecting competence, companies will be presenting a diverse PET range of services for small and medium-sized companies and global players. The international, two-day congress PETnology Europe, which is being held directly in the run-up to the fair, will open PET Passion Week.