Sacmi’s response to food & beverage market trends in China

Sacmi will host the best the group has to offer the closures industry, such as the new CCM24CS compression press, being showcased for the first time on this market. Key improvements to mechanics, hydraulics and automation have given the new 24-head version of the press higher output (cycle time 1.44sec), without penalising the cooling time; moreover, consumption has been reduced further and cap quality has been raised.

The machine on show at Chinaplas will produce an HDPE single-piece 30mm water bottle cap weighing 1,85g, with an output of 800 caps/minute with just 24 heads (cycle time 1.8sec).
Sacmi provides alongside individual technological and plant engineering solutions, advanced quality control systems. All Sacmi vision systems (developed by the Group’s Automation&Service Division) are designed to operate in line with the machines at ultra-high speeds: from the CVS 052, the cap vision system integrated downstream from the CCM, to the PVS002 Plus, capable of testing no less than 1100pph; the latter also has optional weight and body control features.

Fully aware of the far-reaching changes affecting both the market and the manufacturing methods, Sacmi will also be taking part in the Industry 4.0 conference, an event linked to the fair itself. Here, Sacmi will give a talk on the Sacmi 4.0 and H.E.R.E. (Human Expertise for Reactive Engineering) projects. The latter is a solution set that networks production processes, supervising and exchanging information with interconnected machines to provide production process advantages and sharpen smart factory growth strategies.

You will find Sacmi at: 4.1C41

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