interplastica and upakovka attracted 24,900 trade visitors

The positive feedback received lately from the Russian market and, in particular, from the plastics, rubber and packaging industry as well as the process industries associated with it has now been confirmed at the two trade fairs interplastica (International Plastics and Rubber Trade Fair), and upakovka – Processing and Packaging. The upswing in major market segments is leading to strong demand for plastic and rubber products as well as packaging.

About 900 companies from 30 countries presented their innovations at the two trade fairs in the SAO Expocenter in Krasnaja Presnja from 23. to 26. January and were unanimous in reporting a tremendous response and business success. 24,900 experts from all over Russia and from the neighbouring countries visited interplastica and upakovka. In 2017, 23,000 visitors were registered.

The improvement in the rouble exchange rate is now helping to enable Russian companies that had to defer necessary purchases in the recent crisis years to invest in the modernisation of their production. Global exports of plastics and rubber machinery to Russia declined for a number of years. In 2016, the total value of supplies to Russia from all over the world amounted to about EUR 326 million, which was almost 43% lower than in the previous year. Two of the most important sources of supply – Germany and Italy – are, however, reporting that exports increased enormously in 2017. From January to November 2017, German deliveries of plastics and rubber machinery to Russia totalled EUR 104.1 million, which represents growth of 43.5% over the same period the previous year (source: VDMA plastics and rubber machinery association). The Italian manufacturers of machines, equipment and moulds for the processing of plastics and rubber delivered goods worth EUR 73 million to Russia in the first nine months of last year, which amounts to 109% more than in the same period of 2016.

The importance of recycling is increasing too: close attention is being paid in Russia to the “European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy”, which the European Commission has compiled. It is expected not only that there will be growth in plastics recycling activities – including household waste – but also that the proportion of materials used that is accounted for by recyclate will increase. With a corresponding impact on machine technology too.

The third interesting observation at interplastica: the manufacturers of tools and moulds are operating to an increasing extent as system suppliers and provide their customers with comprehensive solutions in co-operation with machine manufacturers.”

The next interplastica in Moscow is taking place from 29 January to 1 February 2019, again at the same time as upakovka.

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