A leap in quality monitoring for beverage ingredients as well as line parameters

Dausch Technologies, Hall B3 – Booth 357

For years, the company Dausch Technologies, with its LiquiGuard programme, has been offering non-alcoholic beverage bottling plants the opportunity to precisely measure and visualise even small amounts of all relevant ingredients: total acid, caffeine, base material concentration, aromas, important sweeteners, B vitamins, Na benzoate as well as K sorbate or near water flavours. This is made possible by unique optical spectroscopy methods.

The LiquiGuard Gen3 system continuously measures the beverage flow every ten seconds, processes the sample immediately and displays the result clearly in tables or charts on screens: smartphone, tablet or PC. This means continuous, fully automated quality monitoring of all relevant beverage parameters.

However, what is completely new at Drinktec is that LiquiGuard Gen3, with the Quality Dashboard module, can not only process its “own” quality values, but also all data from all manufacturers involved: bottle weight, closure and torque, tightness of cans (seam parameters), carbon dioxide content, brix, conductivity, and much more. Consequently, the operating personnel on the line, as well as in the syrup room, in the quality assurance laboratory or even on the move, can query and check all values of the entire filling line at any time, in real time.

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