{"pages":{"page":[{"#text":"BOTTLE MAKING 22 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net R&D/Leverage expertise in new wine packaging concept Wine on-the-go The technical expertise of R&D/Leverage, especially in the beverage sector, has helped a visionary entrepreneur successfully launch his “now-why-didn’t-I-think-of-that!” product in just a few months. The novel idea rethinks the limitations of popular wine packaging and has positioned the company for eventual national distribution. The people and the idea When Mark Zimmer took a sip from a stale glass of wine, poured from a bottle that had been opened just a few nights before, he knew he could invent an environmentally friendly product that would be a better packaging solution for wine. He started sketching and the idea for “Stacked Wines” was born. He teamed up with two fellow University of California Paul Merage School of Business MBA students – Jodi Wynn and Doug Allan – to work to develop a product that would offer quality taste, simple style and convenience. They created a 100% recyclable packaging that not only preserves wine longer but allows wine drinkers to enjoy single serve glasses, at home or away. Matt Zimmer previously worked for Niagara Water, one of the largest bottlers in the United States, and has experience in product design and manufacturing equipment selection. He developed Stacked Wines’ proprietary technology, Vinoware - a totally recyclable container made of 100% virgin PET - and oversees all aspects of the company’s technology, production, and strategic positioning. Development What the team envisaged and sketched out was a practical and easily-stored four-pack of stem-less wine glasses that stack vertically, to form the equivalent of one full 750ml bottle of wine. Each individual serving was to communicate the look and feel of a real wine glass, delivered with the durability of plastic. A foil seal would preserve the wine’s freshness within each single serving and an overwrap would deliver brand messaging and consumer product information. The compact, stacked format, Zimmer believed, would offer retailers more effective use of shelfspace and logistics, as it would allow 30% more cases per truckload than other format options.","@ID":24} "REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 10 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net China The finalizing part of our Regional market report on China is dedicated to the interviews with Krones, Sipa, Wahaha and Bericap. Krones Machinery and Trading (Taicang): “We had and still have the right product at the right time: PET know-how, in particular aseptic know-how“. We met: Christian Blatt, General Manager Heinz Hennek, Technical & Business Director Lei Lei, Officer China/ Creations / Corporate Communications The organisational structure of Krones in Taicang is fundamentally different from the familiar pattern of a branch enterprise, as well as and in particular from competitive branches in China. This has to do with strategy which has been defined as follows: The sale of Krones’ products for China is controlled from Germany via branch offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Cheddong. (Project and sales activities carried out locally, but controlled from overseas). Responsibility for customers and customer care, for incoming orders and planning lies with the central sales office in Germany. by Wolfgang von Schroeter Machine manufacture – machines are core of entire systems - is carried out at the parent plant in Neutraubling, in direct proximity to Development and Design. Technical innovations are immediately incorporated into the goods supplied. At the same time – according to Krones – this ensures that new technologies are protected from being ripped off straight away and copied– at least to some extent. Thereafter tasks and duties of Krones in Taicang are at starting point. Here – in Taicang, approx. 30 km from Shanghai – is where Krones’ business is brought to a conclusion and this goes some way towards explaining the F.l.t.r. Heinz Hennek, Wolfgang von Schroeter, Christian Blatt Regional market reports China Part 4","@ID":12} "REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 11 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net successes of the last few years. Here in Taicang is where the support teams “Machines“ and “Trading“ are located. These are tasked with the following: Final assembly of the overall plant with the core machines from overseas in semi-knocked down condition and the local sections and elements. Customising, completion, testing and commissioning Simultaneous incorporation of the supply contract into the so-called ”Krones - Life Cycle Service (LCS)“ takes place. The “Life Cycle“project is handled jointly with the customer. First of all, Krones Taicang provides the fitters for assembly and commissioning. After this, at short periodical intervals, joint discussions are held with the customer before delivery as regards delivery, during site erection and commissioning, right up to the end of the guarantee period and even beyond up to the end of the productive life time of the equipment – at least this is the idea and intention. Another focus of Krones Taicang are tools for blow moulding, which are designed and manufactured locally – the latter incorporating a major outlay on machine tools and temperature control of the factory floor areas in order to take into account the requirement for high quality. The strategy is outlined by the General Manager – patiently, quietly, laid back, in a very matter-of-fact tone. This is the way it has to be, this is the way it is going to be, this is the way Christian Blatt sees things from his position at the helm. You get the feeling that, here in Taicang, matters follow a tranquil path – wholly in line with the spirits of Confucius. Cost pressures, those potentially ugly by-products of the intense competition, difficulties as regards quality assurance, conflicts of understandings with the ‘Long Noses’ (Westerners), all these seem to be forgotten in the Krones world in Taicang, in a world of total concentration and success. An oasis of calm in a turbulent world – as it appears. In any event, any compulsion to reel the orders in lies in Germany. Of one thing there is no doubt: Life Cycle is a convincing and successful concept in China. Krones’ share in the various markets is growing. The factory is expanding. Christian Blatt is modest about his obvious success and says: ”Everyone is doing well – KHS with JV, Sidel with local production, Krones with localised customer service. We had and have the right product at the right time: PET know-how, in particular aseptic know-how. For the cost sensitive and mid-size Chinese customer we also have hot fill. Both markets are rising.” Machine population 400 blowers are installed today, approx. 50% blocked, especially all recent deliveries (in 2006 it was 50 blowers). Market share is rising. Krones themselves tell us that they supply 50 customers in China. 15 of these are the “big boys“ in the market. This remarkable development since 2006 is accompanied by the fact that there are also 6,000 Krones stand-alone machines for the local service team to look after. In 2006 the figure was 2,000. We at PETplanet have ceased to be amazed at this explosion in orders and content ourselves with simply reporting the facts. However, some pertinent questions are in order: PETplanet: The huge order intake and the optimistic forecasts of today – might they be concealing the risk that the company is building up its personnel resources which could prove to be an embarrassment should business start to decline? Christian Blatt: The volatility relates to Germany which is where the greater part of the machinery comes from. There it is possible to compensate for the market cycles. Here in Taicang, where we are, the service carries on – with and without new deliveries. Spares are needed and retro-fits. Our organization stands by the customers, now as always, regardless of the temperature of current business”. Organisation A team of representatives run field offices throughout the country – coming under the responsibility of the overall German sales team – with around 80 people. At the Taicang location the “Machines“ and “Trading” teams sum up to a total of approx. 350 persons.The PET Centre is subdivided into two specialist groups: The PET Department for R&D of PET bottles, for manufacturing tools, prototyping, trouble shooting and enhanced service. The Aseptic Department for start-up and commissioning of the installations at the customer’s premises, for validation and re-validation. A plant tour During the past few years the factory has been extended twice and there has been a considerable growth in the production area. On the day of our visit there were four block installations in final assembly. Annual output: 60 machines (Krones count). Impressive features included in particular the fleet of machines for manufacturing blow moulds in a fully air-conditioned bay – this to control the tolerances, thus ensuring quality. Capacity: 250 blow moulds per year. (With reference to a noteworthy, particular and spectacular Krones project in Tibet read PETplanet issue 6/2006 and 4/2010.) Lei Lei, CC Officer, Krones China","@ID":13} "27 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Conveyors Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Caps and closures Preform moulds and SBM moulds Preforms Preform and single stage machinery SBM machinery Compressors Filling equipment Resins and additives Suppliers of filling equipment: Traditionally we mark the occasion of the Brau Beviale exhibition with the publication of our market overview of filling equipment suppliers. This year eight companies from four different countries will be taking part. They are: GEA Procomac (Italy), KHS (Germany), Krones (Germany), Sacmi (Italy), Serac (France), Sidel (France), Sipa (Italy) und Vipoll (Slovenia). The companies are shown in the table in the order in which their details were received by the editors. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 11/2012 MARKETsurvey Company name Vipoll d.o.o. Sipa Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 9242 Križevci pri Ljutomeru, Slovenia +386 25888450 www.vipoll.si Stanko Zver Director +386 25888450 +386 25888460 [email protected] Via Caduti del Lavoro n. 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) Italy +39 0438 911511 www.sipa.it Matteo Tagliaferri Marketing and Communication +39 0521 548111 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Visitron Isofill P Isotronic SC Stillfill S Stillfill R\\HR Unitronic SC 2. Number of filling heads (range: from/to) from 6 to 140 20 - 160 50 - 160 20 - 140 20 - 140 20 - 160 3. Filling speed/output - based on litre PET bottles a. Still water (1l bph) 60,000 63,000 67,600 No 63,000 b. Carbonated drinks with 8g CO² (1l bph) 51,000 (CMW) 60,000 (CMW) No No No c. Milk (1l bph) No No No No 53,000 d. Fresh fruit juice (1l bph) 53,000 55,000 67,600 55,000 53,000 4. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) Volumetric/isobaric filling Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pressure filling (carbonated drinks) Volumetric/isobaric filling Yes Yes Hot filling Volumetric/isobaric filling Yes Yes Yes Cold aseptic filling Volumetric/isobaric filling Juices with high pulp content Mass flow measurement Yes Yes 5. Type of filling valve and metering system Volumetric, mass flow measurement Isobaric mechanical level filling valve Isobaric volumetric filling valve Mechanical gravity filling valve Mechanical gravity filling; valve with recirculation Gravity volumetric filling valve","@ID":29} "BOTTLING / FILLING 24 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net The average per capita consumption of mineral water in Switzerland is about 122l/a. Much of this comes from the over 20 mineral water springs in Switzerland itself. One of these is Bad Knutwil. The newest development to come out of the plant, the CellaNova brand, is a special beverage that provides natural cell protection and is only sold in PET bottles. Just recently the company invested in a KHS InnoPET Blomax Series IV stretch blow moulder and in a KHS Innopro Paramix C dosing and blending system. Mineralquelle Bad Knutwil, to give it its full Swiss name, was first mentioned in 1484. For centuries spa guests especially profited from the favourable mineral properties of the healing spring water. In the middle of the 20th century the spring began marketing its product further afield, initially supplying clinics and schools and later branching out into the hospitality and food trades. The mineral water bottling plant underwent major change when the company was taken over by Robert Schmidlin in 2001. “As someone who knows the trade, my fascination with mineral water plus the fascination of owning my own company prompted me to invest in the Bad Knutwil plant at the age of 55”, states Schmidlin. In retrospect this was exactly the right thing to do, as today the company is flourishing. Schmidlin has helped to prepare Mineralquelle Bad Knutwil for the future to the best of his ability. In 2010 he sold the mineral water bottling plant to Oskar K Schwenk. When Schmidlin decided to purchase Mineralquelle Bad Knutwil, sales figures were at just two million litres. These have now climbed to 12 million litres, with sales continuously rising over the years without any drops or peaks in the sales curve. When the plant was taken over in 2001, the number of personnel totalled just five. Today, the company employs 20 people. Mineral water quality Thanks to its low nitrate (0.1mg/l) and sulphur levels (19–21mg/l), the mineral properties of Bad Knutwil’s water are beneficial for inclusion in a low-sodium diet and for preparing children’s food. Mineral water from the Bad Knutwil spring is available in the classic carbonated version, as moderately carbonated water, and as still spring water. In 2001 the percentage of still mineral water sold was just 5% of the total sales figure. In the meantime, this figure has greatly increased and is now at 40%. Of the remaining 60%, 15% is attributable to the low carbonated water variant, with the lion’s share going to the plant’s classic fizzy beverage. With sales at 80%, mineral water is still the most successful segment at the Bad Knutwil mineral water bottling plant. The spring also sells a range of soft drinks like orange, grape, and citro soda pops, and the near-water brand products RedLine, WhiteLine, and YellowLine. RedLine tastes of lemon balm and raspberry, WhiteLine of elderberry blossom and grape, and YellowLine of pear, apple, and lemon balm. Trend towards PET bottles As ‘young products’ the company’s near-water beverages are bottled exclusively in PET, with the classic soda pops and mineral waters available to consumers in both glass and PET bottles. The ratio of glass to PET fillings at the mineral water plant is 1:1. “We’re seeing a clear move towards the PET bottle,” says Schmidlin. “We’re also reckoning on a strong growth in the PET segment in the future.” *Based on an article by Lutz Müller, Manager of KHS GmbH Switzerland, Wolfwil Bad Knutwil mineral water bottling plant invests in KHS technology Edelweiss, in a bottle! The Bad Knutwil mineral water bottling plant has recently started manufacturing its PET bottles on a KHS Innopet Blomax IV","@ID":26} "EDITOURS REPORTS 34 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net July 10, 2012 Protey, Zhukov Manufacturers of preforms, bottles and jars (f.l.t.r.) Dmitriy Naidenov (Chairman) and Kay Krüger July 11, 2012 Husky, Moscow Refurbishment, Service and Spare Parts Center (f.l.t.r.) Roland Koch (Business Manager Russia), Kirill Soltanovsky (Refurbishment Center Manager) and Igor Kim (PET Regional Manager CEE & CIS) July 11, 2012 Safe Cap, Fryazino Manufacturers of caps and closures (f.l.t.r.) Alexey Gavrilov (Chain supply and Development Director), Mikhail Goncharov (Commercial Director), Sergey Lebedev (General Director) and Kay Krüger July 12, 2012 Netstal, Moskau Sales Office, Service and Spare Parts (f.l.t.r.) Kay Krüger, Sergey Kozhin (Sales Manager Russia & CIS) and Svetlana Ansimova (Sales Manager) July 13, 2012 Bericap, Bor Manufacturers of caps and closures (f.l.t.r.) Kay Krüger with Sergey Litskevitch (General Director) July 21, 2012 Bering, Ufa Manufacturers of bottles for metics, pharmaceuticals, cleaning media, liquid soaps (f.l.t.r.) Michael Maruschke and Raoul Khasano July 24, 2012 Kamenka Brauerei, Kamenka Brewery and bottlers of Kamenka Beers The Kamenka Team with Ilya Golovachev (Development Manager, second from left) and Michael Maruschke (right) July 26, 2012 Rosinka, Lipetsk Bottlers of mineral waters, tea, CSDs (f.l.t.r.) Vladimir Trofimov (Board of Directors) with Michael Maruschke July 26, 2012 Lipetsk Pivo - Brewery and bottlers of beer, lemonade and soft drinks, water and Kwas View of Lipetsk Pivo’s production hall July 30, 2012 Aqua-Don, Rostov-on-Don Bottlers of carbonated and non-carbonated water (f.l.t.r.) Interpreter, Sergey Zaichenko (General Director) and Michael Maruschke July 30, 2012 Baltika, Rostov-on-Don Brewery, bottlers of “Baltika“ beers (f.l.t.r.) Michael Maruschke with Dmitry Mitskevich (Public Relations Department)","@ID":36} "PETcontents 11/12 4 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 46 Products 46 Bottles: Beverages and Liquid Food 47 Bottles: Home and Personal Care 48 Patents MARKET SURVEY 27 Suppliers of filling equipment EDITOUR REPORT 32 Russia, Ukraine and Poland Go To brau Beviale Tour 2012 Part 1 TRADESHOW PREVIEW 38 The PET selection Brau Beviale Nuremberg, November 13 - 15, 2012 REGIONAL MARKET REPORT 10 China - Part 4 BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 18 For all the tea in China The Chinese beverage market trends in flavours and ingredients PREFORM PRODUCTION 20 Wavy body A rapid guide to perfect preforms - Part 34 BOTTLE MAKING 22 Wine on-the-go R&D/Leverage expertise in new wine packaging concept BOTTLING / FILLING 24 Edelweiss, in a bottle! Bad Knutwil mineral water bottling plant invests in KHS technology BUYER’S GUIDE 49 Get listed! Page 24 Page 18 Page 22","@ID":6} "PETnews 6 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Uhde Inventa-Fischer to build Europe`s biggest PET plant for JBF Industries Ltd. The plant engineering and construction company Uhde Inventa-Fischer is to build a PET plant for its Indian customer JBF Industries Ltd. The plant is based on Uhde InventaFischer’s Melt-To-Resin (MTR) technology and will have a total name plate capacity of 432,000t/a. It will be located in Geel, Belgium, and will produce PET for bottling and packaging applications. Feedstock terephthalic acid will be produced by BP Chembel N.V. on the same site and supplied. Integration of a 54,000t/a Flakes-To-Resin (FTR) recycling line will also allow 25% of the PTA required for the production of PET to be replaced with recycling material. The FTR process is FDA-approved, which certifies that the quality of the PET pellets produced is adequate for food applications. Uhde Inventa-Fischer’s scope of supplies includes the know-how licence for the MTR- and FTR technologies, the basic- and detail engineering, supply of all plant components and supervision of the construction and commissioning activities. The operating personnel will also be trained by Uhde InventaFischer’s specialists. The detail engineering for the project will be carried out by Uhde Inventa-Fischer and Uhde India Private Ltd., thus bearing testimony to international cooperation within the Thyssen Krupp Uhde group network. www.uhde-inventa-fischer.com Italy reports recovery in machinery volumes Italian trade association Assocomaplast, which represents around 160 manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery, has reported that its members have experienced higher trade in imports and exports in the first half of 2012 compared to the same period in 2011. Imports, while less than previous quarters in 2012, grew by 6% over 2011, to a value approaching €300 million. Exports increased by 11%, to more than €1.23 billion. The main types of machinery exported were extruders (approximately 12% of the total); blow-moulding machines (+16%) and moulds (+28%), which represent 28% of the total. However, exports of injection machines fell by 14%, primarily due to a slump in European sales, especially to Russia, although volumes are reported to be rising in European markets outside the EU. Exports to African countries, especially Sub-Saharan Africa, are increasing, although from a lower value base. Sales of machines and moulds are climbing in the Americas, especially in the Nafta area, with Mexico leading. Brazil, by contrast, has slowed down. Lower demand in China and India has seen Far Eastern markets stagnate, and the unstable political situation has led to falls in exports to the Near and Middle East. The top five countries for Italian exports are Germany, France, Russia, USA and China. www.assocomaplast.org Husky launches next-generation HyCap Husky Injection Molding Systems has announced the commercial launch of its next generation HyCAP system, which was introduced at NPE 2012 (see PETplanet Insider Issue 4, p 36). The new system adds to Husky’s existing suite of beverage closures products and is the first to utilise the resources of closure mouldmaker KTW. Changes made to the HyCap hot runner include modified insulation technology and heating requirements to reduce energy consumption. Husky maintains that the development of a complete integrated solution has enabled it to streamline how each discrete component works together, in order to deliver industry-leading cycle times. A new mould design is claimed to improve overall operational productivity and to maximise uptime by eliminating unnecessary stoppages and facilitating easier maintenance. The mould incorporates features to provide easy set-up and improved longevity, while eliminating the need for sensors to monitor specific components. www.husky.ca Management shake-up at Corvaglia Thomas Marder, formerly CEO and member of the Corvaglia Group’s board of directors, left the company on 1 October 2012 due to differences of opinion about the Group’s future direction. Operational control has passed back to Romeo Corvaglia, company owner and chairman of the board. Franco Bischof has taken over Thomas Marder’s position on the board, which will see a third member appointed once a suitable candidate has been recruited. Thomas Marder was a member of the board from 2009 and became Corvaglia Group CEO in summer 2011. Romeo Corvaglia thanked Mr Marder for his contribnution to the company and acknowledged his “significant contribution to the consolidation and ongoing development of Corvaglia Closures Eschlikon AG”. www.corvaglia.ch","@ID":8} "PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de 48 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Multilayer bottle Europ. Award of Patent No. EP 2281752 B1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokio (JP) Date of Application: 20.4.2009 A plastic bottle consists of a multilayer material. Within this composite structure the individual materials are specially arranged to achieve optimum stability of the container and to avoid any delamination of the individual layers e.g. if a bottle is dropped. Plastic bottle Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 043362 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co., Tokio (JP) Date of Application: 22.9.2011 A plastic bottle intended for hot filling is fitted with a variable bottom section which absorbs the deformation forces that arise during filling and subsequent cooling. The bottle stands on the outer edge of its bottom section. Easy open closure Disclosure No. DE 102010062223 A1 Applicant: Bericap Holding GmbH, Budenheim (D) Date of Application: 30.11.2010 Push-pull closure that can be operated using one hand only and which is also sufficiently leakproof even when lying on its side or subjected to vibration. The closure is released for opening by deploying a rotational movement. This is carried out by means of an activating lever that twists the outer section of the closure. Threadless closure Disclosure No. DE 102009042716 A1 Applicant: Torben Schmidt-Czepulis-Rastenis, Hamburg (D) Date of Application: 23.9.2009 Structure and mode of operation of a closure for a PET bottle. The closure dispenses with the need for a thread and hooks in under one edge of the bottle. It is also suitable for carbonated drinks. Variable bottom section Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 057026 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co., Tokio (JP) Date of Application: 21.10.2011 The shape of bottom section of a plastic bottle is such that it is able to compensate for the volume changes that develop during hot filling and subsequent cooling. Plastic bottle 2 Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 043371 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co., Tokio (JP) Date of Application: 22.9.2011 A plastic bottle intended for hot filling applications is fitted with a variable bottom section that absorbs the deformation forces that emerge during filling and subsequent cooling. Particular attention is paid in this application to a description of the moulding of the bottom section.","@ID":50} "REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 14 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Over and above this, there are 100 Sacmi compression moulding machines for caps and closures (32 cavities) in operation, by comparison to 28 back in 2006. Shao Jin Rong: “We are thoroughly satisfied with the quality of our machines and the service we have received from the manufacturers and suppliers. As regards the contracts awarded most recently, we can include Netstal/Hofstetter – they have supplied us with nine preform systems. The blow moulding / filling lines acquired this year also come from Krones“. And the boom in investments goes on and is continuing because the beverages market is continuing to grow and Wahaha is determined to defend its share of the market (approx. 10%) – on the basis of the simple formula explained by Shao Jin Rong, Chief of the Machinery & Engineering Department. We have already mentioned the formula in the introduction (PETplanet Insider 07/2012). If the growth does indeed continue, the Chinese market will need a total of 300 blowers, 300 fillers and also 300 preform systems a year – at any rate according to Wahaha’s calculations. And it is for this reason that Wahaha needs to invest in 30 new lines every year and also in 30 preform systems in order to maintain its market share of 10% – this assuming a minimum 16% growth in the beverages market. (This might have been a slight miscalculation, as the company’s growth has outpaced the market over the last few years). The beverages market in China is continuing to grow The losers in this scenario of global record-breaking are undoubtedly the converters who, although they too are experiencing growth, are not enjoying the same heady rates. The major beverages bottlers – originally the major customers of the converters – have in the meantime become selfsufficient suppliers of PET preforms and bottles. Naturally, not every figure and every detail featured in the discussions at the Chinese round table passes the absolute truth test – not even where the experts are involved. But the fact that growth in China is setting new standards is undisputed. The boom does indeed exist, as does the potential for significant business. Products and strategies definitely need to keep abreast of this rapid development. They also need to be available at the right time – to pass the test. Wahaha is the best example; it has passed the test with flying colours.","@ID":16} "BOTTLING / FILLING 25 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 The newest development to come out of the plant, the CellaNova brand, is also only sold in PET bottles. The beverage contains minerals, amino acids, polyphenols, cranberry and pomegranate juice, and also extract of edelweiss, among other ingredients and is designed to enhance the mental and physical wellbeing of the consumer. CellaNova was launched to market in Switzerland in 2010 and, despite its relatively high price (approx. CHF2.5 or €2.00 for 0.5l), it sold 150,000 0.5l PET bottles in its first year. This figure doubled in 2011. Schmidlin expects a further boost in sales for 2012. Incidentally, the bottling plant has its own edelweiss farm especially planted for the CellaNova brand so that it has direct access to the edelweiss extract needed for the beverage. “We’ve trodden the right path with our near-water beverages and CellaNova”, Schmidlin pronounces. “Of our total soft drinks sales, the share of our ‘young’ soft drinks is now already 30%. And this is on the up.” In-house production of PET bottles In the past Mineralquelle Bad Knutwil had ordered PETbottles. This meant high outgoings for transportation and that large areas had to be reserved for storage of the PET bottles. What’s more, as the assortment of PET bottles was ordered based on experience, sudden changes in consumer demand or additional orders sometimes led to shortfalls in the number of PET bottles on site. The machine ordered by Bad Knutwil to produce the bottles in-house was an InnoPET Blomax Series IV from KHS Corpoplast. It has been equipped with eight blow stations for the mineral water bottling plant, each of which can output up to 2,200bph. An hourly total capacity of up to 17,600 PET bottles is possible. If Bad Knutwil needs to switch the size of bottle from Röders GmbH / Scheibenstr. 6 / 29614 Soltau / Germany / www.roeders.de Telephone +49 5191-603-53 / Fax +49 5191-603-36 / E-Mail [email protected] For our subsidiaries in China, USA and Latin America please check our website. PET STRETCH BLOW MOULDS VISIT US Hall 5 Booth 419 Nov. 13 - 15, 2012 0.5l to 1.5l, the stretching motion can still be carried out at the same rate as at a higher machine velocity despite the slower machine rotation speed. This ensures maximum process stability. As a consequence, preforms can be optimised down to the last tenth of a gram of PET material. Particularly where changeovers to new bottle formats are concerned, the InnoPET Blomax again profits from the use of servo technology. There is no need to change or mechaniRobert Schmidlin, managing director of Mineralquelle Bad Knutwil","@ID":27} "REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 15 Bericap (Kunshan) “Expansion is also a protective measure: we need to grow at least as much as our market grows.” We met: Edward Lee Kuan Hua, Marketing & Sales Director Albert Tan, Sales Manager/ Speciality And briefly; Michael Chen, Managing Director Edward Lee Kuan Hua, Marketing & Sales Director Bericap (Kunshan) Bericap – despite producing caps and closures from PM plastics material – are part of the PET family, and were therefore invited to participate in the PET regional research. In response to our question “Is the trend towards business migrating from the converters to the brand owners and fillers continuing as regards the manufacture of caps and closures as well?”, Edward Lee, Marketing and Sales Director, answered: “Yes. We are also noticing the trend. But we are also noticing that brand owners often run into difficulties. My own view is: They should leave injection moulding caps and closures to the specialist, since it is not their core business. They are made welcome when they come back to Bericap. Many do indeed reverse their decision.” Edward Lee is born and educated in Taiwan. He graduated in food technology, and joined Bericap in 2005. He is part of a team of three directors under Managing Director Michael Chen. We travel for nigh on two hours through the customary chaos of the traffic in Shanghai to Kunshan, one of the numerous industrial areas where premises, logistics and infrastructure aplenty are on offer and industry makes use of this by building ultra-modern offices and production locations. This is where Bericap has established itself – with its Chinese head office and production facility. Kunshan is the Chinese location, one of Bericap’s 22 global closure manufacturing sites in a total of 20 countries.","@ID":17} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 40 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net CSI Hall 4 | Booth 536 Linerless for hot-fill Aptar Food + Beverage will showcase its Original family of standard flip-top sports closures, available in 28mm PCO 1810 and 1881, 30-25 and 38mm. Aptar have now gone one step further and extended this family, introducing Contender, a 38mm linerless flip-top closure suitable for hot-fill applications. Until now flip-top sports caps have required the use of a liner for hot-filling. Contender will be on show at Brau Beviale, along with other developments, including Aptar’s new bi-injected pouring closure, Duo, and the first full wet-aseptic flip-top closure, Asepta, which has innovative tamper evidence and opening features. Aptar is also a recognised partner for custom solutions in many different applications, such as Britvic Turbo Tango, the first CSD in a PET aerosol pack, which uses Aptar foam valve, actuator and overcap. The latest Tropicana multi-serve pack launched in the U.S. in transparent PET uses a new flip-top pouring closure developed by Aptar. Kraft uses Aptar SimpliSqueeze silicone valve dispensing in Mio, their new liquid concentrate. www.aptar.com Aptar Hall 4 | Booth 336 Capped and closed CSI will be displaying a wide range of plastic closures for coldfill, aseptic-fill, and hot-fill applications for the beverage and beer markets. The product range includes 26mm closures, 28mm 1881 and PCO caps, and 38mm caps as well as a range of sport closures. In addition to capping solutions, CSI will be featuring its Series 5000 Combi stainless steel capper. The series 5000 Combi capper allows the application of metal roll on and plastic screw closures with cap-in-head on a single capper for glass, plastic, and aluminium containers. Also on show will be the Series 8000 NoLub capper, which uses permanently greased and sealed off bearings and does not require any lubrication over a 6,000h maintenance window. In combination with CSI’s XT6 headset, which also has a 6,000h maintenance free window with no lubrication required, CSI offers a no lube handling capping solution for grease/lubrication sensitive customers. Furthermore, CSI Machinery offers the grease and lubrication free metal roll on headset called VK900XT. This headset does not require any grease or oiling at any moment in time. www.csiclosures.com GEA Procomac Hall 7 | Booth 602 Blocked or stand-alone GEA Procomac will be exhibiting their range of aseptic filling technology. Visitors will also be able to investigate the recently introduced One bloc system, an integrated blowing and filling solution for still or sparkling water and soft drinks without the need for air conveyors between the two machines. One bloc is available in two different configurations: Aero is the standard configuration, with a glass protection around the filler that provides safety and an open environment with maximum operator accessibility; the absence of base frames avoids any stagnation in the filling area and offers easy accessibility to the machine. Aeroring configuration allows the filling of CSD products without the use of preservatives in an optimal manner and, also thanks to a slanted base frame, it is completely and easily cleanable with an automatic foaming cycle. The Fillstar LX series, volumetric electronic fillers with magnetic flow meters for water and any product filled in standard or ultra-clean conditions, and the new Fillstar LXi series, with the same features as the LX filler that can also handle carbonated drinks, has been designed to be coupled with the Airstar blow moulder to create the One bloc but are also available in stand-alone configuration with or without rinser. www.procomac.it","@ID":42} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 43 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net designed by Moretto Exclusive Wave movement: four oscillating arms to empty completely octabins and big bags. OKTOBAG IT’S TIME TO EMPTY THE BAG www.moretto.com HALL 7A STAND 519 Weight savings with closures Bericap has already been able to convert a large portion of its different beverage closures into lighter weight versions that fit the respective bottlenecks. The resulting saving of granulate permits an annual reduction in CO2 production of some 60,000t. The company has developed 33mm closures for hot fillings which are available in two versions, flat screw closure and ‘PushPull sport closure’ which completely does without an aluminium sealing foil. Both versions of the closure have the DoubleSeal system. The DoubleSeal 33mm is equipped with a cut and folded safety strip that opens the first time the bottle is opened. The bottleneck and closure can be up to 39% lighter than the 38mm closure system. The 33mm closure that is based on the DoubleSeal has a folded and cut safety strip that breaks the first time the bottle is opened. It can also be used on all conventional aseptic systems with dry or wet sterilisation. Berciap’s Push Pull Next Generation closure does not require an aluminium foil as a seal. The Three-part Push Push Pull Next Generation is equipped with DoubleSeal technology. The 38mm closure has been used for aspetic fillings up to now and is appropriate for wet and dry sterilisation processes. The successful qualification of the 33mm Push Pull Next Generation for the hot filling process by a multi-national beverage filler in Latin America is a new feature. The bottlenecks for PET 29/25 and PET 26 were developed for still beverages, in particular for non-carbonated water running in parallel with PCO 1881. Both bottlenecks have now been established by Cetie as European standards. The SuperShorty-Family is designed e.g. for oxygen-sensitive beer in PET packaging, aseptic filling or carbonated beverages. In the standard PCO 1881 range, Bericap offers six different closures with different weights, upon request also in customized design. www.bericap.com Bericap Hall 4 | Booth 511 Modular labeller Micro-breweries, which produce traditional cask ales, do not run their production at high speed. This is the market P.E.Labellers is targeting with a self-adhesive medium-low speed labelling machine, the ‘Modular’. If there is a need to change the current application, the existing labelling units can be replaced with a unit using a different technology. Modules on trolley and fixed stations are available for cold glue, hot-melt, self-adhesive (even no-stop), and roll-fed. Modular is available in two versions.The one for midlow speeds will be exhibited at Brau Beviale. The second version, largesized, is able to achieve speeds up to 72.000bph.This labeller is equipped with servomotors with integrated drive., an electronic cam system, programmable by touch screen panel operator. Optical spotting systems, including cameras, can be integrated on request on this version. The company will be present at Brau Beviale together with Procme GmbH, its exclusive agent for the German market. www.pelabellers.com P.E. Labellers Hall 7 | Booth 815","@ID":45} "BOTTLE MAKING 18 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net The Chinese beverage market trends in flavours and ingredients For all the tea in China The Chinese beverage market is not only growing in volume, but is also providing a challenge for global suppliers of flavours and ingredients. We wanted to know more about the Chinese market, and what, if any, trends can be identified. We put our questions to Yan Wu, Marketing Manager Wild China. Main trends PETplanet: In terms of flavour, what are the main trends in China? And how do they differ from global trends? Yan Wu: Fashions in flavour differ between categories. For example, in the carbonated drinks segment, cola flavours are the most popular, whereas for juice drinks and nectars, orange is the consumers’ favourite flavour. Looking further afield, in the functional drinks category, the classic energy flavour is most popular, and black tea is preferred when it comes to tea. A significant difference between China and other countries is that throughout our extensive history, health and natural medicines have always been deeply rooted in our culture. This helps to explain why natural herbs and fruits are prominent ingredients in hinese drinks. PETplanet: How have these trends changed in recent years, and where are they heading? Yan Wu: Economic improvements in China’s standard of living have been well documented in recent years. What is less frequently reported is the influence that this has on Chinese consumer requirements concerning everyday products, such as foods and beverages. Chinese consumers are becoming increasingly health conscious, with many consumers going on a strict diet in a personal effort to improve their health. This may be summed up with the term Lohas, which stands for ‘A Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability’. As a result of China’s changing economic situation, together with changes in consumer behaviour, Chinese consumers are increasingly looking for high-quality products that cater to this changing lifestyle and are increasingly favouring products with healthy attributes. Another emerging theme in China is the increasing level of pressure upon employees’ work-life balance, a factor that we all greatly value. As such, consumers are seeking beverages that are convenient, healthy, and able to stimulate by providing a much needed source of energy. This is especially evident amongst the younger generation in China.","@ID":20} "Vol.6 PETplanet print PREFORM PRODUCTION 20 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net The rapid guide to perfect preforms - part 34 Wavy Body Troubleshooting guides have suffered in the past from being locked away in offices and not being available to the people that actually need them. Considering the high cost of machine and tools high scrap rates can be a costly proposition eating away at already tight margins. PETplanet’s “Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms” takes a different approach. It has been written for the people on the floor of injection moulding companies to support their daily work in making the best preforms possible. The product of two industry experts, Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau, it gives concrete advice on 35 of the most common problems in preform manufacture, most illustrated by pictures. From high AA levels to wavy bodies processors can find help when they need it. Read chapter 34 of the guide. Symptom A warped, rolling or uneven section on the preform body, usually formed or oriented in the axial direction. Cause Poor contact cooling on the exterior of the preform causes uneven shrinkage. Solutions 1. Check that the cooling time isn’t too little for the preform being moulded. This typically ranges from about 1 to 3sec depending upon the preform wall thickness. Increase time if necessary to improve solidification. Table of Contents i........................ About the Authors ii.................................Introduction Chapter 1.............................. AA Level High 2........................ Accordion Preform 3....................... Air hooks / Streaks 4............................... Black Specks 5...................................... Bubbles 6..................................Burn Marks 7...........................Colour Streaking ................................... /Peeling 8..................................Crystallinity 9.................................Drool Marks 10.......................................... Flash 11......................... Gate Depressions 12............................... Gate Peeling 13..................Gate Voids / Pin Holes 14......................... Internal Gate Sink 15................................Internal Sinks 2. Check to ensure hold (packing) pressure isn’t too low, especially near the beginning of hold time. Adjust higher if necessary to improve solidification. 3. Check that the hold (packing) time isn’t too little for the preform being moulded. Increase as necessary to improve solidification. 4. Check water cooling temperature. This should be 7 – 10ºC (45 – 50ºF) for optimum cooling. 5. Check water cooling flow to mould and robot receptacles. This should be at the mould manufacturers rating (for a given preform size and cavitation). 6. Check injection time isn’t too low (injection rate too fast) and adjust if necessary. Injection rate should be about 10 – 12g/sec/cavity. 7. Check that the valve stems are opening properly. A partially open valve stem may restrict melt flow. 8. Check to ensure that the valve gate compressed air pressure is sufficient to open the valve stems properly. Typical pressures are in the range of 8 – 10bar (120 – 145psi). 9. Check all temperature readings and adjust as necessary. PET resin should be melted at about 280ºC (536ºF) +/- 10ºC (18ºF). Reduce as necessary. 16........................................ IV Loss 17............................ Long Gate Nub 18...............................Milky Preform 19............................ Moisture Marks 20................Neck Finish out of Round 21....................... Parting Line Crease 22.................Parting Line Deformation 23......................... Preform Yellowing 24.................................. Short Shots 25.......................................... Sinks 26......................................... Splay 27........................... Stretched Necks 28..................................... Stringing 29......................... Surface Blemishes 30......................... Thread Flow Lines 31........ TSS (Top Sealing Surface) Sink 32.......................................Unmelts 33.................Wall Thickness Variation 34.. .................................Wavy Body 35.................................. Weld Lines","@ID":22} "EDITOURS REPORTS 36 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net July 31, 2012 Etalon, Novosibirsk Manufacturers of preforms Rolf Sinkovec meets the Etalon Team Interviews submitted later: Yug Rusi, Rostov-on-Don; Bottlers of edible oils Europlast, Rostov-on-Don; Manufacturers of preforms, caps and closures Interviews in Ukraine September 4, 2012 Retal, Dnipropetrovsk Manufacturers of preforms, closures and foils (f.l.t.r.) Andrey Matsekh (Director), Waldemar Schmitke, Yuriy Khmara (Member of the Board) and Alexander Büchler September 5, 2012 Inter-PET, Zaporizhzhya Recycling of PET bottles to create preforms Inter-PET’s production control panel from Siemens Interviews in Poland September 10, 2012 Zywiec Zdroj, Wegierska Gorka Bottlers of mineral water Editourmobil next to driveway to Zywiec Zdroj September 11, 2012 Alpla, Zywiec Manufacturers of preforms and bottles (f.l.t.r.) Stanislaw Biernat (Plant Manager) and Waldemar Schmitke September 11, 2012 GTX-Hanex, Dabrowa Gornicza Manufacturers of preforms, bottles and foil (f.l.t.r.) Dr Dariusz Lizak and Alexander Büchler Interviews submitted later: Cisowianka, Naleczow, Bottlers of carbonated and non-carbonated water Madrox, Minsk Mazowiecki, Manufacturers of bottles, jars and closures September 4, 2012 Slavutich Brewery, Zaporizhzhya Brewery and bottlers of beers, Kwas and soft drinks The Slavutich brewery team with Waldemar Schmitke September 6, 2012 Sandora, Mykolayiv Bottlers of soft drinks, carbonated and non-carbonated (incl. Pepsi), juices, teas, wine (f.l.t.r.) Mr Volodymyr Yehorenko (Manufacturing Director) and Waldemar Schmitke September 7, 2012 PET Technologies, Chernihiv Manufacturers of bottling and packaging systems, moulds, peripherals (f.l.t.r.) Maxim Poliansky (Commercial Director) and Aleksandr Suvorov (Owner) Interviews submitted later: Oldi PET, Vasyshcheve. Manufacturers of preforms; Vinni Fruit, Kalynivka. Bottlers of fruit juices","@ID":38} "BOTTLE MAKING 23 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 Stacked Wines’ Vinoware patentpending container has been designed to resemble a stemless wine glass. It is made of recyclable plastic and has a shelf life of 12-14 months. Shelf life is a function of container design and filling/sealing method, which, the company says, is difficult to get right. The young company needed industrial expertise as it sought to commercialise its vision – and time was of the essence, as the competition included established standard bottled wines, as well as the increasingly-popular boxed wine concepts. “As a start-up, with limited capital and a new concept, we needed to get into production fast and have the design and tooling right – the first time,” said Zimmer. The expertise was not available in-house, so he turned to R&D/Leverage. Jeff Beason, Project Engineer, R&D/Leverage, explained that his team essentially “tweaked” the customer’s initial product sketches and, in just three weeks, delivered a manufacturable design with the snap-together feature that was a key to enhanced consumer and trade functionality. “Our design evaluation was done in early April 2011 and we got an approved design on April 22,” said Beason. The creation of the snap-together feature was critical to the success of the stacking design, and that feature involved precise undercuts. “It was a challenge, and we got it done - and quickly.” The name ‘Vinoware’ has been trademarked, in order to illustrate the technological achievement; its barrier qualities have been achieved with R&D’s expertise. The unit tool was built in early June, with a final sample delivered in late August. The production tool was shipped November 10th. In the course of development, R&D/Leverage provided some converter contact information for producing the containers in the general area of the filler. Once the converter was chosen, R&D/Leverage designed the tool to run on a single stage machine. Current capacity is around 10 million units/a. The final product The tear-apart stack of singleserve packages is being filled with Merlot, Pinot Grigio, or Chardonnay. The premium California wine is carefully selected by the company’s in-house sommelier to reflect the settings where they will be consumed. It has launched initially in California, which is the USA’s premier wine production area and is also home to Stacked Wines’ head office at Newport Beach. Regional sales volumes have validated Zimmer’s vision, with marketing targeted at home use, picnics, sporting events and other informal social events. “We are in roughly 400 accounts in Southern California,” he said. “As a result, we will continue to expand distribution and, in time, become a national brand.” www.rdleverage.com www.stackedwines.com","@ID":25} "PETbottles 46 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Beverages & Liquid Food Do-it-yourself Frappuccino In the growing market of milky drinks with coffee, which are preferably drunk chilled, Messrs. Arla Foods have, in collaboration with Starbucks, brought the Frappuccino products, well-known from the chain’s branches, on to retail shelves. The product, which is available in several variants, is bottled in rectangular, clear PET bottles each containing 250ml. A colour-matched sleeve label and a tamper-proof screw cap – both sporting the famous Starbucks logo - round off the packaging. www.starbucksonthego.com Inka Cola Inca Cola, which originated in Peru and was invented in 1910, distinguishable from other types of Cola by virtue of its taste and appearance, can be found in a PET bottle on retail shelves. The waisted bottle, with a content of 500ml, is fitted with a paper label and a matching colour screw cap with tamper-proof seal which enables re-closure. www.incakolausa.com Maté with Stevia Recently a variation of the drink Maté, which originated in South America and which is renowned as a stimulating drink and active against fatigue, became available using Stevia as a sweetener. With its flavour of Maracuja, the drink has a proportion of fruit juice of 13.5% and has no added sugar, colorants or preservatives. Packaged in quantities of 500ml in a transparent, slightly waisted PET bottle, the product features a white screw cap complete with tamper-proof guarantee. The sleeve label is of modern design and the brand name lettering (which has been kept transparent) allows a glimpse of the product. www.liv-natur.de Rewe Bio range The German Rewe Group is extending its range of “Rewe Bio“ products. An initial example is the transparent PET bottle for herb lemonade, content 500ml. The waisted bottle, complete with crosswise grooves, is decorated with a peripheral paper label and the bottle is sealed by means of a green screw cap complete with tamper-proof strip. In addition, there is the Rewe Bio Alpine Herbs Iced Tea in a brown tinted PET bottle, also with a content of 500ml. In order to ensure stability when taking hold of the bottle, it is fitted with a peripheral groove. The bottle, which is manufactured by Sidel, features a sufficiently large opening and a tamperproof screw cap completes the packaging. The retail information is conveyed by an all-round paper label. www.rewe.de","@ID":48} "BOTTLING / FILLING 31 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net cally adjust the stretch die; all that is required is to communicate the new settings to the system through the display screen. No product-dependent parts are required for preforms with the same neck, and the moulds are replaced in the blow stations significantly faster thanks to their new design and the Speed-Loc quickchange system. Dosing and blending The three-component Innopro Paramix C dosing and blending system continuously produces both still and carbonated beverages. Both the de-aeration and finished beverage tanks in the Paramix C are installed horizontally, thereby reducing the amount of space needed for the system and creating a number of added technological bonuses. The first step in the Innopro Paramix C involves de-aerating water using the two-stage vacuum spraying principle. As opposed to setups that use a vertical de-aeration tank, the horizontal de-aeration tank and method of spraying distribute the liquid particles over a greater surface area. This The spring’s most recent development is the CellaNova brand. This is a special beverage for natural cell protection containing minerals, amino acids, polyphenols, cranberry and pomegranate juice, and also extract of edelweiss, among other ingredients. encourages successful de-aeration so that in the Innopro Paramix C the residual oxygen content in the water is reduced to less than 0.3mg/l. In the Innopro Paramix C precision flowmetering of both mass and Brix value takes place in the syrup pipe train upstream of the mixing pump. The mixing ratio of water and syrup can be adjusted to meet specifications at any time. Diluted syrup phases no longer have to be discarded. In conjunction with this, product changeovers can be performed very quickly. A syrup dosing consistency of 0.03° Brix thus applies throughout production. After blending the syrup and water, the Innopro Paramix C then carbonates the product. Still beverages are produced by deactivating the carbonating stage. The number of recipes that can be kept on file in the Innopro Paramix C is virtually unlimited; there can be over 1,000 of them! “This is more than enough for our range of soft drinks”, Schmidlin confirms. “One positive aspect of this wide range of recipes is that we could increase our number of contract fillings. And we believe contract fillings to be a fast-growing area of business.” www.khs.com www.knutwiler.ch www.cellanova.ch Both the deaeration and finished beverage tanks in the threecomponent Innopro Paramix C dosing and blending system are installed horizontally. This reduces the amount of space needed for the system and creates a number of added technological bonuses.","@ID":33} "BOTTLES PETbottles 47 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Home + Personal Care Simple 2-colour closure 250ml animal shampoo affording protection against insects is being marketed by the French company Laboratoires Vétérinaires de la Marlière in a 250ml bottle with a dual section closure. The 2-colour closure is not a dual component closure, but is instead made up of two separately manufactured single parts. The white hinged lid, featuring an opening for dispensing, is inserted into the blue shoulder section and snapped on to the neck of the bottle. Retail information is conveyed by film labels to front and rear. Repair shampoo Under their “Syoss“brand name, Schwarzkopf and Henkel are marketing 500ml of ‘Repair und Fullness Shampoo’ in a slightly greenish tinted PET bottle. The semi-liquid product is free of silicones, parabens and paraffins.The closure is in the form of a black screw cap with a hinged lid. A matt film label to the front and a printed rear label are deployed to convey the retail and usage information. www.syoss.de Household cleaner - limited edition In a variant designated as ‘Limited Edition’, ColgatePalmolive Ajax are selling household cleaner with a lilac fragrance. This intensive fragrance is said to last for a long time after cleaning. The pink tinged product comes in a transparent PET bottle. The moulded, easy to handle, 1l content bottle features paper labels on both sides and is sealed with a red screw cap. www.colgate.eu.com Window cleaning concentrate Sonax GmbH are marketing 2l of window cleaning concentrate for automotive applications in a tapered, rectangular bottle made from PET. The bottle incorporates recessed grips, a measuring scale, reinforcement grooves and burl-type embossments. The product, known as ‘Red Energy’, is tinted red and gives up to 16l of cleaner in the required mixing ratio. Shiny metallic labels and a grey screw cap with tamper-proof seal round off the appearance at the PoS. www.sonax.com","@ID":49} "REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 16 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Products Bericap manufactures caps and closures using moulds designed, developed and manufactured in-house – giving them a potentially competitive advantage. Bericap’s total involvement in China amounts to R&D for product design, lab facilities for testing, then mould making, mould technology, production, quality assurance and technical services. Caps and closures are produced for three major segments (application) beverages: CSD, fruit juices, RTD teas, energy drinks, still and carbonated mineral waters, beer edible oil, sauce and dressing (EOSD) specialities: Motor oil and automotive liquids, chemical products, agrochemical products, pharmaceutical products, components for the packaging industries Edward Lee: “Beverage caps represent large-scale volume production. Speciality caps are a niche business.” Prominent customers in China Yihai Kerry Group: edible oil Coca Cola: CSD SCMC (Coca Cola shareholder): CSD Lee Kum Kee: edible oil Nestle: water Almost all Bericap competitors (ZIRI, Hong Quan, Zhong Fu - with one exception CSI – the former Alcoa) are Chinese, which represents another very special challenge. Technology The focus presently is on continuous light weighting both globally as well as in China. Bericap have the following solutions on offer: The Hexalite range Sport closures for lightweight necks The SuperShorty family for CSD, water and beer The PCO 1881 neck Linear seal and double seal ...and many more, including a combination of the above (for commodities as specified including for aseptic and hot fill applications).Bericap’s Kunshan operation offers all the latest developments coming from the German mother company. Production in China 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 plan 1.6 1.8 2.2 2.0 2.6 2.9 5.0 5 4 3 2 1 0 billion closures Volume of caps and closures produced from 2006 to 2012 The volume of closures supplied to the markets in 2012 is approx. three times the volume of 2006. Same applies to turnover. In 2009 the fall in production was due to a slowdown in the market. The plan for 5bn closures for 2012 is highly ambitious, but considered achievable since it is backed by orders already placed by the big Coca Cola, Pepsi and Nestle (Hexalite 29/25 for water) as well as further development in the food sector (soya sauce). The equipment for processing such high volume has already been purchased and is in place. Equipment Injection moulding machines: 60 – including from Arburg, Netstal and Sumitomo. Bericap in Kunshan employs 186 people plus 21 supervisors in quality assurance and five engineers in R&D. The Kunshan plant of Bericap was extremely busy when we visited. All machines were in full operation. Little room for further expansion, which will become critical, if markets continue with growth experienced in the past several years. Edward Lee: “We will have to remove the smaller injection moulding machines and replace them with bigger ones, with machines with higher cavitations.” The next stage in the development of Bericap in China will be a further production facility, it is anticipated that this will be located in Guang Dong in the south of China. Edward Lee: „If we want to maintain our market share we need to grow with our markets – expansion is also a protective measure: we need to grow at least as much as our market grows.”","@ID":18} "EDITOUR REPORTS 32 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Go to Brau Beviale Tour 2012 During the course of this eight week-long tour, we visited more than 30 large and small companies operating within the PET sector. The journey took us through the entire value-added chain; from the materials manufacturers and machinery suppliers, on to processors and bottlers and culminating with the recyclers and PET consultants. The whole team collected material by the tonne, in text as well as in product form. Read the exciting country report on Russia, Ukraine and Poland, starting in PETplanet Insider Issue 12/2012. All interviews and other interesting key facts on the tour will be available for your persual on a continuous basis, in the section “Editour Reports“ of PETplanet insider. And, in the meantime, why not visit our stand and the Editourmobil at the Brau Beviale from November 13 to 15 in Hall 7A, Stand 515 and 516. All the information on the tour as well as an exhibition of all the products gleaned from the companies visited on the tour will be waiting there for you! In the meantime, please read the chronological sequence of our interviews along the Tour. Kay Krüger Russia, Ukraine, Poland With three teams of reporters from PETplanet insider, we embarked at the end of June on our tour by Editourmobil, which was to take us on a round trip of some 11,000km. Starting at the Nuremberg Fair, Team 1, consisting of Kay Krüger, Rolf Sinkovec and Felix Popp, set out on the first stage from Lübeck by ferry to St. Petersburg, then on through Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod and Kazan as far as Ekaterinburg. Here, at the turning point of the tour, Michael Maruschke and Torsten Strauss from Team 2 took the wheel, driving the Editourmobil on via Ufa, Kamenka, Lipetsk and Rostov-on-Don as far as Dnipropetrovsk in the Ukraine. Having treated the vehicle to a month-long summer break, Team 3, Alexander Büchler and our newly-recruited member of the editorial team, Waldemar Schmitke, continued their journey to Zaporishsha, Mykolaiv, Kiev and on to Zywiec in Poland, and from there back to Germany. All this was achieved in spite of numerous mechanical glitches, an unpredictable or non-existent navigation system, the occasional unbelievably bad road conditions, and to cap it all, temperatures of 40°C, against which the air-conditioning battled in vain. An adventure indeed! A lengthy planning phase, extensive contact with local experts, supporters and advocates, as well as a motivational aim: to understand the markets of Russia, Ukraine and Poland of today.This time too, the second big Go to Brau Beviale Tour turned out a resounding success. Nuremberg Nizhny Novgorod Kazan Perm Yekaterinburg Chelyabinsk Yaroslavskaya Moscow Ufa Samara Saratov Volgograd Rostov-on-Don Dnipropetrovsk Kiev Warsaw Novgorod Saint Petersburg Gatchina Fryazino Kamenka Lipetsk Zaporishsha Mykolaiv Kharkiv Chernihiv Kalinovka Lübeck","@ID":34} "REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 13 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Hangzhou Wahaha The big boys among the bottling fraternity have now emerged as self-sufficient suppliers of PET preforms and bottles. We met: Shao Jin Rong, Machinery & Engineering Department together with William Pasquali, Managing Director of Sipa Here at Wahaha, the prominent Chinese manufacturer of beverages and bottler into PET bottles, the Chinese economic boom of the past six years becomes a tangible, understandable and starkly obvious reality. Shao Jin Rong, Machinery & Engineering Department Wahaha Even your faithful chronicler – despite long years of experience – struggles to keep up. Growth rates from 2008 to 2009: 40% from 2009 to 2010 (a bad year): 20% from 2010 to 2011: 32% (Figures from Wahaha) Products: bottles: 35 bn PET bottles in 2011; (in 2006 it was 10bn PET bottles). beverages: water (35%), milk based juices (50%) and RTD tea (15%, hot fill). Material consumption: 450,000t PET in 2011; (in 2006 it was 150,000t). Factories: 70 plants/installations spread throughout China with 30,000 employees today; in 2006 it was 42 installations with 20,000 employees. Investing for growth Currently Wahaha has 103 Sipa single step systems in operation – in 2006 it was 88. In 2006 Wahaha decided to resolve the constantly growing problem of too little capacity by introducing twostage technology into their plants. In the years to date the following purchases have been made: 100 Husky preform systems, 96-cavity and 144-cavity 100 Krones blow moulding machines, 36,000bph 100 Krones fillers with the same capacity. The specialists inplastic recycling systems. VACUREMA® – PETextrusion technologies Choose the Number One.","@ID":15} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 38 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net The PET selection Brau Beviale is opening its doors in Nuremberg, Germany, at 9 a.m. on November 13, 2012. In our second trade show preview we have gathered a selection of the many exhibits of interest in the world of beverages in PET. Dr Thiedig Hall 4 | Booth 322 Oxygen measurement in beverages The Berlin-based company Dr Thiedig +Co KG is presenting a stationary and portable version of its latest oxygen analyser Digox 6.1 for the measurement of oxygen in beverages. The reliable determination of total oxygen (TPO – Total Packaging Oxygen) is integrated into the device as an additional option. The user is guided clearly and simply through the entire process; the menus are intuitive and perfectly adjusted to daily operational procedures. The result of the total oxygen determination in bottles and cans is available after only 10min. This value is internally saved (up to 500 data sets) and can be directly loaded into the PC where it is documented and evaluated. The determination of the total oxygen according to the EBC method by Uhlig guarantees dependable results for controlling and monitoring the filling process. The “Digox 6.1” is used for measuring oxygen in laboratories and in-line, for example at the storage tank, after filtration, at the filler or for inspection when receiving tank deliveries from third parties or other customers. The Digox 6.1 is utilised as a reference analyser for other oxygen analysers and in-line probes. One technical feature is the direct measurement of oxygen by means of the membrane-less Thiedig sensor and the built-in, automatic Thiedig Active Calibration, close to the actual measuring value. The measuring electrode is in direct contact with the measuring medium. This enables the system to respond very quickly (less than 10s) to changes in the oxygen concentration. www.thiedig.com Barriers and more Appe, the packaging division of LSB and European converter and manufacturer of PET preforms and bottles, will unveil its Active Hinge technology. The company says its new multiple ribs design offers an enhanced performance for heat set bottles with benefits including improved filling, greater design flexibility, lighter weight and smoother walls. Details will be revealed at the exhibition. Also on show will be DeepGrip PET bottles and ActivSeal barrier technology. DeepGrip bottles feature a deep recess each side that creates an effective integral handle to offer enhanced convenience for the dairy and juice markets. They are available in sizes up to 7l. The bottles also offer valuable sustainability benefits with significant light-weight savings over equivalent HDPE bottles as well as clip-on handles or boxed grips. PET containers are fully recyclable and the DeepGrip solution ensures a single-material bottle for the recycling stream. A variety of blow-moulded neck finishes is available, providing a re-sealable, leak-free closing mechanism. The barrier system ActivSeal combines protection against oxygen ingress and vitamin C loss with improved clarity compared to traditional barrier materials and no impediment to the recycling process. In addition, the technology is cost effective for smaller size bottles, and without the extra haze that other monolayer barriers cause. The system works through the combination of the bottle and closure. A minute amount of the ActivSeal catalyst is present in the container wall, while a hydrogen activator is built into the closure. Once the container is full and the closure applied, there is a controlled release of hydrogen. As oxygen enters through the container wall, it binds with the hydrogen on the surface of the catalyst to form negligible amounts of odourless and tasteless water. In this way, oxygen is prevented from entering the container’s contents. ActivSeal containers are said to offer the same excellent clarity as non-barrier PET bottles because they do not use traditional nylonbased barriers. ActivSeal bottles are also completely recyclable as there is no danger of contamination from the barrier, while the technology is equally effective for any bottle capacity. www.appepackaging.com Appe Hall 4 | Booth 409","@ID":40} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 39 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 Kiefer Hall 5 | Booth 429 PET sealing check The BBull Technology group of companies is showcasing further developments in the sphere of detection, sorting and materials handling as well as maintenance and repair services in the beverages and foodstuffs industry. With the incorporation of Federspiel Maschinenbau GmbH, Gablingen, into the group, it is now also possible to quote for projects in the packing and palletising sector. In addition to this, BBull Technology is also showing off their skills as planners and optimisers for entire complexes and part sectors related to bottling. BBull Pulse is an inspection system for checking the sealing on flexible PET and plastic containers. At the same time, a totally new process is used which accurately determines the internal pressure of the container. Each drum which falls outside a previously defined standard can be accurately detected and reliably separated out at speeds of up to 60,000bph. According to the company, the process is up to 50% cheaper than conventional sealing checks and requires only a minimum amount of space. ”BBull Pulse“ can be used as a stand-alone solution or in combination with the level check (e.g. “BBull Compact Vision“, a compact checking system based on a camera for filling level and closure). “BBull Pulse“ is suitable for any flexible beverages packaging but is primarily intended for disposable PET. Another item being exhibited is the “BBull LGM“, the latest version when it comes to separating out empties; “ProtecX“, the foreign body detector in glass bottles with a combination of X-ray technology and image processing; the distribution of containers with servo motors (”Brush off“), with static (”Flex“) or dynamic multi-segment transfer (”Snake“). Their Swiss subsidiary, Paxona, together with Federspiel GmbH will be presenting current possibilities for transporting the drums and for palletising. www.bbull.de B. Bull Hall 7 | Booth 534 Moulds for cost-reducing manufacturing Kiefer Group is offering blow moulds for the beverage industry (water, soft drinks, energy drinks, beer, juice, milk), the chemical and the cosmetic industry. The company offers customized solutions from the design to pilot moulds, and from production of STL- and plexiglass mock-up bottle to the sample bottle produced with a pilot-blow mould to the ready tool, taking account of lightweight and economic considerations. As an independent mould-maker the company makes moulds for both rotary and linear stretch blow machines. www.kiefer-mold.de","@ID":41} "www.braubeviale.petpla.net fon: +49-6221-65108-0 | [email protected] | www.petpla.net Go to Brau Beviale - The Russia-Germany round trip with 13.-15.11.2012, Nuremberg, Germany 25 June - 31 July, 2012 С 26-го по 31-е июля 2012 г. Supported by: Go to Brau Beviale - A trip to visit friends The Editourmobil is back! Episode Two of this successful touring project saw the intrepid team from PETplanet Insider making their way from the start point at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre to Russia and on to the Ural mountains. Yekaterinburg marked the halfway stage, from where the Editourmobil returned to Germany via the Ukraine and Poland. In two stages, with three teams, and involving a round trip of some 10,000 km, the Insider experts interviewed the most interesting and innovative PET producers and met key companies, large and small, in these fast-developing beverage markets. You can read our tourblog by visiting braubeviale.petpla.net Meet us, live! at the Brau Beviale Nuremberg, Hall 7A, Booth 515+516 - where the clover grows! Kay Krüger Alexander Büchler Waldemar Schmitke 03. - 11. September, 2012 C 3-го по 11-е сентября 2012 г. Michael Maruschke Посещение выставки Brau Beviale - Российско-германская экскурсионная поездка совместно с организациейPETpla.net","@ID":32} "REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 12 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Sipa Machinery Hangzhou “Focus is on mould making and manufacturing the linear blowers.” We met: William Pasquali, Managing Director Stefano Baldassar, Preform Sales Manager Andrea Vit, Controller Jun Jian, Mould Sales Manager William Pasquali, Managing Director Sipa (Hangzhou) Sipa in Hangzhou is at the start of a new era. You can sense the resolve. Products for the Chinese market have been re-defined. Resources have been made available for the expansion and development of the Hangzhou factory. Service has been strengthened and a new partnership with DHL Supply Chain, the world’s largest distribution and logistics company, has been made to provide a major upgrade in spare parts delivery. The strategic measures are outlined below: Machine population There are 310 units of Sipa machines (Sipa count) installed on the Chinese market, including single stage injection blow moulding systems, stand-alone blowers (both linear and rotary) and injection moulding preform systems. Sipa locally manufactures and supplies injection and blowing moulds since 2001.Single stage machines for beverages were Sipa’s primary product in China for very many years. But what worked in China yesterday is raising eyebrows today. The Chinese are not encumbered by traditions and the great achievements of yesteryear, they are flexible and ruthless when it comes to switching from one tried and tested business model to another. This business-like, unsentimental attitude may even point the way forward for the western economies. The Chinese market has, unmistakably, decided on two stage technology. Sipa today is successfully selling its hi-tech linear and rotary blowers, and is very excited by its most recent introduction in the product range, the new preform injection system called XForm recently presented at NPE in Orlando, Florida. The company has also put together a very strong offer for complete lines, including solutions for large size (5 to 12l) containers. Products in future China Local manufacture of the moulds for the blow moulding machines – already underway. Local manufacture of the moulds for preform systems – underway . Manufacture and assembly of the local Preform System PPS 300/48 for markets in the medium performance range, for example, for edible oil. Manufacture and assembly of the linear blow moulders. Promotion of complete range of products from Italy – in particular the XForm 128/96-128. A further product exhibiting potential in China is the supply of complete lines or the combination of blowing, filling and capping with the Sincro Bloc line or the combination of blowing, labelling, filling and capping, the Sincro TriBloc line, a unique product solution offering many advantages. The locally manufactured linear blow moulding machines and their moulds are under pressure from competition from cheaper Chinese manufacturers. The same goes for the PPS 300/48 preform systems, 30 units of which can be found in the Asian markets. With the local manufacture of the moulds for injection moulding, Sipa has a unique selling point as far as China is concerned. Investments in manufacturing €3.5m has been made available from Italy for re-construction and development purposes. The primary aim is to optimise the assembly of the linear blow moulding machines and to increase output by 60% in moulds manufacture. As a result of the strategic decisions the manufacturing operation currently finds itself in a state of upheaval. The foundations of the bay housing the machine tools are being massively reinforced (ensuring the tolerances as regards the die plates). The majority of the processing machines have been linked together (short paths) and the continuous assembly of the linear blow moulding machines sited at the far end of the bay (just in time delivery). Organisation SMH employs over 200 people of which 30 are field technicians. One feature that catches the eye is the high manning levels in engineering, in purchasing, in service and quality control. Doubtless necessary in view of the local Chinese circumstances and the high quality requirements. William Pasquali: “Thanks our new investments on mould making equipments, today SMH (Sipa Machinery Hangzhou) can offer the right solution to this highly competitive marketplace. The totally renewed workshop and the new manufacturing lean procedures are helping our customers to get a very high quality product while improving the delivery time. Our aim is to provide sustainable, flexible, easy and safe manufacturing equipments together with innovative packaging solutions to help our customers grow within this fast changing market. On the manufacturing pipeline we are boosting the linear stretch blowmoulding machines that today are considered the premium references in the market. Every day we want to go beyond our limits to exceed our customers’ expectations and to become one of the most reputable PET company in China.”","@ID":14} "BOTTLE MAKING 19 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Typical Chinese drinks PETplanet: What drinks are typically Chinese? Are there particular beverage ingredients that are primarily and exclusively applied in the Chinese market? Yan Wu: China has several classicstyled drinks. Typically, these may include “traditional herb tea”, “apricot kernel juice” and “sweet-n-sour plum juice”. There are a few special ingredients primarily used in Chinese drinks. For example, the Rhodiola Rosea extract is regularly used in energy drinks; jasmine flavouring is used in ready-to-drink-teas, and walnut flavouring is added to milk drinks. More generally Longan and Goji (also known as Chinese Wolfberries) flavours are regularly utilised in a variety of drink categories - both Longan and Goji flavours contain phytochemicals and are used to provide nutritional value. The Longan tree is found in tropical areas of South and Southeast Asia. For reasons mentioned, people often eat its naturally edible fruit. PETplanet: Ready to drink teas have the biggest growth in the Chinese beverage market. Traditionally, China is a country of tea drinkers – is this still valid? Have any new recipes or flavours been added in recent years? Yan Wu: It is true that teas have had a prominent role throughout Chinese history. Black and green teas continue to be the most popular varieties among modern-day consumers. In addition, new flavours and flavour Wild in China Wild Flavors (Beijing) is an affiliate company of Wild Flavors GmbH in Zug, Switzerland. Established in 1997, WILD Flavors (Beijing) commenced production operations in 2003 following the opening of a state of the art manufacturing plant located in Beijing’s Business Development Area (BDA). Operations are ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and PAS 220 certified. The company focuses on supplying flavours made from natural ingredients to food and beverages companies. It provides a wide range of products including compound, syrups, natural flavours, flavour packs, natural colours, fruit powders, concentrated juices, sweeteners, and functional ingredients. Using its advanced research and development capabilities, Wild provides customers with food and beverages products and services. In addition to domestic markets, Wild Flavors (Beijing) provides valueadded products and services to brands in Mongolia, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. www.wildflavors.com combinations, such as kumquat and lemon, or smoked plum, are gaining momentum in the tea market. Other trends in the tea market include the development of functional teas that are considered to have a favourable impact on weight and external beauty. There are also many new teas with juice content. In general though, high-end products with clear associations with “premium” and “country of origin” are in great demand by consumers. However, traditional teas such as Longjing and Tieguanyin Oolong tea are also growing in popularity. PETplanet: Are there applications or recipes which are especially wellsuited for PET bottles? Yan Wu: Currently, the 500ml PET bottle is the most popular bottle for soft drinks in China. This is basically due to its convenient design in that it is easy to transport, reclose, and is also resilient. All the big players in the readyto-drink market, such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Master Kong, Uni-President and Wahaha, use the PET bottle. Another important reason for choosing PET bottles is that they are easy to distribute nation-wide without any mishap, such as breakage during transport. However, there are a few sectors where PET bottles are not well-suited. For beer, PET bottles are disliked because consumers prefer to drink beer from glass bottles or cans. Also, for dairy products, the use of PET bottles is uncommon because consumers prefer smaller bottles of 200 or 250ml. Smaller packaging is usually a carton.","@ID":21} "NEWS 8 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Our preform... www.resilux.com Damstraat 4 - 9230 Wetteren - Belgium Tel +32 (0) 9 365 74 74 - Fax +32 (0) 9 365 74 75 [email protected] PET Preforms & Bottles Monolayer, Barrier, Refill, Hotfill Your bottle! www.resilux.com KraussMaffei reorganises in the Americas Integration of Netstal production, sales and service team The KraussMaffei Group’s October, 2012, reorganisation of its business activities in the USA sees the Netstal USA plant relocated from Devens, Mass, to Florence, Ky, where it will join its spare parts warehouse. Products of all three of the Group’s brands - KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff and Netstal - will be sold under a single umbrella in future but will continue to operate independently on the market. Mike Sansoucy, former President of Netstal USA, will still become General Manager and retain responsibility for the sales and the aftermarket activities of the Netstal brand. Tony Gaudet, Head of After Sales, will continue to provide a point of customer contact and existing telephone numbers and e-mail addresses will remain operational until further notice. The Group says that there are no plans to reduce the number of sales, service or parts personnel and that, in fact, Netstal customers will find a larger organisation within the KraussMaffei Group in the United States and Canada. Strengthened operations in Latin America Netstal is also reorganising its sales structure in Central and South America with effect from October 2012, when it started using existing KraussMaffei Group sales and service structures. KraussMaffei Andina (Bogotá), the Colombian subsidiary of the KraussMaffei Group and headed by Carlos Cadavid, assumed responsibility for sales and service in Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Central America and the Guyanas. Sales in Chile and Peru will be managed through the Aldo Vergara Convermaq agency of Santiago de Chile. Sales in Argentina will be managed through the Buenos Aires-based Jorge Oleskow KHS Corpoplast agency, while Paraguay and Uruguay will be handled by the Brazilian subsidiary of the KraussMaffei Group. All activities for this region will be coordinated and managed under the overall control of Klaus Jell. www.kraussmaffei.com www.netstal.com K reaches 60; next edition in 2013 The first K show opened its gates in Düsseldorf 60 years ago, in October 1952, at a time when the German plastics industry was deep in post-war reconstruction. The age of mass plastics production had only just dawned and it was intended that K should demonstrate the potential and versatility of polymer materials. From its humble beginnings, it has grown to be one of the leading international marketplaces for plastics and rubber. The next K Show is scheduled for October 16 - 23, 2013 and around 3,000 companies from over 50 countries are expected to present their wares. They will be exhibiting raw materials and auxiliaries, semi-finished products, technical parts and reinforced plastics, and machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber industry. The organisers have prepared an online presentation of 60 years of K show. www.k-online.de/60_years_K","@ID":10} "MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Sidel Group Via La Spezia 241/A 43100 Parma Italy +39 0521 9991 www.sidel.com Guillaume Rolland Product Manager - Aseptic Filling +39 0521 999 141 +39 0521 959 009 [email protected] Gero Von Stackelberg Product Manager Sensitive Products +49 172 7114982 [email protected] ELG/ELF EPG/EPF EHC/EHF Alfa Alfa HF Vega Matrix SF 300 FM Matrix SF 100 FM Europa WM Matrix SF 700 FM Sensofill FMa from 32 to 216 from 32 to 192 from 32 to 108 from 32 to 120 from 32 to 120 from 32 to 192 32 to 216 32 to 144 32 to 120 40 to 90 32 to 100 13,500/80,000 10,600/80,000 12,000/60,000 11,000/80,000 Up to 65,000 Up to 65,000 7,800/68,000 7,800/60,000 8,000/61,000 Up to 55,000 at 18°C 10,500/37,000 Up to 45,000 13,500/80,000 10,500/37,000 9,000/44,000 Up to 36,000 Up to 45,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Electric probe Vent tube level Flowmeter Vent tube level Vent tube level Vent tube level Electropneumatic filler with magnetic flowmeter volume control Mechanical level Volumetric filling with inductive flowmeters, with no bottle/valve contact Electronic volumetric filling KHS GmbH Serac Juchostr. 20 44143 Dortmund, Germany www.khs.com Heinz Hillmann Product Management + 49 671 852 2714 [email protected] 12 route de Mamers - BP 46 F-72400 La Ferte Bernard, France +33 2 43 60 28 28 www.serac-group.com Aymeric Vague Personal Care and Chemicals +33 2 43 60 29 55 +33 2 43 60 28 37 [email protected] Roland Nicolas Dairy & Aseptic +33 2 43 60 28 32 +33 2 43 60 28 37 [email protected] Innofill PET NV Innofill PET DRV Rotary Weigh Filler (R) Serac Aseptic System 4 (SAS 4) Serac Aseptic System (SAS PL) ESL filler 40 - 144 48 - 180 4- 90 8 - 90 1 - 2 6-90 max. 60,000 max. 70,000 - - max. 60,000 No filling of carbonated products max. 48,000 Up to 48,000 From 6,000 to 48,000 Up to 1,200 Up to 48,000 max. 50,000 max. 50,000 Up to 48,000 From 6,000 to 48,000 Up to 1,200 Up to 48,000 Yes Yes Electronic net weight filling Mass flow meter fill Electronic net weigh filling No Yes Electronic net weight filling No No filling of carbonated products Yes Yes No filling of carbonated products Electronic net weight filling No Electronic net weigh filling No No Electronic net weight filling Electronic net weight filling Mass flow meter fill Electronic net weigh filling Yes No Electronic net weight filling Electronic net weight filling Mass flow meter fill Electronic net weigh filling Free flow filling system; volumetric Contact filling; volumetric Electronic net weigh filling Electronic net weigh filling Magnetic valves and flow meter Electronic net weigh filling","@ID":31} "MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net 11/2012 MARKETsurvey Company name Krones AG Sacmi Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Böhmerwaldstr. 5 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70-0 www.krones.com Stefan Kraus Product Manager Filling Division +49 9401 3144 +49 9401 3056 [email protected] Via Selice Prov.le 17/a 40026 Imola (BO), Italy +39 0521 695411 www.sacmi.com Matteo Quaini Sales Director +39 0521 695411 +39 0521 695401 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Modulfill EWS/EWF EWE ESF 2. Number of filling heads (range: from/to) 16 up to 216 from 32 to 144 from 32 to 144 from 32 to 216 3. Filling speed/output - based on 1l PET bottles a. Still water (1l bph) up to 72,000 18,700/80,000 24,000/80,000 15,000/80,000 b. Carbonated drinks with 8 g CO² (1l bph) up to 65,000 8,600/75,000 c. Milk (1l bph) up to 60,000 18,700/80,000 24,000/80,000 d. Fresh fruit juice (1l bph) up to 60,000 15,000/80,000 4. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) Volumetric filling system Net weight filling system Height filling system Contactless filling Contactless filling Short tube or long tube Yes Yes Pressure filling (carbonated drinks) Volumetric filling system Net weight filling system Height filling system Contactless filling Contactless filling Short tube or long tube filling system Yes Hot filling Volumetric filling system Net weight filling system Height filling system Contactless filling Contactless filling Short tube or long tube Yes Cold aseptic filling PETAsept L / PETAsept D Contactless filling Juices with high pulp content Height filling system Pre-dosing system Long tube Full bore filling / contactless / for pulp, fibres or fruit pieces 5. Type of filling valve and metering system Volumetric filling system Net weight filling system Height filling system Magnetic flow meter Weighing cell Electronic fill height measuring Flowmeter Flowmeter Flowmeter Company name GEA Procomac Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Via Fedolfi 2, 43038 Sala Baganza (PR), Italy +39 0521 839411 www.procomac.com Flavio Salavdori Sales Director +39 0521 839411 +39 0521 833879 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Traditional filling: Fillstar SF; Fillstar HF; Fillstar FX; Fillstar LX Traditional filling: Fillstar LXi Aseptic filling: Fillstar FX; Fillstar CX 2. Number of filling heads (range: from/to) Fillstar LX from 50 to 140; Fillstar FX from 50 to 140 Fillstar SF from 50 to 120; Fillstar HF from 50 to 140 Fillstar LXi from 50 to 160 Fillstar FX from 15 to 140; Fillstar CX from 24 to 140 3. Filling speed/output - based on 1l PET bottles a. Still water (1l bph) LX up to 72,000; FX up to 72,000; SF up to 60,000 b. Carbonated drinks with 8g CO² (1l bph) LXi up to 60,000 CX from 5,000 to 40,000 c. Milk (1l bph) LX up to 60,000; FX up to 60,000; SF up to 36,000 FX from 6,000 to 64,000 d. Fresh fruit juice (1l bph) FX (in ESL) up to 60,000; HF up to 40,000 FX from 6,000 to 64,000; CX from 5,000 to 40,000 4. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) Yes Yes Yes (Fillstar FX) Pressure filling (carbonated drinks) Yes Yes (Fillstar CX) Hot filling Yes (Fillstar HF) No Cold aseptic filling Yes Juices with high pulp content Yes (with dimensional limits) Yes (with dimensional limits) Yes with specific filling valve (with dimensional limits) 5. Type of filling valve and metering system LX volumetric electronic / flow meter; FX electronic / flow meter; SF gravity level filler: mechanical filling head; HF pneumatical filling valve LXi volumetric electronic / flow meter Electronic volumetric filling - flow meter","@ID":30} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 44 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Beer barrels for Russia At Brau Beviale Siapi representatives will be available for information about their range of services and machinery. Their portfolio is extensive and includes the design and prototyping of new containers and bottles; blow-moulding machines for containers between 100ml and 40l and an output range between 150 and 24,000bph and for wide mouth containers with a mouth diameter of up to 180mm and 12l capacity. Also featured will be heat set configured blow-moulding machines for hot filling containers; preferential heating for special bottles; and finally automatic handle insertion (HandleMatic 360°)moulds. In the sector of large containers for beer Siapi has recently designed different formats for the Russian and CIS beer market. The recyclable PET barrels with capacities of 1,7l, 2,5l and 5l, and a weight of 39g (1,7l), 50,5g (2,5l), 102g (5l), are produced on Siapi’s linear stretch blow-moulding technology SX and SE. www.siapi.it Siapi Hall 5 | Booth 415 Labels for bottle-to-bottle recycling CCL Label Meerane GmbH in Germany has developed a special wash-off pressure sensitive label. The self-adhesive label material construction (LD-PSL) is designed for easier separation of the label from the actual beverage container during the washing process, for example whilst bottle-to-bottle recycling (B2B). The removal of these labels is based upon the same principle as the Wash-Off labels available from CCL. As part of the conventional B2B recycling method, the hot water in the water bath causes the labels to shrink which then can be separated from the PET flakes without leaving any residual ink or adhesive whatsoever. Whilst the PET flakes sink to the bottom, what is left of the labels swims to the surface enabling easy separation. A 2-layer construction is used for these labels which ensures that all inks are safely enclosed between the two plastic film layers. The result is that no contamination or discoloration of the water bath or the bottles / flakes will occur. The material construction has been authorised and certified by an independent laboratory which operates under the auspices of the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recycling (APR). The LD-PSL labels can be applied by standard pressure sensitive labellers. www.cclbeverage.com Energy efficient pack drying The Allgäu company, Gesete GmbH, will showcase its newest developments in the pack drying systems). The focus this year lies on a fan technology system incorporating major energy savings which replaces the existing expensive compressed air applications. Also on show will be a very wide range of blow-off units, ranging from simple flat caps to airknife systems and closure drying units, that are developed and manufactured by Gesete. The drying and blow-off systems are loaded with Paxton heavy duty centrifugal fans or Becker side channel compressors. In addition, this year the well-established bottle and pack drying system Compactline, designed for the low to mid-performance range as well as for drying the closure and the neck of the bottle, will be on show together with the Highline system for high performance lines. The visitors will also be given information about the Labelblow blow-off system. This relates to an alternative developed specially for removing sleeve labels which is used in numerous beverages companies (such as, for example, throughout the Hassia Group) by way of a replacement for highly cost-intensive compressed air applications. In addition to the more familiar systems, Gesete now also offer components that can be installed by the user himself. www.gesete.de Gesete Hall 7 | Booth 320 CCL Label Hall 5 | Booth 320","@ID":46} "PREFORM PRODUCTION 21 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 PETplanet print vol.6 The Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms machine no./name 1- 3 exemplar each 129,- € 4 - 10 exemplar each 99,- € 10 exemplar each 69,- € prices in EUR + VAT. 10. Check that the decompression (pullback) time and position is not excessive. This should be set as low as possible to minimize the risk of melt backflow into the nozzle tips, yet enough to eliminate drooling into the cavity from excess melt pressure. Typical settings for valve gated moulds are: Time = 0 – 1sec; Distance = 0 – 10mm. Non-valve gated moulds may require higher values to minimize gate stringing. 11. Ensure the mould neck insert and lock ring vents are clean. This will minimize the restriction to melt flow due to gas / air entrapment. 12. Check that no anomalies are present on the moulding surfaces and robot cooling receptacles. Repair if necessary. 13. Maximize the cooling time of the robot. This should not be increased beyond the cycle time of the machine. 14. Check to ensure that no moisture exists on the moulding surfaces, either from water leaks or condensation. This may obstruct normal melt flow and cause filling problems. The environmental dewpoint should be below the chilled water temperature to eliminate the risk of condensation. 15. Check for leaking core-air blow valve. Air pressure in the cavity during filling may restrict proper melt flow. 16. Ensure preform handling is not congested at the deposit locations and collection bins. 17. Check hardware for worn, damaged or failed components, specifically the mould cavities, robot receptacles, and clogged cavity and robot receptacle cooling channels. www.petpla.net PETplanet print Vol. 6: The Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms by Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau fax: +49 (0) 6221-65108-28 [email protected] www.petpla.net Order your copy now!","@ID":23} "NEWS 7 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net DEUTSCHE EDELSTAHLWERKE, Obere Kaiserstr., D-57078 Siegen / Auestr. 4, D-58452 Witten Whatever you want to knock into shape. Our all-stainless-package offers the solution – always efficient and secure. Euromold 2012: hall 8, stand L10. Octal triples PET resin capacity Middle Eastern producer Octal has tripled its annual production capacity of PET resin with the commissioning of two of the world’s largest vertical reactors at the company’s complex in Salalah, Sultanate of Oman. With a total system output of over 1 million tonnes of PET bottle grade resin, Octal is now the world’s largest single site PET producer. The company is now halfway through its previously-announced investment plan, with additional capacity scheduled for 2015 and 2016. When complete, the site will manufacture a total of 2.5 million t/a of PET resin and PTA. www.octal.com Experts discuss European, Spanish PET market On September 26 and 27, NovaPET, Spain invited around 100 industry professionals to a special conference entitled “3rd Chips & Grapes - PET in the Vineyards” in Barbastro, Aragon, Spain. The professionals were provided with information on figures on the European and Spanish PET market and on new applications. A full report will appear in PETPlanet issue 12. www.novapet.es/noticias.do Coke finds things go better with Appe Appe, the packaging division of LSB, has established a joint venture with Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) in France that will lead to a further expansion of its PET recycling facility in Beaune. The site’s capacity will rise from 28,000 to 48,000t/a of SuperCycle food-grade PET (SSP), an increase of 70%. This means that an extra 390 million PET bottles will be recycled every year. The joint venture between Appe and CCE involves a programme of research and development into new advanced technologies for recycling. The two companies are investing around €9 million in the project, which includes the installation of a new SSP tower at Beaune. The tower, supplied by Bühler, incorporates the latest advanced recycling technology and will enable Appe and CCE to trial new recycling techniques. www.appepackaging.com","@ID":9} "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Häusserstr. 36 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Doris Fischer: [email protected] Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Ilona Trotter Wolfgang von Schroeter Anthony Withers MEDIA CONSULTANTS Ute Andrä [email protected] Martina Hischmann [email protected] phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 France, Italy, Spain, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke phone: +49(0)6201-878925 fax: +49(0)6201-878926 [email protected] LAYOUT AND PREPRESS Exprim Kommunikationsdesign Matthias Gaumann | www.exprim.de READER SERVICES Shiraz El Goudi [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH Werkstr. 25 67454 Römerberg Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | www.petpla.net PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net EDITORIAL dear readers, One tour is now well and truly over, and already another is about to begin. There is so much going on at the moment, could it be a case of out of the frying pan, into the fire? If you have been following our blog on the Go to Brau Beviale Tour, you will be aware that our Editourmobil is now back from its successful tour which took us through Russia, the Ukraine and Poland. Kay Krüger, Michael Maruschke, Waldemar Schmitke and Alex Büchler visited more than 30 companies, identifying the major players and investigating the special characteristics of each market. On Page 32 of this issue, we have put together for you a summary overview of all our reports. In the forthcoming issues of PETplanet Insider, we will be bringing you our usual individual regional reports. And if all this still leaves you wanting more, this issue also features the fourth and final part of Wolfgang von Schroeter’s illuminating China Report. Sandwiched between tour and reports is the Brau Beviale 2012. Here, on our Stand 515 + 516 in Hall, we will be inviting you to meet all the companies we visited on our tour. An unmissable opportunity! The Editourmobil will be making a guest appearance on our stand so do come along and share the excitement. After the rigours of the tour, the Editourmobil has been treated to a little TLC, and the various scrapes and scratches have been sorted out. Time now to consider the next tour. Almost as soon as Brau Beviale closes its doors for the last time, the Editourmobil will be off on its travels, this time to investigate what is happening in the Latin American markets. Our established team consisting of Krüger/Maruschke/ Schmitke/Büchler will take the wheel in Lima, Peru, and then we shall move on to La Paz in Bolivia, followed by Santiago de Chile. The next stage will see the doughty team making the transit of South America as far as Buenos Aires in Argentina. From there we shall be heading northwards through Montenegro in Uruguay and São Paulo in Brazil. The most northerly point is Salvador. The finishing line will be our visit to the plastics trade fair Feiplast in São Paulo in May. Are you one of the companies who will be on our route? If you are, we would be delighted to call in and see you. Just write to us at the address below to fix up an appointment. Already we are keenly anticipating the many interesting meetings with you that await us. Yours Alexander Büchler Lima Santiago La Paz Buenos Aires Montevideo Porto Alegre Curitiba Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro Salvador","@ID":5} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 45 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Robots to load and palletize beverage trays The Slovenian company Transpak is producing complex turn-key solutions in the palletising, packaging and materials handling sector. At the Brau Beviale the focus is on an articulated arm robot for loading beverage trays with loose 2l PET bottles. These light and stable plastic trays protect the beverages bottles on their way to retail outlets without the need for any further packaging and are subsequently palletised by the robot. In Nuremberg, Transpak are showcasing a new robot whose job is to load and palletise the beverage trays. These trays are a development from the American company Chep, designed in the form of reusable drinks packaging and offering a ready-to-use platform for beverages within any retail outlet. The plastic trays are suitable for individual bottles but, if required, may also be used for 2-, 3- or 4-bottle multi-packs. All the drums are held in place securely and without any additional packaging or can be taken down and sold direct. Once loaded using the Transpak robot, the beverage trays are then placed flush on so-called “K-Roll” pallets, up to four layers one above the other. Two beverage trays adjacent to one another are the size of a Euro pallet; the beverages are then placed at the Point of Sale in the retail outlet on the K-Rolls. In addition, the Transpak specialists will be giving information and advising on branch-specific dry section solutions. www.transpak.si s 0QXGODGT ^ *CNN ^ 5VCPF $TCW $GXKCNG -*5 RTGHQTO UVGTKNK\\CVKQP KP VJG +PPQ2'6 $NQ(KNN 1RVKOWO NQY IGTO EQPFKVKQPU HTQO VJG RTGHQTO VQ VJG ƂNNKPI XCNXG )WCTFU CICKPUV CNN V[RGU QH KPVTWUKQP Q /KPKOWO WUG QH * 1 OGFKC Q 2QUKVKQPGF KP VJG JGCVKPI RTQEGUU HQT GZEGNNGPV GHƂEKGPE[ Q 2TGHQTO CPF DQVVNG EQPXG[KPI RTQVGEVGF WR VQ VJG ƂNNKPI XCNXG .GCTP OQTG CV YYY MJU EQO QT UECP VJG 34 EQFG Tailor-made preforms PET-Verpackungen GmbH, Germany, has continued to expand its preform portfolio and now offers a range of more than 110 preform designs. Many of them are available in multilayer with various kinds of barrier materials. These preforms are suitable for beer, juices, CSD and other oxygen-sensitive products with various standard neck finishes. PETVerpackungen GmbH is able to produce tailor-made neck ring solutions and preform designs. www.pet-verpackungen.de PET Verpackungen Hall 4A | Booth 413 Transpak Hall 6 | Booth 127","@ID":47} "EDITOUR REPORTS 33 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Interviews in Russia July 9, 2012 Inventra/Creon Energy, Moscow Consulting company for oil & gas, petrochemicals, chemicals and related branches of industry (f.l.t.r.) Kay Krüger, Nika Asatiani (Deputy General Director), Anna Dautova (Director Inventra), Sandjar Turgunov (Vice President/General Director) July 9, 2012 Alfatechform, Klimovsk Manufacturers of preforms, closures, domestic cleaning products, soaps and shower gels (f.l.t.r.) Kay Krüger, Alexander M. Korotov (Vice-General Director) and Oleg Sidorenko (Chief of Technical Bureau) MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY Dr. Ruben-Rausing-Str. 7 | D-65239 Hochheim/Main Tel. +49 (0) 6146-906-0 | www.mht-ag.de Make the most of your machine - with a high cavitation mold from MHT! For many machine types, we supply the mold with the highest cavitation, thereby enabling optimum preform output. For the Husky HyPET machine, we offer an upgrade set for 33% more preforms, without refitting on the machine! • 60 cavities for Netstal PETline 2000 • 96 cavities for Husky HyPET 300, • 112 cavities for KraussMaffei 350 Engineering made in Germany 128 for HyPET 400 Patent pending: MHTcoolMAX® post mold cooling July 10, 2012 Plarus, Solnechnogorsk PET bottle-to-bottle recycler, manufacture of PET granulate and PET flakes made from recycled PET bottles (f.l.t.r.) Alexander Bystrykh (Head of Personnel) and Kay Krüger July 10, 2012 Europlast, Solnechnogorsk Manufacturers of preforms and caps and closures (f.l.t.r.) Leonid Belyaev (CEO) and Vartan Bagdasaryan (Project Manager) July 3, 2012 APG, Gatchina Manufacturer of preforms (f.l.t.r..) Sergey Sokolov (Technical Director), Viktor Karpunin (Executive Director), Kay Krüger and Vladmir Dorofeev (Marketing Director) July 3, 2012 Deka, Veliky Novgorod Brewery and also bottlers of the Kwas beverage ”Nikola“ (f.l.t.r.) Igor Jasnogorodsky (Technical Manager), Viktoria Aleynikova (PR Agent) and Kay Krüger","@ID":35} "NEWS 9 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net CCT Creative Competence Technology GmbH Idsteiner Strasse 74 D-65527 Niedernhausen, Germany [email protected] www.cct-systems.com PET Molds Closure Molds Developments PET Systems Closure Systems Design and Patents CCTsystems®SST (Standard-Slider-Technology) CCTsystems®SBT (Slit-Band-Technology) CCTsystems®SFBT (Slit-Fold-Band-Technology) All Types available with: Design and Patents CCT O26 Series 0,9 g CCT O29 Series 1,2 g CCT O30 Series 1,8 g CCT O38 Series 2,9 g Shanghai hosts 8th China International Recycled Polyester Forum Over 300 representatives from businesses in China and 15 other countries attended the 8th China International Recycled Polyester Forum, which combined the conference with, for the first time, a polyester recycling industry exhibition. Conference contributions covered a range of topics about the general industry, market development of polyester recycling, the impact of new legislation, and a survey about the technological status of polyester recycling. Zhao Xiangdong, Vice Chairman of CCFA, provided a comprehensive overview of the current state of PET recycling in China, including the challenge of 70% capacity utilisation, margin reduction and the impact of the financial crisis in Europe and USA. Shi Jianping, President of Cixi Huashun Chemical Fiber Co, Ltd, discussed the evolution and application of recycled filaments like R-POY, R-FDY, R-DTY, R-BCF and technical filaments. China has an R-filament production capacity of about 1 million t/a. While it has, hitherto, competed primarily on price, he said that future development will be focused on quality improvements, technical developments and special brands. Environmentally-friendly fibre applications were described by Wang Baoying, Environment Safety Manager of Nike China, which – along with other large brands – is aiming for a significant increase in the use of materials based on recycling. Cheng Qian, General Manager of Yangzhou Zhicheng Chemical Technology Ltd. introduced a new technical development in its chemical recycling process for polyester, which allows the selective breakdown of PET, purification by filtration and subsequent re-polycondensation. S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH and Titech China (part of Tomra) provided an update about their latest features in bottle and flake sorting. Ralf Altepeter of Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH demonstrated its MRS-recycling system. Andreas Christel, from Buehler, presented his company’s recent scaling up of of bottle-to-bottle technology to 100t/d. A new chemical approach in the removal of toxic impurities from bottle flakes was introduced by Girish Bhatt of Bepex International Ltd. www.ccfei.net La Seda de Barcelona becomes Artenius Espana La Seda de Barcelona Group (LSB) has announced that the PET manufacturing business at its production plant in El Prat de Llobregat (Spain) will be renamed Artenius Espana SL, with effect from October 1, 2012. All contracts with customers and suppliers of the PET business in Spain will be undertaken by the new subsidiary of LSB from that date onwards. The new name is part of the internal corporate restructuring process of the LSB Group, and complies with the resolutions passed at the latest General Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 3, 2012. The name of the new subsidiary is in line with the different geographical names of the production plants which Artenius, the PET and PET recycling division of LSB, has in other countries. Commercial operations currently in progress will continue under the same conditions as the orders processed by LSB. www.laseda.es","@ID":11} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 41 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 Cavitator Systems Hall 6 | Booth 335 Process plants for manufacturing and treating beverages CavitatorSystems will inform visitors on their solutions for treating and manufacturing beverages. The company offers turnkey solutions ranging from plants for treating products that have a tendency to foam and that are designed to be integrated into existing filling lines, to mixers and up to complex modular solutions including: syrup preparation and dosage flash pasteurising systems media degassing and gassing Cavitator mixers, wort aeration, CIP systems as well as tanks and pipework. The Cavitator is used for mixing, emulsifying, homogenising, dispersing, dissolving and saturating liquids, either together with each other or with gases or when liquids are being aerated. Beverages that have been treated with the Cavitator can be bottled at higher speeds and temperatures. The intensive mixture results in finely sparkling beverages. Foaming during filling and difficulties in labelling caused by bottles with condensation are a thing of the past. The deposition of turbidity constituents such as fibres and pulp are significantly reduced. Through the use of Cavitators the product cooling can be reduced or potentially eliminated altogether. The cavitation technology allows the product to be bottled at a higher temperature and, therefore, the energy costs are radically reduced. Cavitator Systems will be exhibiting their Inline Carbonation System Model Cavsys Cavitator C-50-10 for the manufacture of soft drinks, sparkling wine and alcopops. The equipment is designed for continuous production as well as for frequently changing products. www.cavitator-systems.com Rapid mould change Röders Tec is a German mouldmaker with 30 years’ experience in designing PET-bottles and manufacturing blow moulds. The company has supplied over 70,000 blow moulds for customers worldwide for all types of blowing machines such as Sidel, Krones, KHS, Sipa, etc. A recent development which will be shown at the Brau Beviale is the RMC–system (Rapid Mould Change). According to Friedo Böhling, Sales manager PET blow moulds, the RMC-system reduces the blow mould changeover time by up to 60%, depending on the machine type. Besides the cost savings factor, RMC prevents moulds from wear on the clamping surfaces. The system can be retrofitted on various marques of blowing machine. www.roeders.de Röders Tec Hall 5 | Booth 419","@ID":43} "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 42 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 11/12 www.petpla.net Flavours and natural colours The Döhler product portfolio includes flavours, natural colours, ingredients, emulsions, compounds, fruit preparations, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage bases, dairy, malt and cereal bases and fruit and vegetable juices, purees, concentrates and blends. The products exhibited are still fruit juice beverages, energy drinks with new energy sources, innovative carbonated soft drinks, exotic aqua fruit beverages, cider and wine mixes and fresh malt beverages such as Fassbrause. Döhler is also exhibiting new flavour concepts. Ginger and pineberry flavours are on trend at the moment and will be available for tasting in many beverages and foods at their trade fair booth. Examples of flavours include European flavours such as rhubarb, trend flavours such as ginger and even exotic flavours such as coconut and the little-known pineberry. In addition, Döhler is showing a range of beer, malt and hop flavours as well as SIT, an innovative flavour technology for optimising the taste of HIS sweeteners. Döhler will also exhibit emulsions for improving mouth feel to beverages with a low juice content. Apart from that, the company will present its portfolio of natural colours such as ‘red brilliance’, based on black carrot. The colour range covers warm orange tones to shining ruby tones all the way to shades of blue. All colours meet the requirements of ‘clean labelling’. Caloriefree energy drinks and calorie-reduced product variants with MultiSweet Stevia will also be available for tasting. As well as new carbonated soft drinks such as ‘brewed sodas’, new bitter lemonades and naturally calorie-reduced lemonades, the ingredient manufacturer is also showcasing beverage solutions based on cola. The range includes cola+X beverages and natural cola variants. Still lemonades with mint taste, fruit juice beverages with fruit cells and a new generation of BCE beverages can also be sampled at this year’s Brau. www.doehler.com Döhler Hall 1 | Booth 303 Extended cooling phase Netstal will be available for information about its product range in the beverage bottle and closure sectors. The main feature will be their “Preblow” development. Preblow extends the cooling phase with the blowing process in the base area. This is claimed to further reinforce the advantages of the Netstal Calitec system. The system was introduced at this year’s Chinaplas and was featured in PETplanet issue 9_12. www.netstal.com Netstal Hall 7A | Booth 23","@ID":44} "#326-1, Taejeon-dong, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 464-805, R. O. Korea Tel: +82 31 763 5621 Fax: +82 31 763 5623 E-mail: [email protected] URL: www.pnstech.co.kr Machine Vision Inspection System PS-21GP S2 is connected on the production line directly. This machine inspect the PET bottle preform and reject the detected preform automatically. This operates from low to high speed which was designed based on the client’s production line. All of the preform checks for foreign substance by rotating the preform and using a specially designed mirror with a high degree of precision to check for the entire circumference of preform. In case of inspecting the long gate preform, the customer can put the gate cutting device in the PS-21GP S2, so the cost and the because the preform moving device is designed to gripper type, so customer doesn’t need to buy another change part. 3 Wheels Rotary Type Preform Whole surface Inspection System (PS-21GP Series 2) Basic Inspection Area 1. Neck Innerwall 2. Neck Finish 3. Basement 4. Screw Thread 5. Sidewall Available Options 1. Gate Cutting Device (2 in 1) 2. Mold Number Reading Machine Capacity 1. Low Speed: ~200 PPM 2. Middle Speed: 200~400 PPM 3. High Speed: 400~600 PPM Neck Finish Screw Thread Neck Innerwall Sidewall Upper Sidewall Lower Basement Gate Cutter Device (Option) Mold Number Reading (Option) Mirror Camera Rotation Illumination Mirror Scanner Mirror Scanner Preform Rotation Gate Cutting Infeed Reject Good Products","@ID":37}]}}