04 / 2023


 "MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 13 MATERIALS / RECYCLING 13 applications. They are characterised by three pillars: A dedicated raw material portfolio used for colour development; An ISO 22000 certified production site; A sensory test result provided to customers. SenseAction colourants are formulated with specific carriers and selected pigments within a dedicated raw material portfolio. They comply with the three pillars in the following way: All raw materials are food contact compliant and subject to special handling and storage to help avoid cross-contamination. The SenseAction portfolio is produced on dedicated production lines at an ISO 22000-certified production site. Special cleaning procedures minimise contamination risks. SenseAction colourants are subjected to regular testing by an independent lab. The short sensory test method is efficient and based on a standard method that is also used by the mineral water industry. The test results are included in the certificate of analysis. www.avient.com L’Oréal was able to overcome the challenges of PCR colouring for their Redken line with Avient’s Color Prediction Service CPS. More recently, Avient’s CPS was announced as one of the shortlisted finalists of the Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2023 in the category Product Technology Innovation of the Year."},{"@ID":30,

 "MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Preform inspection Company name Intravis GmbH Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Rotter Bruch 26a, 52068 Aachen, Germany +49 241 9126 0 www.intravis.com Mr Markus Juppe CMO +49 241 9126 0 [email protected] Preform Inspection Systems PreWatcher Offline PreWatcher Inline Sample-PreWatcher PreMon LayerWatcher Inspection speed Up to 100,000 objects/hour with 18 cameras Up to 72.000 objects / hour with 8 cameras Up to 1,200 objects/hour with weight check Up to 72,000 objects/hour with 5 cameras Up to 144 objects/hour Inspected parameters: Geometry / Body Contamination, short shots, length, diameter, shape, unmelted material, oil & water marks, burn spots, scratches, opacity, crystallisation, streaks, bubbles, colour and colour deviations, barrier, stress test with polarised light Contamination, short shots, length, diameter, shape, unmelted material, oil & water marks, burn spots, scratches, opacity, crystallisation, streaks, bubbles, colour and colour deviations Contamination, short shots, length, diameter, shape, unmelted material, oil & water marks, burn spots, wall thickness, inner wall damage, core shift, scratches, opacity, crystallisation, streaks, stress test with polarised light, bubbles, colour and colour deviations, barrier Colour and colour deviations, contamination, unmelted material, oil, burn spots, opacity, yellowness Presence of barrier layers, thickness of barrier layers, position of barrier layers, structure of barrier layers, position of barrier leading edge, position of barrier trailing edge Thread area Contamination, thread dimensions, defects at the neck support ring, fl ash, pulled thread Contamination, thread dimensions, defects at the neck support ring, fl ash, pulled thread Contamination, thread dimensions, defects at the neck support ring, fl ash, pulled thread, tactile inspection of inner wall diameter Mouth / Sealing surface Diameter, ovality, short shots, fl ash, scratches and notches on the sealing surface, defects at the neck support ring, contamination Diameter, ovality, short shots, fl ash, scratches and notches on the sealing surface, contamination Diameter, ovality, short shots, fl ash, scratches and notches on the sealing surface, inner mouth wall inspection, contamination Short shots, scratches/notches, contamination Gate / Dome Contamination, grooves, holes, cracks, crystallisation, postitioning of injection point, unmelted material, gate length, gate deformation, stringing Contamination, grooves, holes, cracks, crystallisation, postitioning of injection point, unmelted material, gate length, gate deformation, stringing Contamination, grooves, holes, cracks, crystallisation, postitioning of injection point, unmelted material, gate length, gate deformation, stringing, wall thickness Length of injection point, contamination Colour Colour and intensity deviations (ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*), presence of UV blocker, presence of barrier, presence of IR absorber (reheater) Colour and intensity deviations (ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*), presence of UV blocker, presence of barrier, presence of IR absorber (reheater) Colour and intensity deviations (ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*), presence of UV blocker, presence of barrier, presence of IR absorber (reheater) Colour and intensity deviations (ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*), yellowness Cavity number Cavity number reading, cavity related statistics, preform sorting according to cavity number, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibility to share information based on cavity number with IMM Cavity number reading, cavity related statistics, preform sorting according to cavity number, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibility to share information based on cavity number with IMM Cavity number reading, cavity related statistics, preform sorting according to cavity number, enables collection of reference samples, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibility to share information based on cavity number with IMM Cavity related statistics, powerful cavity reading without need for learning for most fonts, possibillity to share information based on cavity number with IMM Further criteria Precise separation and positioning of preforms due to star wheel separation, second ejector for easy collection of sample preforms, space-saving design on less than 4m², 100%quality control without blind areas, for transparent, translucent and opaque preforms 3-in-1 solution: Combination of sorting, feeding and inspection unit, spacesaving design on less than 8m², 100% quality control without blind areas, For transparent, translucent and opaque preforms Precise and extensive measurement of weight and dimension, cavity-correlated information about every detail of the preform, reference sample collection based on defect and/or cavity Comprehensive octabin or time related statistic dashboard, bad part ejection with ejection compensation, high precision through preform orientation, easy reference creation due to PreMon Wizard Visualisation of individual barrier layers in 3D images in less than 30 sec., inspection of up to 100,000 measuring points, layer measurement with OptoSonix scan technology, cavity-related information Measurement of absence or presence of barrier material Yes Yes Yes Yes Layer thickness & position measurement at distinctive points Yes Layer thickness & position measurement at the complete body by scanning Yes Features: Installation: Stand-alone Yes Yes Yes Yes Installation: Inline Yes, but optimised for offl ine Yes, optimised for inline after IMM and before blower and fi ller Yes, sampling Yes, optimised for inline after IMM Yes, sampling · Side camera for cavity recognition Yes, 4 cameras Yes, 3 cameras Yes, rollout of the complete thread area Yes, rollout of the complete thread area · Method: destructive/non destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive · Data base connection Yes, all industry standards supported, ready for Industry 4.0 applications: XLS formats, SQL and several others, connectable to IntraVisualizer, ERP & QMS Yes, all industry standards supported, ready for Industry 4.0 applications: XLS formats, SQL and several others, connectable to IntraVisualizer, ERP & QMS Yes, all industry standards supported, ready for Industry 4.0 applications: XLS formats, SQL and several others, connectable to IntraVisualizer, ERP & QMS Yes, all industry standards supported, ready for Industry 4.0 applications: XLS formats, SQL and several others, connectable to IntraVisualizer, ERP & QMS Yes, all industry standards supported, ready for Industry 4.0 applications: XLS formats, SQL and several others, connectable to IntraVisualizer, ERP & QMS"},{"@ID":6,

 "PETcontents 4 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 04/2023 Page 38 MATERIALS / RECYCLING 10 PET recycling in East India - Food-grade rPET project and smart waste bins in Bengal 12 Colourful solutions - PCR colour prediction service & colourants for beverage closures PREFORM PRODUCTION 14 Always in tunes with the times - Sustainable development of required preforms 16 Preparing rPET for preform production - Continuous vacuum drying technology 18 Minimising waste - Status quo and developments in preform manufacturing 19 The PET wine bottle - Increasing interest in a sustainable alternative to glass BOTTLE MAKING 20 Increased efficiency and sustainability for large-capacity bottles BOTTLING / FILLING 22 Climate-neutral juice factory MARKET SURVEY 27 Suppliers of preforms & preform inspection systems TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 24 Plastics Recycling Show Europe 2023 preview 31 Interpack 2023 preview 43 Track, trace & protect TRADE SHOW REVIEW 44 Petcore Europe Annual Conference, review part 2 BUYER’S GUIDE 48 Get listed! INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 46 On site 47 PET bottles for beverage + liquid food 54 Outer Planet PREFORMS Page 22 Page 10"},{"@ID":2,

 "MARKET SURVEY 30 Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Preforms Company name Société Générale des Techniques (SGT) PDG Plastiques Novapet SA Sacmi Imola S.C. Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail 3 Rue de l’Île Macé 44412 Rezé, France +33 2 40 05 09 37 www.sgt-pet.com Mr Pierre-Henri Jany Sales Manager +33 2 40 05 09 37 [email protected] ZI secteur 2, 45330 Malesherbes, France +33 2 3834 6195 www.pdg-plastiques.com Mr Francois Desfretier General Manager +33 2 3834 6195 [email protected] Paseo de la independencia 21, 3. Zaragoza, Spain +34 976 2161 29 www.novapet.com Mr Antonio Lázaro Preform business manager +34 976 216129 [email protected] Via Provinciale Selice 17/a 40026 Imola, Italy +39 0542 607111 www.sacmi.it Mr Moraldo Masi PreformDivisionDirector [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) Yes Preforms in alternative materials (PP/PLA/PEF) Which? Yes, BioPET & PEF BioPET - PP PP & PLA Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) 1-100% (upon requests), own food grade rPET: CIRPET Yes, up to 100% Yes, from 10-100% 100% List of additives available All colours & barrier technologies: UV blocker, AA reducer; O2 & CO2 scavenger, reheat additive, white colour for UHT milk, slip agent Prelactia 100% light barrier for UHT sterilised long shelf-life milk, Oxygen, UV, CO2 barriers Concentrates (for milk and light sensitive products); colours, lubricants, nucleants, under customer requirements Preform range Preforms for use in bottled water, CSD, food, dairy, juices, oil & vinegar, sauces & condiments, home and personal care, wine & spirits, industrial and other applications. 27/31 (36g-45g-57g-66g); 27/32 (25.10-50.10g); 55mm for 5 gallon, refi llable application (450-650g); 30/25 high neck & low neck (13-44g); 30/25 BB light (22.50-28g); 29/25 without step, (9.3-35.8g); 29/25 (9.5-36g); 28 PCO 1810 (16-52.5g); PCO 1881 (14.50-50g); PCO 1881M (13-17.50g); 26/22 (17-30g); 28 BPF (20.5-53g); 38mm 42/3638mm 43/36-38mm 43/36.5 (without step)-38mm 43/36.5-3 mm hot fi ll (14-70g); 33mm (12-26g); 48/40 (77-160g); 21/29 (20-52g); 28/22 (23g); 28/400 (20g); 28/410 (19.5-52.50g); 28/410 with anti-back off system (34- 40g); 22H30 (18g); BVS 30 H (40-53.50g); CRC63 (385g-400g-450g); 38/400 (18-28g); 24/410 (24g); 26/22 CSD (28-29.50g); 29/23 (30.50g); 48CH (90g); 63/54 (385g) 24/410 (24g) cup 51mm (9.20g) Coloured preforms, Preblow technology, Mint-Tec technology; 29/25 shorty (8-10.5-11.7-18.721- 22-23-23.5-24-24.5-26.5-28g); 30/25 high (17.5-24.5-26-28-31-33-36-39-50g); 26/22 (10.5-17-23-28.5-30-34g); 38mm 3 start (18-2228-32-33.5-35-44-50-62-64g); Prelactia 38mm 3 start (17-24-28-38g); 48/40 (47-55-62g); 21/29 (22.5g); 27/32 (6,5g dairy & smoothies); 25/20 (6.5- 8g dairy); PCO 1810 (20-33.6g); PCO 1881 (18.5-27-30-32-36.5g); 29/23 (24-27-33g chemical); BVS 30H60 (50g wine (high oxygen barrier)); 22H30 (19g wine (high oxygen barrier)); ultra-light weighting 2.4g preform standard and specifi c preforms for mineral water, dairy, juice, CSD etc.; overmoulding technology for 2 layers preforms Ø 29/25 W (short neck) 330-2,000ml (10-32g); Ø 30/25 W (std neck) 3302,500ml (11-47g);Ø 33mm (23g); Ø 48mm W 5,000-10,000ml (77, 82, 98g); Ø PCO 1810 (std neck) 5003,000ml (18.5-54g); Ø PCO 1881 (std neck) 300-2,000ml (18-38.7g); Ø GME 30/40 (32.2g); Ø 38mm 3006,000ml (21-78g); Ø 29/21 edible oil 0.5 and 1 l (22-25g); Ø 42/34 edible oil 3 and 5 l (75& 85g); Ø Pilfer 28mm small formats (17.5&25g); Ø 28/410, 300-1,500ml (24-30-36.542.5g); any other shape and weight under customer requirements 5 - 140g www.kreyenborg.com [email protected] Made in Germany Preforms Company name Retal Industries LTD Hodmeter Plastipak Varioform PET Verpackungen Ges.m.b.H. Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail Epimitheos St. 6, Ind. Area A, Limassol, 3056 Cyprus +357 25 270 500 www.retalgroup.com Mr Fuat Karaev Global Sales Director +357 25 270 500 [email protected] 140 rue Louis Pasteur 76160 Darnétal, France +33 950 373 373 www.hodmeter.com Mr Antoine Brémilts Sales & Marketing +33 684 633 154 [email protected] Ringlaan 7, 2960 Brecht, Belgium +32 3 330 08 12 www.plastipak.com Mr David Albeniz Sales & Marketing Director - EU [email protected] Industriestaße 5 3134 Reichersdorf, Austria +43 2783 7114 0 www.varioform.at Mr Ing. Werner Maurer Managing Director +43 2783 7117 0 offi [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) Yes Yes No Preforms in alternative materials (PP/PLA/PEF) Which? Applicable Yes, PLA & PEF No Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) Yes, rPET content 10-100% Yes, up to 100% Yes, up to 100% List of additives available O2 scavanger (example- Amosorb) AA reducers; slip agent, UV blockers; brighteners; nylon; Polyshield All colourants and barrier technologies Please contact for further information Preform range Around 800 different preforms designs with different weight (9.7-485g) and neck (PCO 1881, PCO1810, PET cycle PCO 1810, High PCO 1810, PCO Hybrid, BPF, 30/25, 29/25, Hexalite 26/22, Obrist, 34/29, 38mm, 29/21, 28/410, etc. 700g for 5 gallon refi llable bottle Plastipak supplies preforms for use in bottled water, CSD, food, dairy, home and personal care, alcohol, industrial and other applications. Plastipak has a wide range of preform sizes and weights (too numerous to list). Varioforms preform portfolio includes different preforms for the beverage and non food usage. We produce preforms from 13.5g up to 54g with PCO 1810, PCO 1881 as well as PET-Cycle neck fi nishing. Company name FlexBlow Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone E-mail Vytauto str. 114A, LT-97134 Kretinga, Lithuania +370 445 51431 www.fl exblow.com 0 U  $ XULPDV  ä LDXã \\ V Regional Manager, Europe +370 612 42946 blow@fl exblow.com Preforms Multilayer preforms No Preforms in alternative materials (PP/ PLA/PEF) Which? PET, rPET, hot-fi ll PET, PP, PLA Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) Yes, up to 100% List of additives available Colours, O2 blocker, UV blocker, Slip agent Preform range FlexBlow develops and supplies affordable custom preforms for lightweighting projects, conversion from glass or HDPE to PET projects, hot-fi ll applications and any complex design containers"},{"@ID":43,

 "41 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Curious? Then get in touch! Simply contact us to make a trade fair appointment. Visit BERICAP’s Captown at Interpack 2023 and explore the attractive solutions for tethered caps and sport caps and our huge range of closures for the food and beverage industry. Check out Captown’s Beverage Hills — the heart of our exciting exhibition city. ClipAside Lane is the place to be for convenient, robust tethered solutions that cover a multitude of neck finishes. Discover the latest sport cap innovations: Biarritz, Mayence and Monet. As a trusted, experienced solutions provider, we will guide you through the entire process, from design to implementation. Welcome to Captown, the capital of smart closure solutions. BERICAP. The Closure Company. 4 to 10 May Hall 10 E 67 Welcome to Captown Discover the latest Innovations in product integrity, customer satisfaction and sustainability"},{"@ID":29,

 "MARKET SURVEY 27 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 04/2023 MARKETsurvey Suppliers of preforms & preform inspection systmes In this issue PETplanet focus on new developments in performs and preform inspection system. We are very proud to present the brand-new data from the following perform manufacturers and preform inspection system manufacturers: Pressco Technology, Agr International, Intravis, IMD, Sacmi Imola, SGT, Hodmeter, Plastipak, Varioform, Retal, PDG Plastiques, FelxBlow and Novapet. Although the publishers have made every eff ort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. Resins & additives Preform machinery  Preform production & inspection systems Preform & SBM mould manufacturer SBM 2-stage Compressors All about caps Filling equipment & inspection systems Palletising & shrink film machinery Recycling machinery Preform inspection Company name Pressco Technology Inc Agr International Inc. IMD Ltd. Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail 29200 Aurora Road, Cleveland, OH, USA +1 440 498 2600 www.pressco.com Mr Tom Murphy VP, Sales & Customer Service +1 440 498 2600 [email protected] 615 Whitestown Road Butler, PA 16001, USA +1 724 482 2163 www.agrintl.com Ms Karen Marcellus Marketing Manager +1 724 482 1028 [email protected] Industriestrasse 37A, 2555 Brügg BE, Switzerland +41 32 366 80 66 www.imdvista.ch Mr Martin Gerber Sales Director (CSO) +41 32 366 80 66 [email protected] Preform Inspection Systems Intellispec Pilot Vision+ in-the-blowmoulder inspection system IMDvista Peco V3 - 100% preform inspection system IMDvista Peco Lux - preform monitoring system Inspection speed Up to 2,500/min 100,000+ pph Up to 90,000pph According to injection moulding machine speed Inspected parameters: Geometry / Body Unmelts, heat splay, burn marks, water spots, bent/warped preforms, contamination, carbon streaks, bubbles/blisters, colour, crystallinity & clarity/hazing, gate length Yes, contamination, opaque spots (black spots), unmelts, bubbles/blisters, burn marks, water spots, streaks Black spots, burn marks, contamination, deformation body, air bubbles, scratches, non-visible fl ow structures (low pressure while injection), total length, colour defects, too long injection points, unmelts Colour defects and deviation, contamination, burn marks, air bubbles, scratches, too long injection points Thread area Contamination, fl ash, dimensions, pulled threads Flashes on neck/thread, scratches on neck area, support ring deformation, missing material on support ring Mouth / Sealing surface Contamination, ovality and diameter, dirt & debris in the preform, nicks, gouges, short shots & dips Yes, inspected after blowing - nicks, dents (V notches) and scratches in seal surface, surface irregularities, seal surface width (average), ovality, blown fi nish, choked neck, seal surface integrity, inner/outer diameter Ovality, diameter, fl ashes, shorts shots, fl ash on parting line, deformation of sealing area, colour defects and colour deviation Short shot trend analyser Gate / Dome Bent/warped preforms, dirt/debris, cracked gates Yes, gate and lengh Gate defects, gate lenght (long gates), holes in gate and gate area, gate deformation, cracks in gate area, injection point out of center, drip marks Too long injection point Colour Colour variations, incorrect colour Yes, colour hues and colour changes Colour defects and deviation (L*A*B*) Colour defects and deviation (L*A*B*) Cavity number Cavity recognition and reading, cavity related statistics and alarms, rejection of X cavity numbers Further criteria Additional inspection modules include: neck support ring, inner barrel The Pilot Vision+ is mounted inside the blowmoulder and provide preform inspection immediately prior to bottle blowing System on operator level: “IMD is proud to offer exclusively the most compact solution in the market together with our partner M. Tanner Ltd. Switzerland” No additional fl oor space required - simple and fast integration onto specifi c injection moulding machine Measurement of absence or presence of barrier material Yes Layer thickness & position measurement at distinctive points Layer thickness & position measurement at the complete body by scanning Features: Installation: Stand-alone On customer-supplied starwheel Yes Installation: Inline Mounting and installation inside major OEM blowmoulding machines; options available for stand-alone and inline systems Inline, in blowmoulder Yes Yes · Side camera for cavity recognition Included · Methode: destructive/non destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive · Data base connection Yes Yes, compatible with plant or system network IMDvista Portal / Customer ERP System IMDvista Portal"},{"@ID":10,

 "8 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Packamama and Vinventions have launched a collaboration to serve the packaging needs of the French wine industry Packamama and Vinventions, producer of sustainable closures for the global wine industry, have joined forces with Vinventions to sell Packamama’s eco-flat bottles in France. This exclusive sales agreement will see Vinventions offering these PET wine bottles to their winery customers and to the wider French wine industry, too. Stéphane Vidal, Head of Innovation at Vinventions, said the following about this collaboration, “[…] By partnering with Packamama, we can help wineries suffering from the shortage of glass bottles by proposing a PET bottle alternative. Moreover, the eco-flat bottle made from 100% recycled PET plastic will help wineries improve their CO2 footprint.” Santiago Navarro, CEO & Founder at Packamama, explained that France is currently experiencing two concurrent crises: wine bottle supply pressures, with shortages and price rises, and declining wine consumption from younger drinkers. “We offer an innovative bottle packaging solution that is readily available and which is not impacted by the challenging energy crisis. Furthermore, our low carbon footprint solution contributes meaningfully to emissions reduction and climate action, appealing to a younger audience who actively seek out sustainable products,” he commented on the collaboration. Vinventions is a provider of a diverse portfolio of wine closure solutions. www.vinventions.com www.packamama.com BrauBeviale 2023 After a pandemic-related four-year break, preparations for BrauBeviale 2023, one of the leading capital goods trade fairs for the beverage industry, are in full swing. Organisers now finetuned the profile for the exhibition which will take place from 28–30 November in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, Germany. The new slogan “We stand for variety” points the way for BrauBeviale. The trade fair has its origins in the beer and brewing segment. The sense of community in the sector has always been palpable at BrauBeviale, say the organisers. At this year’s event, wine and sparkling wine will also be put under the spotlight. The alcohol-free drinks segment is also well represented at BrauBeviale, with around 70 per cent of the exhibitors already registered also offering specific products and solutions for manufacturers of alcohol-free drinks. Ahead of the event, interested trade visitors can filter and display a selection of exhibitors for individual beverage industry segments, to get suggested contacts in advance and plan a visit that is as efficient as possible. Exhibitors are arranged around the exhibition park to represent the process chain for beverage manufacture, from raw materials to machinery and equipment, and from packaging and marketing to components. Supporting programme Established elements of the supporting programme like the Craft Drinks Area or the European Beer Star competition are combined with new formats, developed with and for the entire sector. For the BrauBeviale Forum, the exhibitors will be involved in designing the programme to a much greater extent this year. Some of the key topics that affect all segments are sustainability, energy, raw materials, export, prohibitionist policies, and the European Packaging Directive. Details of the individual items on the programme agenda will be provided in good time prior to the event. www.braubeviale.de"},{"@ID":20,

 "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 18 No. 0/17 www.petpla.net 18 Status quo and developments in preform manufacturing Minimising waste Based on an article by Gaurav Saraogi, Managing Director Chemco Plastics Industries Limited Chemco Group, a supplier of PET preforms with its headquarter in India, announced that it currently has a global capacity in PET processing of 95,000 t/a and it will expand to 110,000 t/a in 2024. It also processes over 20,000 t/a of other polymers, such as PE and PP. PET preforms have gained traction in the packaging industry because of their characteristics and material properties, including strength, impact resistance, dimensional stability and light weight along with its barrier properties and processability. The development of biodegradable and bio-based PET are leading to more environmentally friendly preforms, reduction in fossil fuel dependency and growth of circular manufacturing solutions, have further boosted PET’s appeal. Its range of markets and applications have been extended with innovations such as nanocomposite materials, multilayer structures and specialised coatings for sensitive products. Chemco Group operates manufacturing facilities equipped with machinery from leading providers such as Husky HyPET Systems, Krauss Maffei, Nissei ASB, Ferromatik, Chen Hsong and Toshiba and more. Its R&D team focuses on material science and engineering and exploring new formulations and additives that enhance PET preform properties. Currently, it has teams working on the development of high-performance barrier materials, lightweighting techniques, and biodegradable or bio-based PET formulations. The main thrust of most of the companies is towards sustainability in terms of reduction of materials, use of postconsumer recycled (PCR) materials and strengthening the networking of the collection mechanism of PCR plastic packaging waste materials. Chemco has got in-house dedicated recycling facilities which allow the company to control the quality of input materials. The high-quality machines and an attached laboratory ensure the recycled materials are safe and can be used for food packaging applications. PREFORMS PET preform markets In the PET preforms market, Asia Pacific is the fastest expanding region. PET preforms are in significant demand in growing economies like China, Japan, and India. Amongst all these countries, China is the primary market for PET preforms. Due to the rising demand for carbonated soft drinks, purified water, food, beverages, and medicinal liquor in economies such as India and China, the need for plastic goods and industries has expanded, boosting the PET preform market in this area. The PET preforms market in the Asia Pacific is predicted to develop with a CAGR of over 6% in-between 2016 and 2026. www.chemcogroup.com"},{"@ID":31,

 "MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Sacmi Imola S.C. Via Selice Provinciale 17/A, 40026 Imola (BO), Italy +39 0542 607111 www.sacmi.com Mr Stefano Severi Sales Specialist Manager +39 335 6594236 [email protected] ColorWatcher Lab PVS002C PVS-3 PVS10L PVS156 on board vision system for Sacmi IPS presses PLO030 - preform sorter/feeder Manual feeding, handling time: up to 5 sec. / object measurement time: up to 10ms/object Up to 1,200pph 90,000pph 72,000pph up to 1,200pph 40,000pph Colour and colour deviations Contamination, shape, diameter, ovalisation, wall thickness, crystallisation, unmelts, bubbles, water marks, black specks, gate length, opacity, colour variations, scratches and many other Contamination, shape, diameter, wall thickness, crystallisation, contamination, black specks, unmelts, bubbles, water marks, black specks, gate length, opacity, colour variations, scratches Contamination, shape, diameter, wall thickness, crystallisation, contamination, black specks, unmelts, bubbles, water marks, black specks, gate length, opacity, colour variations, scratches Contamination, shape, diameter, ovalisation, wall thickness, crystallisation, unmelts, bubbles, water marks, black specks, gate length, opacity, colour variations, scratches and many other Contaminations, cavity number recognition, diameters, fl ashes, black specks, diameters measurements Contaminations, cavity number recognition, fl ashes Contaminations, cavity number recognition, fl ashes Contaminations, cavity number recognition, diameters, fl ashes, black specks, diameters measurements Diameters, ovality, thickness, scratches, short shots, fl ashes, notches, contaminations and black specks Diameters, ovality, thickness, scratches, short shots, fl ashes, notches, contaminations Diameters, ovality, thickness, scratches, short shots, fl ashes, notches, contaminations Diameters, ovality, thickness, scratches, short shots, fl ashes, notches, contaminations and black specks Crystallisation, contaminations, unmlet, bubbles, grooves, holes, cracks, position of the injection point, black specks, gate length Crystallisation, contaminations, unmlet, bubbles, grooves, holes, cracks, position of the injection point, gate length Crystallisation, contaminations, unmelt, bubbles, grooves, holes, cracks, position of the injection point, gate length Crystallisation, contaminations, unmelt, bubbles, grooves, holes, cracks, position of the injection point, black specks, gate length Colour and intensity deviations (ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*), presence of UV blocker, presence of barrier, presence of IR absorber (reheater) Colour variations, intensity deviations, LAB measurement Colour variations, intensity deviations, LAB measurement Colour variations, intensity deviations, LAB measurement Colour variations, intensity deviations, LAB measurement Cavity number recognition through advanced Deep Learning and AI algorithms to ensure high reliability even with those number with poor relief and/or poor contrast, cavity related statistics, sorting by cavity number Cavity number recognition through advanced Deep Learning and AI algorithms to ensure high reliability even with those number with poor relief and/or poor contrast, cavity related statistics, sorting by cavity number Cavity number recognition through advanced Deep Learning and AI algorithms to ensure high reliability even with those number with poor relief and/ or poor contrast, cavity related statistics, sorting by cavity number Cavity number recognition through advanced Deep Learning and AI algorithms to ensure high reliability even with those number with poor relief and/ or poor contrast, cavity related statistics, sorting by cavity number High precision colour inspection with spectrometer, for translucent, transparent and opaque preforms, analysis of even small colour nuances, no change parts required Weight check, patented polarised light inspection through advanced Deep Learning and AI algorithms, fast manual changeover through intelligent guided procedure, measurement of thread and body, perpendicularity, wall thickness and fl ash in the parting line Patented polarised light inspection through advanced Deep Learning and AI algorithms Patented polarised light inspection through advanced Deep Learning and AI algorithms, Driva (Drive & Recognise through Intelligent VisionAlgorithms): fully automated changeover; automatic recognition of the new preform to inspect, changeover in about 1min, from a preform to another completely different (colour, diameter, neck and length) Weight check, temperature along the body, patented polarised light inspection through advanced deep learning and AI algorithms, fast manual changeover through intelligent guided procedure, measurement of thread and body, perpendicularity, wall thickness, fl ash in the parting line, fully integrated into Sacmi IPS injection moulding machines Roller feeder with automatic changeover controlled by the PVS10L The PVS10L is able to drive also the PLO030, ensuring a fully automated changeover of the whole line in one minute. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No, but manual input Yes No, patented cavity recognition with top camera and special lens Yes Yes Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Yes, all industry standards supported, ready for Industry 4.0 applications: XLS formats, SQL and several others, connectable to IntraVisualizer, ERP & QMS SQL database, possibility to extract data in Excel format, possibility of connection to ERP/MES system through supported transfer protocols such as: OPC/UA, MODBUS and HTTP SQL database, possibility to extract data in Excel format, possibility of connection to ERP/MES system through supported transfer protocols such as: OPC/UA, MODBUS and HTTP SQL database, possibility to extract data in Excel format, possibility of connection to ERP/MES system through supported transfer protocols such as: OPC/UA, MODBUS and HTTP SQL database, possibility to extract data in Excel format, possibility of connection to ERP/MES system through supported transfer protocols such as:OPC/UA, MODBUS and HTTP"},{"@ID":45,

 "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 43 Track, trace & protect Heuft’s focus at Interpack are digital technologies for the identification and traceability, serialisation and aggregation of a wide range of products and packaging materials. From proof of origin to the complete documentation of the filling and packaging process they generate Big Data for a production which can be traced at any time. This also applies to all the data of network-capable Heuft systems for the inspection of empties for safely reusable packaging materials in the circular economy and for the inspection of full containers for full product safety right up to the archiving of the detection images. This not only brings a lot in terms of conformity with the law and protection against counterfeiting. A consistent track & trace also realises, among other things, a targeted pool, resource and recall management. The Heuft Examiner II XT, one of the highlights of the company’s presence at the exhibition, helps to prevent product recalls due to foreign object contamination from the outset. With a completely revised mechanical construction and further developed pulsed X-ray, it is designed to offer flexibility for space-saving integration and at the same time more detection and operational reliability for the inspection of still unpacked product masses. Heuft will demonstrate what makes the X-ray components from its own development and production so special at a special Enlightenment station. And how this optimised Heuft Examiner II technology also detects not only foreign objects even more reliably during the top-down inspection of packaged pet food, the sideways inspection of cans or stand-up pouches and the all-round complete inspection of jam jars. HEUFT Hall 13 Booth A43 Innovative image processing technologies also contribute to this – for example the latest development stage of the Heuft Reflexx A.I. It combines artificial intelligence with human expertise in order to clearly distinguish harmless objects from critical ones. In this way valuable resources are no longer wasted and only products and packaging which are really no longer marketable are withdrawn from circulation. Whether and how well this is also feasible in difficult cases, for example when it comes to evaluating X-ray images of structured products such as loosely packed noodles, is also demonstrated at a dedicated Enlightenment station. A cyber-physical device stele can be used to bring all Heuft systems - from empty container inspection to tethered cap examination to glass splinter detection in filled food jars - to the company’s booth. www.heuft.com The Heuft Examiner II XT for detecting foreign objects in a product"},{"@ID":50,

 "PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 47 BOTTLES PETbottles Beverage + Liquid Food Drink or cosmetic? When walking through Italian supermarket shelves for drinks, one’s gaze gets caught on some bottles that look like a cosmetic product at first glance. The picture shows two examples of these products. One is a drink from San Benedetto with the imprint “Skin Care” in a transparent bottle with 220ml content, containing collagen, zinc and hyaluronic acid. The other drink comes from Sant’Anna Beauty, also contains hyaluronic acid and zinc and is filled in a transparent bottle with 150ml content. Both bottles are decorated with transparent sleeve labels and closed with screw caps. www.sanbenedetto.it Organic Gazpacho in PET Coop Switzerland sells 340 ml of vegan organic Gazpacho in its home country in a slim, easy-to-grip bottle. This is divided into different segments with several circumferential grooves, which provide stability as well as grip when handling and give the pack a special look. A self-adhesive label explains the product and includes a note to return the empty bottle to the point of sale. www.coop.ch Coco Drink without sugar U n d e r t h e b r a n d n ame “L’Angelica”, the Italian company Coswell sells a wide variety of products related to healthy nutrition and lifestyle. These include a range of drinks based on coconut milk - the picture shows the variant without added sugar. Each 500 ml is filled in a transparent, slightly waisted bottle with rounded edges. The sleeve label explains the product and is equipped with a perforation strip for easy separation of bottle and label. www.angelica.it"},{"@ID":3,

 "25 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Ob Inhouse-, Postconsumer, Bottle- oder chemisches Recycling: Nur wenn Maschinen perfekt auf die jeweilige Anforderung abgestimmt sind, gelingt es Kreisläufe präzise und profitabel zu schließen. Vertrauen Sie dabei auf die Nummer 1-Technologie von EREMA: Über 6000 unserer Maschinen und Systeme produzieren so jährlich rund 14,5 Mio. Tonnen hochwertiges Granulat – hocheffizient und energiesparend."},{"@ID":9,

 "7 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net"},{"@ID":18,

 "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 16 Continuous vacuum drying technology Preparing rPET for preform production Preform production is a critical step in the manufacturing of PET bottles. One key aspect of preform production is the drying of PET granules or flakes prior to injection moulding. The DRV vacuum dryer by PET Solutions is designed specifically for drying PET flakes or granules, using a combination of heat and vacuum. The machine was built on the basis of three registered patents which allows it to treat amorphous material through a continuous vacuum dehumidification process. When using rPET for preform production, some issues may arise that need to be kept in mind to ensure its long-term viability as a material. Although superior to virgin PET in terms of sustainability aspects, a number of problems may arise associated with rPET when being processed. So can for example the quality of rPET vary significantly depending on the source and the recycling process used. Contamination, such as food residue or other type of plastic, can also affect the quality of the recycled material and make it less suitable for certain applications. When preparing the material for injection moulding, vacuum drying has become an increasingly popular method for the drying process. Vacuum drying is claimed to offer several advantages over other drying methods, particularly for materials that are sensitive to heat or that require gentle handling: One major advantage of vacuum drying for preform production is that it can help to prevent degradation of the PET material. Vacuum drying also leads to a uniform drying of the material, as the reduced pressure helps to remove moisture evenly throughout the PET. This can help to ensure consistent quality of the final preform product. Furthermore, vacuum drying can be more energy-efficient than other methods, as the reduced pressure requires less energy to remove moisture from the PET. Overall, vacuum drying is regarded as a reliable and efficient method for drying PET material in preform production. Its advantages in terms of temperature control, speed, uniformity, quality and energy efficiency make it an increasingly popular choice in the beverage industry. Heat/vacuum combination One vacuum dryer solution for PET preform production is the DRV vacuum dryer by PET Solutions. This specialised piece of equipment is designed specifically for drying PET flakes or granules using a combination of heat and vacuum. The combination of heat and vacuum in vacuum drying allows for faster drying times, which can help to increase production efficiency. PREFORMS Continuous vacuum drying technology by PET Solutions"},{"@ID":36,

 "34 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Digital control for a better product quality Newamstar is committed to providing global users with “1+1+1” digital factory turnkey solution. Through its intelligent production line and warehouse logistics system as well as intelligent factory management information platform, it claims to help users meet the requirements of flexible production, to optimise the energy management of the production line, reduce the total production cost, and achieve a maximum of overall operation efficiency. Amongst the highlights will be Newamstar’s ultra-clean blowing-filling-capping combibloc; particle aseptic filling; and CSD aseptic blowing-filling-capping combibloc. The company will also be presenting its big bottle blowing-filling-capping combibloc, shrink and wrap all-in-one machine, intelligent warehouse and big data platform for the intelligent production line. Newamstar intends to increase the digital element on the intelligent manufacturing mode. This will involve developments in the life cycle service of design, process improvement, quality control and other products. The ambition is to open the digital path, mine the data value, make good products, and thereby to help customers to build ideal factories and smart factories, thus promoting the development of the digital economy. Realised projects Newamstar will also use the fair to report on successfully realised projects. Varun Beverages is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the renowned Indian RJ Corp Group. Since Pepsi’s entry into the Indian market in 1991, Varun Beverages has been working with Pepsi and is now the second largest licensed bottler of Pepsi in the world. Newamstar has worked with Varun successively on a 36,000bph waterline, a 36,000bph CSD line, a 26,000bph hot fill line, a 6,000bph / 5 l waterline and other projects. Newamstar has established a close relationship with the TZ Company, and the blowing-filling-capping combibloc intelligent production line and high-end manufacturing technology have been put into practice, which has helped Vodavoda own brand products expand the market. Newamstar has provided 52,000bph hot filling blowingfilling-capping combibloc production line, dozens of 36,000bph hot filling and water lines, dozens of 15 l blowing-filling-capping combibloc production lines for Mayora Group in Indonesia, which has improved the production efficiency and sustainable development ability for the group, and protected the smooth implementation of its growth strategy. The turnkey project of 40,000bph high-speed blowing-fillingcapping combibloc production line tailored by Newamstar has helped Selam company achieve more ambitious goals. At the same time, Newamstar continuously supplies Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Danone, Master Kong, Tsingtao Beer, Yihai Kerry, Cofco, Unilever and other famous brands at home and abroad, more than 2,200 production lines in more than 80 countries and regions all over the world. www.newamstar.com NEWAMSTAR Hall 13 Booth E26"},{"@ID":41,

 "39 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Diverse packaging portfolio KHS will be presenting its portfolio of resource-conserving systems to promote the circular economy. An example at the show will be the KHS’ Innopack Kisters Nature MultiPack machine which features developments such as a new universal adhesive. Joining beverage cans or PET bottles together to form stable packs with just a few dots of adhesive – without any additional outer packaging whatsoever the solution is claimed to save up to 90% in materials. In order to determine the impact each type of packaging has on the climate and whether a conversion for a stretch blow moulder, for instance, has a positive effect on the carbon footprint or not, KHS has developed a number of carbon calculator tools. This free service has been developed together with the Hamburg Institute for Environmental IT, a leading independent international software developer of material and energy flow analyses. The systems supplier’s plant engineering not only protects the environment; digital services also make for safer and more efficient production processes. In this context, KHS will be presenting its modular automat i on sys tems for format changeovers dur ing the packaging of beverage cans and PET bottles. The increasing variety of these types of container often requires bottlers to make frequent adjustments at the packaging and palletising end of their production lines. With the new option for all KHS packers in the advanced series and PB palletiser models, up to 80% of all manual tasks required in conjunction with a line changeover are now superfluous. This allows operators to save up to 30 minutes on each packaging and palletising format changeover. The new Innopal PLR high-performance palletiser helps to boost efficiency at the packaging and palletising end of a line. It is intended to combine the benefits of low-feed machines with the capacities provided by palletisers with a high infeed. With the help of robots, this machine processes up to 625 layers per hour which amounts to a nominal capacity of up to 135,000 cans/hour. This machine can also palletise PET containers and glass bottles. Using robots also simplifies operation, thus increasing both the efficiency and availability of production. www.khs.com KHS Hall 13 Booth A13 Photo: Frank Reinhold"},{"@ID":42,

 "40 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net New label inspection system For the first time Intravis GmbH, a provider of inspection solutions for the plastic packaging industry, will take part in Interpack. At their booth, visitors will be able to find out about the company’s proven solutions on the one hand and examine the brand-new LabelWatcher 360° system on the other, which will celebrate its world premiere at Interpack. CEO Dr Gerd Fuhrmann: “We are pleased to be able to welcome our customers and interested parties to our own booth at Interpack for the first time. In the past, we have already exhibited occasional systems at partner booths and were thus present. However, since Intravis has developed many new solutions for decoration control in the past few years - the IMLWatcher and the SleeveWatcher are just two examples - it was now time for our own booth.” The highl ight at the booth will be the world premiere of the new LabelWatcher 360°. Janina Orlowski, Team Leader for Product Management and Marketing at Intravis and also Product Manager for decoration inspection systems explains the system as follows: “The LabelWatcher 360° is an inspection system that has been specially designed for the quality control of round and oval products with 360° labels. The system’s hardware and software focus on defects that can typically occur during labelling with self-adhesive labels.” Thanks to a newly developed imaging as well as a a sophisticated referencing process developed specifically for the LabelWatcher 360°, unoriented objects can now be inspected just as reliably as customers are already accustomed to from previous Intravis label inspection systems, such as the LabelWatcher. In addition to the inspection of presence and identity, the LabelWatcher 360° also inspects the artwork offset of a label on the object and the correctness of the label joint. Furthermore, labels are inspected for wrinkles and bubbles, as well as print defects and contaminations. Customers also have the option of equipping their LabelWatcher 360° with code reading. With this function, barcodes, Data Matrix codes, plain text codes or QR codes can be read and compared with predefined codes. www.intravis.com INTRAVIS Hall 11 Booth B07 PET bottleto-bottle recycling To design the recycling process as efficient and energy-saving as possible has been one of the focal points in the technical development at Starlinger recycling technology for many years. The newly conceived PET bottle-to-bottle recycling system RecoStar PET art scores not only with 25% less energy consumption compared to the previous model, it also requires 46% less maintenance time, has a 21% smaller machine footprint, and a production output increase of 15%, according to Starlinger. In total, bottle-to-bottle recyclers can save about 21% in production cost with the new system. One of the main changes in the new PET recycling system is the combination of the previously two separate drying units with a residence time of around one hour each into one larger unit with a residence time of two hours. In addition, there is no vacuum degassing required anymore. Both innovations contribute to reduce energy consumption and maintenance requirements of the new line significantly, says Starlinger. www.starlinger.com STARLINGER Hall 8a Booth B66 PERFECTION DRIVES US. 50 Y E AR S ANNI VERSARY 1973 – 2023 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF PREFORM HANDLING: www.mtannerag.ch Floor level solution, soft handling, LMKL IJ½GMIRX  GSQTEGX PE]SYX  'SQTPIXI WSPYXMSR JVSQ E WMRKPI WSYVGI "},{"@ID":57,

 "1 The worldwide round trip with The Middle East Roadshow EDITOURS PET world in the Middle East New year, new tour! After our successful Drinktec tour, the PETplanet team is going to the Middle East in the last quarter of 2023! In a spectacular project taking us well into 2024, we will be travelling in a wide variety of ways to various countries and regions of the Middle East with different mobile editors. There we will interview machine manufacturers, the supply industry, bottle and beverage producers, as well as PET recyclers and everyone involved in the process chain. What market-specific trends are there now or will arise in the future? What developments and technologies are in vogue on the consumer and plant construction site in some of the hottest regions of the world? What special requirements are there? What role do topics such as food safety, shelf life and sustainability play in PET packaging and how are companies preparing themselves for the coming years? This, and much more we will be discussing face-to-face with all the key players and then our results will be presented to you in a series of must-read reports in PETplanet Insider. Please join on this enchanting voyage to the world of PET in the Middle East. We look forward to welcoming you on board! Our previous Road Shows at a glance 2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015- 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2022 Interested in being visited? [email protected] Autumn 2023 - 2024 EDITOUR - THE MIDDLE EAST ROADSHOW 6 countries numerous interviews with PET companies Sponsors to date"},{"@ID":5,

 "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Hubweg 15 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur | exprim.de Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | www.petpla.net PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Dear readers, After the lockdowns, China is now also opening up again to travellers and tourists. The country can now be visited without any quarantine formalities. From our plastics perspective, Chinaplas in particular should benefit from this, which is about to start. With a gross area of 380,000m², it has grown by 8.6% compared to 2021. 3,900 national and international exhibitors will be present on the grounds of the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, PR China (SWECC). China is impressively back on the international stage. As everywhere else in the world, sustainability dominates the industry in China. Smart and green are the key words in plastics and rubber industries: Many manufacturing companies are demanding high production efficiency, cost reduction, low pollution, and low energy consumption. In addition to the Injection Moulding and Smart Manufacturing Solutions Zone, visitors at Chinaplas can find the latest all-round sustainable solutions for environmentally friendly materials, processing technologies, and products in various theme zones, including Recycled Plastics Zone, Bioplastics Zone, and Recycling Tech Zone, and the newly established Innovative Products Zone. Relevant trade fairs on the European continent are now also on the agenda: the Interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany will open its doors to the international experts of the packaging industry from May 4-10. After the suspension of the fair in 2020, 2,700 companies have now registered and will present their innovations. Equally relevant, the established recycling trade fair PRS Europe in Amsterdam, Netherlands will open its doors to recycling industry professionals from May 10-11. This year, the event is expanding to include another exhibition hall. An extensive conference programme forms the perfect framework for the exhibition. As a small preview: Also new is this year’s PRS Middle East and Africa from September 5-7 in Dubai. Yours Alexander Büchler"},{"@ID":22,

 "BOTTLE MAKING 20 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Increased efficiency and sustainability for large-capacity bottles High-capacity containers, such as 5, 8 and 10 l bottles, are attracting growing interest, especially among companies seeking ‘green’ and efficient solutions. Large volume bottles require fewer containers for particular product volumes, which means that logistic, handling and disposal costs can be reduced, according to SMI S.p.A. The company’s advanced centre for 3D design specialises in devising solutions for rPET bottles of different sizes and shapes that are 100% recyclable, resistant, light and energy efficient. PET containers of up to 10 l produced and filled on a single machine are, increasingly, seen as an optimal solution for mineral water and edible oil manufacturers. SMI’s Ecobloc Ergon KL HC groups the whole wet section of the bottling line into a single system that performs stretch-blow moulding, filling and capping. The system does not need conveyor belts between the blow moulder, filler and collection area, which helps to ensure a controlled and flexible production process, the company says. The entire wet section, which does not require a rinser, can be managed by a single operator, reducing energy consumption and thus improving sustainability. SMI’s machine also integrates preform heating and stretch-blow moulding sections into a single module, which occupies a more compact footprint than other integrated systems currently available. The design is easily adaptable to small bottling lines, helps to reduce transport costs and cuts installation and start-up to just a few days. Ecobloc Ergon KL HC systems can produce and bottle liquid food and beverages at up to 7,200 bph, depending on bottle size and features. Features and characteristics The preform heating tunnel is equipped with thermo-reflective panels, made of energy-efficient composite material, placed to the front and rear of its IR lamps, to ensure high reflection and more uniform distribution of heat over preform surfaces. An aluminium diffuser, integrated into the tunnel, is claimed to ensure optimal temperature control and to avoid overheating. The stretch-blow moulding section is equipped with an AirMaster double-stage air recovery system. The standard air recovery system is accompanied by a second circuit, which recovers and recycles air from the blowing process, which saves energy consumption by the compressor. The blow moulding unit is equipped with motorised stretch rods, controlled by a cam-free electronic drive, for precise management of their path, accurate positioning, and improved energy performance, compared to traditional solutions. This system allows stretch speed modification without mechanical intervention. The mould’s mechanical unit has its own motorisation, to precisely control vertical movements of the base and the holder unit opening and closing. Low dead-volume valves optimise energy and compressed air consumption. Isolation between the dry section of the blower and the wet section of the filler ensure the perfect separation between the two modules. The introduction and return of the washed product take place in the lower part of the machine, by means of a ceramic collector equipped with two gaskets (sealing and a safety) with inspection light. This maintains separation between wet collectors (product and CIP return) and dry collectors (electric and pneumatic), as well as high durability. Filling and capping modules have a modular, unwelded frame, equipped with highly resistant, long-lasting tempered glass access doors. The filling module is equipped with electronic meters, for precise filling. Machine areas in contact with the product to be bottled are made of stainless steel and glass, for hygiene. Optimisation of carousel placement inside the frame has enabled reduced dead angles, which helps productivity. The filling module is equipped with automatic insertion dummy bottles, for fast format changeover and reduce operator intervention. The Ecobloc Ergon KL HC is designed to reduce plant maintenance and management costs. www.smigroup.it"},{"@ID":44,

 "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 42"},{"@ID":46,

 "TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 44 PET value chain in a fast-paced environment for circularity Petcore Europe Annual Conference 2023 part 2 by Heike Fischer On the second day, extensive presentations were held on the topic of the “PET value chain in a fastchanging environment”. This summary represents an excerpt of the second day and focuses on presentations given on the EU regulations and directives. The review of day1 was published in PETplanet 3/2023. Second day After a short opening and warm welcome by Christian Crepet, Ambassador and honorary member of the Board at Petcore Europe, Srinivasan Prabhushankar, CEO Recycling at Indorama Ventures started his presentation ‘Fundamental objectives for the PET Industries: running several hares at once`. Indorama started the PET packaging business 30 years ago. At that time, the industry looked especially at the right economic solution and right packaging solution for the products. Today, other factors are important: Consumers are looking for environmentally friendly, sustainable products with a low carbon footprint, Shankar emphasises. He reported that Indorama has made a global commitment: Indorama aims to recycle 750 kt of PET by 2025. This means that 50 billion bottles will have to be recycled every year. Another area Indorama is investing in is the reduction of emissions. This means that in 2030 25% of the energy consumed should come from renewable sources. In Mexico, the company started a carbon capture-, use- and storage project. Environmentally friendly fuels and electric vehicle fleets are already used, Shankar summarised. Coal as a fuel is also being phased out, especially in Asia. “PET’s carbon advantage is helping us all reach our sustainability targets”, Shankar stated. Indorama also invests in chemical recycling to avoid landfill and to reuse products that are difficult to recycle. Alexandre Paquot Director, DG Clima.C (Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy), told about the European Comissions Net-Zero Carbon Strategy. Alexandre stated that transforming the EU economy and society to meet climate targets, the Fit-for-55 project, was launched: On July 14, 2021, the European Commission adopted a set of proposals to shape the EU’s climate, energy, land use, transport and tax policies to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Achieving these emission reductions is crucial for Europe to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and for the European Green Deal to become a reality. He indicated that more efforts are needed in the area of packaging, because packaging is one of the main users of virgin materials. He added that technically recyclable packaging is often not recycled yet. He saw a need for innovative solutions for advanced sorting, improved mechanical recycling and improved polymer design. Chemical recycling will also help to some extent, as will the development of alternative raw materials to avoid the use of fossil resources. He concluded his presentation by referring to the EU policies of the Circular the Economy Action Plan, EU Strategy for Plastics in Circular Economy and the EU Directive on Packaging & Packaging Waste. These policies and other projects will help to make the Net Zero plan possible. Subsequently Dr M. Leonor Garcia and Dr Suzanne De Cort from E&Act gave an overview of the current EU directives and regulations. They summarised that on Nov 20, 2022 the European Commission published a proposal for the so-called Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. It states that all packaging must be fully recyclable with a target for the minimum content of recycled plastic. Likewise, reuse and refilling as well as minimisation of packaging must be achieved. Furthermore, DRS for SUP beverage bottles and metal beverage containers are to be introduced. Discussions are currently taking place in Parliament and Council, which is a normal procedure. Adoption could take place in 2024. They also reported The 30th anniversary of the annual Petcore conference was celebrated in Brussels on February 1+2, 2023. About 300 participants attended the hybrid conference on the topic “PET value chain in a fast-paced environment for circularity”. In addition to a festive evening event, Petcore set new accents within the conference programme structure. Alexandre Paquot Director, DG Clima.C Srinivasan Prabhushankar, CEO Recycling at Indorama Venture"},{"@ID":7,

 "26 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Smart auxiliaries for aqueous plastics cleaning process CHT Group wi l l be showcasing auxiliaries for quality improvement and process optimisation in the aqueous plastics cleaning process. The focus will be on:  Tubiwash as a cleaning agent for plastics recycling with a high cleaning efficiency which leads to an outstanding flake quality and thus contributes to quality improvement. In addition, products from the Tubiwash range allow savings in resources such as water, energy and chemicals. The Tubiwash portfolio includes special products that support the decolourisation of packaging materials.  Tubifoam as an efficient process aid based on sustainable raw materials for the elimination of process foam: Low application quantities already promise smooth machine running and trouble-free water treatment. Mineral oil defoamers are not used in the interests of sustainability and health.  Tubiwet as high-performance deaerators which ensure a density-based separation of the individual plastics by type (e.g. PET and HDPE / PP) in the flotation bath. Despite adversities such as the energy crisis and war, CHT was able to record a success in the business field recycling solutions, setting new sales records. So, CHT recycling solutions remains optimistic despite a wide range of challenges. Indeed, these challenges are claimed to present opportunities for sustainable growth that CHT plans to take advantage of. In 2023, the CHT Recycl ing Solutions team plans to intensify customer relationships and help customers save energy. In addition to the expertise built up over more than 15 years worldwide, new, effective and efficient product solutions from CHT will support customers in this endeavor. This is intended to enable CHT’s recycling solutions team to master current challenges and strengthen its role as a global leader in the mechanical plastics recycling process. www.cht.com CHT Booth H10 High performance recycling additives Repi has been providing PET users, such as preform and sheet manufacturers as well as recyclers with functional and aesthetics recycling additives for more than ten years now. Those products are claimed to boost the use of recycled polymers, help adding growing rates of rPET in the packaging and last but not less crucial, help recyclers obtaining high quality rPET that will be used again and again by customers of the plastic packaging chain. Repi is thrilled to take part to the 2023 edition of the Plastic Recycling Show Europe, where the established product range made of Repi’s toners, anti-yellow, optical brighteners and IV enhancers will be promoted together with the latest liquid additive joining the recycling program: the StabiPlus. This additive has been designed to offer a further aid to partners and customers, acting on rPET actively as a protection additive. StabiPlus has proven to preserve rPET from ageing and discolouration loop after loop when used at different stages of the recycling process, namely at the recycling stage as well as in the converter’s process. www.repi.com REPI Booth F24"},{"@ID":56,

 "OUTER PLANET 54 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net OUTER PLANET Cradle to Cradle gold certified reusable bottle When Merijn Everaarts, founder of Dopper water bottles, launched a design competition several years ago, his goal was to find the most sustainable alternative to single-use water bottles. The refillable ’Dopper Original’ looks the same now as it did back in 2010. But what is it made of? That’s changed. Since 2022, the Dopper Original has been made with 70% plant-based waste and 15% recycled plastic waste. Just recently, the Dopper Original became the first bottle collection to achieve Cradle to Cradle Certified Gold. A bottle and a cup in one With the Dopper bottle Everaarts intends to empower people to choose reusable water bottles over singleuse water ones. To make this more convenient, the new Dopper Original collection features the classic bottle design with components that separate to form a drinking cup. The cup is made with Eastman Tritan Renew, which contains 50% recycled content (certified through the ISCC using mass balance allocation). Tritan Renew is made with molecular recycling technology that breaks down hard-to-recycle plastic waste into fundamental building blocks, which are used again in manufacturing. The rest of the bottle (the container and cap) is made with bio-based polypropylene. Manufacturing takes place in facilities that use 100% renewable energy. The reusable bottle collection has now achieved the Gold level set by the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute. Cradle to Cradle certification Cradle to Cradle Gold certification is proof that from design to end of life, every Dopper Original bottle is made not to waste, stated the company. “It is exciting to see Dopper’s commitment to sustainability being realised with the Cradle to Cradle Gold certification for the Dopper Original bottle, featuring Tritan Renew,” said Glenn Goldman, Eastman’s commercial director of speciality plastics. “Eastman is proud to be part of the solution to empower forward-looking brands like Dopper to make material changes now that lay the groundwork for a better future.” “With the new Dopper Original collection, we show the industry what’s already possible: a bottle collection with a zero carbon footprint, made of 85% upcycled materials, produced in a factory that runs on 100% renewable energy and more,” said Dopper CEO Virginia Yanquilevich. “The Cradle to Cradle Gold certification shows the world that we can – and must – make sustainable choices in every part of the production process, hopefully inspiring others to follow.” The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute powers the circular economy through products and systems that benefit people and planet. Cradle to Cradle certified is claimed to be the world’s most advanced, science-based standard for designing and making products that enable a healthy, equitable, and sustainable tomorrow. It assesses the safety, circularity and responsibility of materials and products across five categories: Material health: ensuring materials are safe for humans and the environment; Product circularity: enabling a circular economy through regenerative products and process design; Clean air and climate protection: protecting clean air, promoting renewable energy and reducing harmful emissions; Water and soil stewardship: safeguarding clean water and healthy soils; Social fairness: respecting human rights, and contributing to a fair and equitable society. www.dopper.com www.eastman.com www.c2ccertifi ed.org"},{"@ID":33,

 "31 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net TRADE SHOWpreview Interpack 2023 Around 2,700 companies from around the world will meet in Düsseldorf from May 4-10, 2023, to present cutting edge technologies and packaging trends from along the entire value chain, demonstrate chances for growth and respond to the challenges of the industry. To help visitors find their way easily in 18 Interpack halls, the halls feature a custom concept based on the core target groups food, beverages, confectionery and baked goods, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, non-food and industrial goods. For visitors from the food and beverage industry, halls 5 and 6, as well as 11 and 14 are likely to be of particular interest. Especially in hall 13, there is a special focus on bottling and packaging solutions for the beverages sector. Hal ls 7 and 7a, 8a, 9 and 10 of Interpack are where visitors can view at least a third of all exhibitors with all their materials and their finished packaging products. Here is where all packaging materials are represented and there is an especially high number of innovations in the field of sustainability and conservation of resources, for example in using new materials, sustainable raw materials, or increasing the amount of recyclates used in packaging. Inform, decorate, customi se – packaging carries information. How to implement this for different products and requirements, is presented by the exhibitors in halls 8a and 8b. Here, there are machines for labelling and marking technology. Numerous special areas and promotions complement the offerings of the exhibitors. “Spotlight talks & trends” at Interpack means seven days of input around the most important topics and trends in the industry, best practices, exciting applications and their drivers for innovation and growth. The “WorldStar Packaging Awards” 2023, which will be presented by the World Packaging Organisation, WPO, at Interpack, is expected to be of particular appeal. The award is considered one of the most prestigious packaging award in the world in the packaging sector. A total of 228 award winners demonstrate the innovative strength of the industry. The “PackTheFuture Award” of the German IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen and its French partner Elipso will also be handed out during Interpack. The award honours innovative and sustainable packaging solutions made of plastic. The aim is to promote and publicise the contribution of plastic packaging to climate protection, the circular economy and responsible consumption. Awards are given for the best designs for recycling, sustainable material sourcing or consumer benefits, among others. www.interpack.com viscoZERO – processing PP, PE, PET & PS! ZERO contamination. ZERO odour. ZERO limits. foodgrade without compromise viscoZERO Upgrade your existing recycling plant with viscoZERO technology."},{"@ID":17,

 "PREFORM PRODUCTION 15 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 of the insert is made of microchannels generating a well-defined friction when the polymer passes through the hot runner into the preform mould. Higher level of order of the molecules improve the overall material functionality and can be advantageous for barrier applications – the ordered morphologies can act as an obstacle that delays the gasses permeation. As a result, also less material is required. Keiryo are running trials in PDG’s industrial facility as technology partner. PDG is still in the process of fully scoping these differences, but the demonstration that morphological changes are carried over in the bottle is an important milestone. PDG Plastiques is ISO 22000 FSSC certificated. The company carries out the necessary controls on the injection process using state-of-the-art technologies to ensure that quality targets are met and that customers can market their products with a clear conscience. The laboratory, which is equipped with the modern measuring instruments, monitors the quality of the final product. PDG Plastiques contributes in its own way to the planet by caring for the integrity of its products and the well-being of the planet. www.pdg-plastiques.com The blowing division of PDG Plastiques produce standard PET bottles, flasks and containers and special PET bottles, from 5ml to 10 l."},{"@ID":19,

 "PREFORM PRODUCTION 17 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 The machine was built on the basis of three registered patents which allows it to treat amorphous material through a continuous vacuum dehumidification process. The DRV vacuum dryer uses vacuum technology to create a low-pressure environment that allows moisture to evaporate from the material at a lower temperature. The dryer also incorporates a hot air circulation system to speed up the drying process and ensure even drying of the material. It features an advanced control system that allows for precise temperature and vacuum pressure control, as well as a range of safety features for safe operation. The machine is constructed with high quality materials, such as stainless steel and high precision sensors, to ensure reliability and durability, says PET Solutions. Additionally, the DRV is designed for ease of maintenance, with a touch screen control panel and a simple interface that allows for easy operation and monitoring. The machine also features an automatic cleaning system and easy access to key components for routine maintenance. The DRV vacuum dryer can be customised to meet the specific needs of the customer, taking into account factors such as production volume, material type and required drying time. This allows for a more tailored solution that can maximise efficiency and quality. Changeover time reduced by 65% According to PET Solutions, the series’ technology allows the material changeover time to be reduced by 65% from 6 hours (standard drying) to 2 hours (vacuum drying). As there is no need for an oil condenser – the removal of residual oil contaminant generated by recycled plastic from the process air can be managed without one – energy consumption could be reduced. www.petsolutions.it interpack 2023 Düsseldorf, 4-10 May Hall 13, Stand A73"},{"@ID":54,

 "38 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Bottle making, filling and handling technologies The Sipa booth will be in three parts, with in-depth looks at production of large containers, at technical applications like hot-fill, and at how PET bottles can prove advantageous in applications that are still largely the province of glass, such as wine and spirits. Big containers At Interpack, visitors can witness production of 20 l stackable edible oil bottles on Sipa linear blower SFL 1 Maxi. A multilayer pallet on the stand will show how stackable containers can be shipped. Sipa says that their linear blowers are the best in class in the production of large and very large PET containers, up to 30 l in volume, at a speed of 1,000 per hour. The full range of solutions from Sipa for production of large containers will be presented as well, from preforms production to synchronised blowing and filling, all the way through to palletisation. Customers can benefit not only from high performance and low TCO of the equipment, but also Sipa’s support in design of containers and preforms. Challenging applications In an area on the stand dedicated to “challenging” applications, the company will display an array of bottles for products requiring hot-fill and other special filling methods or highly technical applications, all produced on its lines. Converted solutions Packaging professionals know that PET has all sorts of technical and environmental advantages over glass packaging. But there remain areas where those advantages are still to be fully adopted. Wine is one of them. Visitors to the booth can take a look at a 48-cavity mould for wine bottle preforms, as well as a wine bottle blow mould. There will also be samples of sparkling wine bottles produced on Sipa systems. www.sipasolutions.com SIPA Hall 13 Booth B62 Keep your competitive edge Find the right information, materials, technology, and business partners to stay ahead in the fast-moving plastics recycling industry ATTEND FOR FREE Scan the QR code to register for a free ticket www.ami.ltd/Plastics-Recycling-World-Expo-EU-register Exhibitors include: 14-15 June 2023, Essen, Germany Co-located with:"},{"@ID":51,

 "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 14 Sustainable development of required preforms Always in tune with the times The last stop on our Editour takes us to PDG Plastiques. The PET converter is for more than 30 years active in the PET industry, being one of the pioneers in Europe. As a family-owned company, integrity, reliability and partnership are key to PDG Plastiques. The company is located south of Paris and has a subsidiary plant in Algeria. It is producing approx. 2 billion preforms consolidated. Blowing activities represent approx. 70 million bottles per year. We met: Philippe Blonda, Business Development PDG-Plastiques (left) and François Desfretier, CEO (right) In a packaging world dominated by large companies, PDG-Plastiques seeks its place by dedicating itself to special challenges. PDG produces special solutions for the dairy industry, e.g. for barrier containers. Also especially small and very large complex preforms. Two years ago, for example, PDG launched a range of large containers with 5, 10 and 20 l capacities and mouths of 48 and 63mm. Light base technology In the constant struggle to save material, PDG has developed a light base technology, Mint-Tec, together with a partner. By applying this technology, PDG removes more than 10% material from the bottom of the preform. Especially for heavy preforms it is a very interesting technology and being implemented for a new 20 l preform. Recently PDG introduced this technology for a 5 l container for a wellknown French mineral water company. Mint-Tec enables 10% material savings in the bottom of the preform. Alternatives to HDPE or carton packaing A two-layer preform blocking light entrance: Prelactia light barrier for sterilised milk PDG Plastiques and its partners also developed Prelactia, a special injection process, leading to a 2-layer preform, where the inner layer blocks the light entrance. The outer layer covers and gives the bottle a nice white appearance. Since the introduction of the Oxy Block barrier, PDG provides also a barrier against oxygen ingress. Prelactia is offering a solution to the dairy industry in finding alternatives to aseptic HDPE and carton solutions, for any kind of dairy products. It can be combined with recycled PET material as well. The technology used enables PDG Plastiques to comply with European directives requiring a 25% recycling rate for PET bottles by 2025 and 30% by 2030. A different mindset in the green economy, as one of the first in Europe, PDG introduced one and a half years ago the 26/22 light neck finish for carbonated and still beverages, saving almost 2 g as a total package solution towards the standard 1881 finish. The current material price increase led to the fact that brand owners now introducing this new neck finish on large scale. Enhancing material functionality As a researching and forwardlooking company PDG is involved in a project with Keiryo Packaging. Keiryo Packaging technology for plastic processing integrates molecular ordering into the polymer melt, triggering “flowenhanced morphological changes” in the polymer mass with the aim of enhancing material functionality. The KP technology combines a software and a hardware component. It triggers a phenomenon called Flow-Enhanced Nucleation and Induced Crystallisation (Fenic). The hardware is a 3D printed insert – the physical component of the technology, that is retrofitted on standard injection machinery. The inside Keiryo Packaging technology integrates molecular ordering into the polymer melt, triggering “flow-enhanced morphological changes” in the polymer mass. PREFORMS"},{"@ID":48,

 "ONsite 46 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Ho.Bag and Sipa: Cooperation on cosmetic and personal care containers Just down the road from Sipa’s headquarters in Vittorio Veneto, the company Ho.Bag Corporate has an increasing activity in bottle making. A few years ago, Ho.Bag, which started life as a seller of accessories, mostly for cosmetics and personal care, extended into in-house production. It started in 2019 with an investment in extrusion-blow moulding of polyolefin bottles, and this was followed last year by a move into production of small PET bottles. Ho.Bag has acquired two ECS SP 25 single-stage injectionstretch-blow moulding systems, including numerous moulds made by Sipa. Ho.Bag is using these machines to supply customers with a notable range of container sizes, shapes and colours, in small and very small lots – down to as low as 10,000 bottles per order. Sipa’s ECS SP units are claimed to be robust, versatile, and energy efficient, thanks in part to hybrid drive technology that uses servo-electrics to provide speed and precision in injection, with hydraulics performing more “workhorse” tasks. “They have the shortest lock-to-lock time on the market, mould changeover can be performed quickly and simply, and the same hot runner system can used on different cold halves”, says Sipa. Ho.Bag is processing both post-consumer rPET as well as virgin polymer, on the Sipa ECS machines – and among its colour offering is an attractive black PET bottle that can be detected by near-infrared (NIR) detectors. Traditional carbon black pigments are invisible to NIR, so Ho.Bag uses a PET that contains an alternative pigment that reflects NIR, so automatic sorting machines in mixed waste recycling operations can see them and put them into the right stream. (See also PETplanet 1+2/2023, page 36) Sipa and Ho.Bag are now cooperating on an increasing number of containers. Normally, Ho.Bag takes care of product development in-house, but it can turn to Sipa for such services as prototyping and testing. www.sipasolutions.com The right tools and expertise to help with your rPET goals! Agr is uniquely positioned to support your venture into rPET bottle manufacturing with a powerful combination of Process Control tools, Process Consultants, and decades of industry experience. AGRINTL.COM • +1.724.482.2163"},{"@ID":35,

 "33 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net E N D L E S S I N N O V A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 1 9 Premiere for new compact palletising unit Sidel is expanding its palletising range with the introduction of the high performing RoboAccess_Pal S. This new palletising unit has been designed to combine the best of cobotic and robotic worlds. It is claimed to provide a capable solution that delivers improved agility, operability and compactness to the food, home, and personal care (FHPC) market segments. With the introduction of cobotics in palletising, Sidel intends to answer the growing market demand for very compact and affordable cells, which generally replace manual operations. For more demanding lines, where robotic arms could offer higher technical performances, Sidel has drawn on its 50-plus years of palletising expertise to create an all-in-one solution that combines small footprint, fast return on investment and higher case payload and speed. RoboAccess_Pal S delivers speeds of up to 12 cycles per minute and enables a case payload of up to 25kg while ensuring a fast return on investment, typically of one to two years. The palletising solution offers a new level of compactness with a footprint of less than 12m² for two stations with a significant pallet height of 1,700mm. RoboAccess_Pal S is embedding three new patented features. A light-weighted carbon fibre and 3D-printed clamping head helps deliver higher payload capacity and overall machine footprint reduction while handling a wide range of secondary packaging. Additionally, the patented folding guarding system ensures effortless movable plug & play capabilities. Sidel says that it is committed to ensure a high level of safety standards; a patented mobile physical curtain guarantees the operator’s protection during pallet supply and removal in addition to helping reduce the machine footprint further. www.sidel.com SIDEL Hall 13 Booth B47 E N D L E S S I N N O V A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 1 9"},{"@ID":52,

 "32 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net New machine models, digital services B e k u m w i l l inform about 20 n e w m a c h i n e models for smal l to large container volumes. One of the highl ights is t h e c omp a n y ’ s new 8 Series (see PETplanet 03/23), featuring energyefficiency, flexibility and short delivery times. Another focus is on the expansion of digital service support. With the expansion at the Austrian site in Traismauer, Bekum offers its customers shorter response times, comprehensive digital technical support via smart glasses, tablet and smartphone and a digital spare parts catalogue. For example, with the help of augmented reality smart glasses, remote experts can see live what customers see on site and can quickly and efficiently record faults and causes of faults and help solve problems. www.bekum.com Tethered closure for carton packaging United Caps, an international manufacturer of caps and closures, reported that it is focusing on tethered closures, particularly for carton packaging, with the 23 H-Pak solution. This closure, which has patents pending, includes a tamper-evident (TE) band that keeps all parts intact for easier recycling. The 23 H-Pak tethered closure is designed to make an instant connection with established filling lines, ensuring seamless integration with existing processes and fast production-line implementation. The closure comes with a first-time-use feature to create an optimal access point, enhancing the user experience. The cutting edge is specially designed to cut through the pre-laminated hole with minimal effort, providing a clean and smooth opening. This closure consists of three pieces – the spout, closure and cutter, while other solutions in the market typically consist of four pieces. www.unitedcaps.com UNITED CAPS Hall 10 Booth D67 BEKUM Hall 13 Booth B32 Remote maintenance via smart glasses BOTTLE TO BOTTLE RECOVERY MOISTURE CONTENT CONTROL PROCESS CONSISTENCY EXTREME BLENDING FLEXIBILITY MAKING THE DIFFERENCE ON PET. moretto.com follow us"},{"@ID":21,

 "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 18 No. 0/17 www.petpla.net 19 Increasing interest in a sustainable alternative to glass The PET wine bottle Economic and supply pressures are driving bottlers to look for alternatives to glass to sustain packaging volumes and differentiation in a highly competitive market. French company Société Générale des Techniques (SGT), which has been making and supplying PET preforms for several decades, says that wine bottlers are expressing increasing interest in PET for their product. SGT has been offering BVS 30H and 22H30 PET necks for wine and spirit bottles for several years. While PET has been used for entry-level wines for some time, bottlers of higher quality and premium brands are also investigating its suitability. Enquiries are being driven by problems in the glass supply chain. Energy costs have pushed up prices and some suppliers have even shut down completely. PET preforms offer a number of advantages to wine bottlers. Their size means that storage requirements are greatly reduced, saving warehouse costs. PET wine bottles are much lighter than glass, typically weighing 50-60 g, compared to glass equivalents of 330 g-1 kg. At the same time, they are more robust than glass. PET bottles are much less likely to break during transport, filling or palletising. As well as saving costs, PET has a lower carbon footprint than glass. It is fully recyclable and rPET can be incorporated in preforms. PREFORMS Meet us at Plastics Recycling Show Europe Amsterdam | Booth H 10 | 10 – 15 May 2023 RECYCLING SOLUTIONS HIGH PERFORMANCE CLEANING ADDITIVES & SUPPORT How can your recycled product meet permanently increasing demands? With the CHT range of high performance process solutions with environmental relief for the wet cleaning and recycling process. We support you directly on site and ensure your quality controls in our laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment. Thus, your strong position in the growing market is confirmed day by day. More about us at www.cht.com In addition, SGT states that wine quality can be conserved within mono and multilayer PET bottles, equipped with UV and oxygen barriers. www.sgt-pet.com SGT’s BVS 30 H wine preform in PET"},{"@ID":38,

 "36 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 30 micron stretch sleeve CCL Label will be showcasing their latest innovations and best practice examples in specialty label and packaging solutions. One of the centrepieces will be the “Sustainable Label Family” that shows labels and sleeves that were developed for better recycling of the primary packaging such as PET bottles, returnable glass bottles and other packaging types like HDPE and PP containers. The labels have special built-in features that support in the sorting and recycling stages by easily detaching, floating or shrinking. CCL Label will also shine a spotlight on their stretch sleeve solutions. As a premiere, CCL will present the thinnest stretch sleeve in the market that is available at the moment – the EcoStretch sleeve has a thickness of 30 micron. It was especially designed for returnable 1 l PET bottles that are typically used in the German mineral water market. This decoration technology has a small carbon footprint to start with, because the material is very thin and can be applied to the container without using any heat or energy – the sleeve attaches to the container with its own elasticity. “This extremely thin stretch sleeve is a very sustainable solution. At 30 micron the sleeve is a lot thinner than the ‘standard’ 45 micron sleeves that are usually used, so a lot less raw material is needed to manufacture this sleeve. This helps reduce the carbon footprint of the product,” says Danny Fr eund , bus i ness development director for stretch sleeves at the Voelkermarkt site in Austria. “We cal culated that beverage brands can save up to 32 t of plastic material per 100 million sleeves – which is approximately the weight of over five adult African elephants.” CCL is also expanded their digital and hybrid capabilities and is now able to combine different technologies, resulting for example in high-embellished sleeves for an outstanding effect on the sales shelf. www.ccllabel.com CCL LABEL Hall 8a Booth B30"},{"@ID":12,

 "MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 10 Food-grade rPET project and smart waste bins in Bengal PET recycling in East India On Jan 24, 2023, Magpet Polymers Pvt Ltd, Eastern India’s largest PET processing company in Kolkata announced a bottle-to-bottle project to manufacture food-grade rPET. The announcement was made in the presence of Janab Firhad Hakim, Mayor and MIC for Urban Development and Municipal Affairs, Dr Shashi Panja, MIC, Ministry of Industries, Commerce and Enterprises, Public Enterprises and Industrial Reconstruction, Government of West Bengal, and Dr Kalyan Rudra, Chairman, West Bengal Pollution Control Board. For Magpet, Managing Director Mr Devendra Surana, and Mr Indroneel Goho, President & CEO were present at the event. Looking at the future trend of using rPET in food packaging, Magpet will set up the bottle-to-bottle rPET project in Bengal. The project aims to ensure recycling of used PET bottles in Bengal and adjoining states, thereby reducing the consumption of virgin resins and promoting sustainability in the region. The project is also expected to be a step towards integrating the informal recycling sector in Bengal into the regular recycling sector. The project will use European technology and an investment of more than €11 million. The project is divided into three phases. “In the first phase, we will initially install a state-of-the-art European washing plant for the production of food-grade rPET flakes,” Managing Director Devendra Surana told PETplanet. “The capacity will be around 17,000-18,000 t/a and flake production will start by the end of December 2023. The second phase will be followed by an extruder line to produce food-grade pellets from the flakes. Here, commissioning is planned by December 2024 with the same production capacity. So we are also preparing for the emerging demand for food-grade rPET raw material, which will come from the government’s target of 30% recycled content in solid packaging in 2025 and up to 60% content in subsequent years.” The final third phase will see the commissioning of a second integrated rPET pellet line by December 2026. “With the commissioning of the second integrated line, our annual rPET pellet production capacity will double to about 36,000 t/a,” Mr Goho said. The company chose a washing line from the German machine builder Herbold Meckesheim, the manufacturer’s first ever in the Indian market, we were told. For the sorting, the order was placed with Sesotec, also a German manufacturer. For the extruder lines, active discussions are being held with leading European equipment suppliers. A supplier is to be selected shortly and the order placed. On the same day, Magpet also presented the “Smart Bins”, unveiled by the City Mayor, which are to be installed in the city for the disposal of PET bottles. The ‘Smart Bin’, according to the company, is a technologybased and cost-effective solution for plastic waste collection. It is said to have been specifically designed for Indian conditions to provide a wider reach. The size of the bin is said to be designed for collecting large quantities of used plastic bottles. It uses a sensor to report the fill level to a data management centre to ensure a timely and optimised collection route. Around 1,000 of these bins are to be installed at high-traffic locations in Kolkata, such as shopping malls, grocery shops, marketplaces, amusement parks, hospitals, and so on. Discussions on this are in full swing. In addition to collection through this channel, Magpet intends to use regional waste recycling companies for sourcing of post-consumer bottles. The project launch was followed by the Ecologue 2023 symposium, where experts from leading petrochemical manufacturers and global FMCG brands presented their views on the future of PET packaging and its recycling. The main theme of this event is to promote recycling, reduce waste and achieve a clean, waste-free India. www.magnumgroup.in Presentation of the Smart Bin Impression of the Ecologue Symposium"},{"@ID":14,

 "MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 12 PCR colour prediction service & colourants for beverage closures Colourful solutions Based on articles by Sandrine Reboux, Sr. Marketing Manager Personal & Home Care Markets, Avient & Marco Schaefer, Senior Marketing Manager Food & Beverage Packaging EMEA, Avient Corporation Avient’s PCR Color Prediction Tool is a service that digitally illustrates the colour possibilities or limitations of certain types of PCR before sample development. This can help brand owners and technical colourists simplify the process of transitioning to higher levels of PCR content, shorten the time-to-launch of new product ranges, and create global colour consistency. For the caps and closures sector, the company‘s portfolio include specifically developed colourants for the colouration of organoleptic-sensitive applications. Supporting use of recycled content Avient’s recently launched PCR Color Prediction Service (CPS) is a digital tool developed to help recyclers, converters, and brand owners to have a fast and reliable colour assessment prior to initiating sample development in recycled resins. PCR packaging. Using the CPS, recycled resin colouration was simplified and the time to launch was shortened by avoiding lengthy lab trials, says Avient. Organoleptic colourants for beverage closures “Organoleptic” describes anything involving the senses: taste, sight, touch, smell and sound. Organoleptic influences are especially important when offering a product consumers expect to have a neutral taste, such as water. The beverage market has, for some time, recognised the importance of organoleptic influences in the buying process and is paying increasing attention to it. Most consumers can detect even minute traces of substances that cause off-taste and/or unpleasant odour in mineral water. Any unwanted organoleptic experience associated with the product and the associated brand can lead consumers to reject it. In worst-case scenarios, expensive product recalls and claims for damages can result. Every step in the value chain, from raw material producer to the retailer, has the ability to help to reduce the risk and avoid negative organoleptic influences within their respective areas of control.Caps and closure systems can be a source of tiny quantities of contaminants that can compromise taste and odour. Avient’s SenseAction colourants for caps and closures have been specifically developed for the colouration of organoleptic-sensitive [email protected] www.petsolutions.it THE rEVOLUTION IS HERE rPET continuous vacuum drying technology follow us DRVseries First introduced in June 2022, Avient’s CPS can digitally illustrate, in real-time, the colour possibilities or limitations of certain types of postconsumer recycled content (PCR), simplifying the overall colour decision-making process during product development and launch. The tool helps optimise the ratio of virgin resin to PCR in order to achieve the best acceptable rendering, proven by scientific data. It can be utilised on a coloured resin of any given shade and aims to decrease complexity when different mixed grades of PCR, both polyolefins and rPET resins, are used. It is particularly powerful in rPET as a slight undertone variation can have a dramatic impact on the final rendering of a transparent-coloured bottle. At K 2022, Avient showcased its success with the CPS in working with L’Oréal, helping the beauty products brand overcome PCR colouring challenges for its Redken line, enabling global colour consistency across all Redken"},{"@ID":24,

 "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 22 Climate-neutral juice factory European manufacturer Innocent Drinks, which is 90% owned by Coca-Cola, has opened a new bottling plant that will be 100% electrically operated and totally carbon neutral. It is fitted out with four Krones PET bottling lines and corresponding IT infrastructure. Drinks manufacturer Innocent Drinks’ new facility in the Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands, named “the blender”, is one of the world’s first carbon neutral factories. Krones has delivered and installed four speciallydesigned PET lines for it. Innocent, which is the European market leader for smoothies, has a healthy, sustainable and environmentally responsible image and aims to set an example in the food industry. Sam Woollett, Site Director of “the blender”, says that the business is aiming to be climate neutral by 2025 and the new plant will play a key role in reaching that target.” Innocent Drinks has made minimising its carbon footprint a primary goal. Its efforts were recognised in 2018, when it was officially certified as a B Corp – a private certification of for-profit companies for their “social and environmental performance” – demonstrating that a successful business can also be responsible. The company has used contract fillers for many years but decided to build its own filling plant in order to better manage the sustainability of its production. The blender, one of the first carbon neutral factories in the world, is equipped with a combination of technological innovations and clever designs, all in the interest of reducing emissions in every area of operations. The plant was built from sustainable, locally sourced materials and incorporates heat recovery and solar panels, will have its own wind turbines from 2024 and will then operate as a carbon neutral facility. A fleet of newly designed electric trucks transport bulk orange juice from a nearby storage facility to the factory. The location in the Port of Rotterdam was chosen deliberately; it helps Innocent to reduce the total mileage in its value chain by 20 percent, which also helps to reduces its emissions, Sam Woollett explained. As well as building an environmentally compatible facility, the company wanted to create a pleasant environment for the 200 employees on the site. The building has been designed to provide plenty of natural daylight, room to move around and space for working together, and a safe and inclusive company culture. Adaptable, quick changeover PET lines The four PET lines supplied by Krones are used primarily filling juices and smoothies. Innocent Drinks has left enough room in the plant to add a fifth line if needed. The main criteria for awarding the contracts for the greenfield project were: sustainability, including minimised consumption of operating supplies and water; safety and reliability of the equipment; and the quality of the product and its packaging. Innocent sells a wide range of different drinks in different sized bottles, made to very different recipes, so the systems have to be flexible and capable of producing high output volumes per hour but they also have to be easy to change over to another product or size. “Two to three different bottle formats and around ten different drinks are filled on each line,” says Sam Woollett. “That’s why we ultimately chose Krones. They offered the best solutions for our needs.” Production began in July 2022, after the four PET lines were delivered, installed and tested in early 2021. Although the lines are identical, they are currently filling at different output rates. One is operating at 22,000 containers per hour, a second at 27,000 and the other two operate at 32,000 containers per hour. The Contipure AseptBloc DA blow-moulder-filler block consists of a Contipure AseptBloc DA Innocent’s product range extends from orange juice to vitamin smoothies and ginger shots. Topmodul labeller KRONES Hall 13 Booth A73"},{"@ID":25,

 "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net 23 Contiform 3 Pro stretch blow moulder and a Modulfill Asept aseptic filler. The Contipure D preform sterilisation module features a sustainable design that uses very little hydrogen peroxide, steam and energy, and requires very short preparation times, thereby helping to ensure a low total cost of ownership (TCO). After filling, all containers are provided with a tamper-evident seal and – depending on the bottle – either a wrap-around or a pressure-sensitive label. Packing is handled by the Variopac Pro FS, just downstream of the Topmodul modular labeller. Filling under aseptic conditions ensures a longer product shelf life and preserves the product’s flavour. The lines are cleaned every 72 hours or as needed between products. A complete CIP process takes around 90 minutes. The Contipure AseptBloc DA at a glance: Suitable for up to 70,000 containers per hour; High acid products; Round and square PET containers; Standard and lightweight containers; Only one sterilising medium: gaseous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Trust-based collaboration Innocent Drinks especially appreciated the reliability and flexibility that the Krones team brought to the project. “We’ve been very lucky with the Krones team on site. When they arrived, we were behind on the actual construction of the building. They were very flexible and supportive and helped move the project along,” says Sam Woollett, Site Director, Innocent Drinks. “What I appreciate most about Krones is that they do what they say they’ll do. We’ve never had an incident throughout the whole project where they said they would do something and not delivered. All the lines went in on time, they started running on time and the performance tests all happened on time. Being able to actually just trust in Krones has made it so easy to work with them across this whole project.” Digital technology Krones is also helping the project go digital. Its digital technology experts developed for innocent a turnkey manufacturing execution system (MES) concept that integrates the new plant’s enterprise resource planning (ERP), process control, and warehouse management systems using the appropriate interfaces. Various IT solutions from Krones’ SitePilot portfolio, including the Planning production planning system, the Line Contipure D preform sterilisation module Sam Woollett, Site Director, Innocent Drinks 2023 Training Schedule Technology&Application of PET Plastic Packaging for Hot-Fill &Aseptic Beverages Join our expert team for small group training on a variety of subjects - frommaterials to recycling. Scan to learn more & register for classes! ©2023 Plastic Technologies | 1440 Timberwolf Drive, Holland, Ohio USA 43528 www.pti-usa.com [email protected] [email protected] Management order and material management system, and Line Diagnostics for data acquisition and analytics are included. Innocent Drinks will use Connect from Krones’ Share2Act Services, which means that all information, such as shift schedules, can be made available digitally to all employees. www.krones.com"},{"@ID":39,

 "37 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Welcome to Captown Under the slogan ‘Welcome to Captown’ Bericap, a manufacturer of plastic and aluminium closures, is showcasing its current range of closures and innovations at this year’s Interpack. Captown visitors can explore ‘Beverage Hills’, ‘Foodville’, the ‘Industrial District’, and other areas of Bericap’s exhibition city. One of the products on show is the Bericap ClipAside tethered cap. Users appreciate its 180-degree opening and intuitive handling, according to a consumer survey. They also simplify the production switch-over process for beverage brand owners and filling line operators, who can continue to manufacture closures with the current drop down TE band geometry at the same time as tethered caps, without the need for any modifications, and then completely switch over to tethered caps in July 2024 when they become mandatory. ClipAside closures for all relevant neck finishes are available on a mass production basis from the Bericap facilities in Europe. In the ‘Captown of tomorrow’ people will need maximum mobility: closures can be opened with one hand up to an angle of 180 degrees for convenient on-the-go beverage consumption. Bericap has extended its sports cap range to include the new ‘Mayence’ and ‘Biarritz’ models, as well as the premium ‘Monet’ closure for use in dry and wet aseptic filling processes. A tamper evidence ring that is clearly visible in tiny windows after opening is an important consumer safety feature. The new Bericap sports closures have a mono material design to optimise their recyclability. Bericap’s ring peel liner is now also available for the edible oil segment. It can be processed with standard induction welding equipment and removed cleanly and easily. There is no aluminium or foil residue on the container neck to interfere with the pouring process, which ensures leak-free reclosing. The new Bericap edible oil closures additionally have a no-loose-parts design. Care is taken to ensure that all tamper evidence components remain on the closure after first opening so that they can be returned with the packaging for recycling after use rather than ending up in the environment. Lower weight and material reductions are principles followed by the Bericap designers across all product categories – from sport caps to the new lightweight cap range for edible oils. Bericap’s ‘Made for Recycling’ solutions incorporate mono materials to eliminate time-consuming sorting steps in the recycling process. www.bericap.com +49 7584 9226-0 [email protected] www.w-stadler.de STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH Intelligent solutions from a global market leader in BALLISTIC SEPARATORS If you value KNOW-HOW, STADLER is for you: You can rely on the high perfomance, durability and effective sorting results of its machines. STADLER: for a clean world! BERICAP Hall 10 Booth E67"},{"@ID":8,

 "PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Chinaplas 2023: first-time use of all 18 exhibition halls of the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center Chinaplas 2023, to be held at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, PR China (SWECC), on April 17-20, 2023, will be the first world-class plastics and rubber industry event held in China after the relaxation of pandemic controls. “Over the past year, the uncertain and unpredictable environment has increased the difficulty of organising the exhibition. However, this year the exhibition can still set a new record in terms of scale, with a total area of 380,000m2, an increase of 8.6% from the 2021 exhibition. It is the first time for us to use all 18 exhibition halls of SWECC. It is encouraging and reflects the high confidence and expectations of the industry. Together with more than 3,900 prominent renowned exhibitors from all over the world, the show will follow the themes of high-quality development and vigorous development of advanced manufacturing, join hands together with the industry towards high-end manufacturing, smart manufacturing, and green manufacturing,” said Ms. Ada Leung, General Manager of organiser Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. at a press conference held in Shenzhen on March 29. Over 3,900 exhibitors from China and abroad are showcasing a full array of solutions, including over 200 world / Asian debut technologies. It is expected that more than 1,400 materials suppliers and 3,000 sets of machinery exhibits will be on the same stage. Industry development At the press conference, the leaders of the exhibition organisers and co-organisers shared their insights on the current situation of plastics industry and made predictions and suggestions. In 2022, the total production of plastic products in China was 77.716 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 4.3%; the revenue and profit of China’s plastics machinery industry decreased by 7% and 11% respectively compared to the previous year. The profit margin remained at 10%, which was higher than the overall machinery industry’s profit margin of 6% during the same period. Since the start of 2023, China’s economy has achieved a stable and upward trend, and all sectors have started to strive for economic development. This year, the “Government Work Report” proposes a target for the expected growth of China’s gross domestic product (GDP) of around 5% in 2023, focusing, amongst other things, on expanding domestic demand, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, strengthening the support of scientific and technological innovation for industrial development, promoting energy conservation, carbon reduction, and pollution reduction in key areas. www.chinaplasonline.com Aptar Closures acquires majority stake of Gulf Closures Aptar Closures, a global player in dispensing closures and active material science solutions, announced the acquisition of majority stake in Gulf Closures, a closure manufacturer for beverage products in Bahrain. With the acquisition, Aptar Closures intends to leverage its global business capabilities and Gulf Closures’ manufacturing expertise, regional network, and experienced team to better serve the company’s existing customers in the Middle East, while opening new market opportunities and strengthening its presence in the region. Gulf Closures employs approximately 60 people at its facility in Bahrain and holds ISO and FSSC certifications. Gulf Closures is a partner to several global and other major local beverage brands in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, Levant, and Africa. www.aptar.com sidel.com COMBINING ROBOTICS WITH COBOTICS High palletizing performances in a compact footprint. With RoboAccess_Pal S, Sidel delivers an agile robotic palletizing unit ensuring fast Return on Investment with higher speed and payload."},{"@ID":26,

 "24 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net PRSE, RAI, Amsterdam, Netherlands May 10-11, 2023 The Plastics Recycling Show Europe is designed specifically for plastics recycling professionals. It brings together key players from the plastics and recycling sectors to showcase innovative technology, share best practice, network and do business. Over 250 companies and organisations from across Europe have already signed up to exhibit. A new chemical recycling feature area in Hall 11 will guide visitors through the history of and latest innovations in chemical recycling in a timeline with video displays. PLASTICS RECYCLERS EUROPE preview “We supposed that we should work with Herbold Meckesheim to make our investment high quality and innovative. During the purchase, installation and subsequent support, we realized we had made the right decision.” Murat Yerli (left), Deputy General Manager Futurapet, and 2÷X] (QJLQ  %RDUG 0HPEHU (QJLQ *URXS 0$'( 7+( 5,*+7 '(&,6,21 www.herbold.com RECYCLING :$6+,1* 6(3$5$7,1* '5,1* 5HYLHZ New Omni recycling systems for post-consumer and industrial plastic waste recycling Wi t h i t s new Omn i recycling systems, Gneuss claims to offer solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s recycling requirements. The Omni recycling systems consist of a variety of machines from Gneuss’ portfolio, customised to a specific material and application, utilising Gneuss’ established devolatilisation and filtration technologies. The Omni line is equipped with a 3C rotary feeder, an MRS extrusion system, a fully automated RSFgenius melt filtration system, a VIS online viscometer and downstream equipment. Polymer reclaim such as fibre waste, thin film or other low bulk density waste is fed into the Gneuss 3C rotary feeder. PET postconsumer and industrial waste does not require thermal pre-treatment. A conveyor belt feeds the material into the 3C rotary feeder, which cuts, compacts and conditions the material and feeds it directly into the MRS extruder. The MRS extrusion technology in the Omni recycling line is based on conventional single-screw technology, but is equipped with a multi-screw degassing section. The degassing section of the patented process unit consists of an enlarged single screw drum with a series of satellite screws that rotate in the opposite direction of the extruder barrel, creating a large melt surface area and ensuring rapid surface exchange. This provides unprecedented melt phase degassing performance with minimal material stress, says Gneuss. Multiple letters of non-objection (LNOs) from the FDA, Efsa compliance and local approvals in Latin America confirm the high decontamination performance of the technology. After passing through the MRS extruder, the polymer melt is filtered by the efficient, self-cleaning Gneuss RSFgenius melt filtration system. It ensures that fine filtration is possible without pressure or flow disturbances and with minimal polymer losses, even at high contamination levels. The RSFgenius works with an integrated backflush system for self-cleaning of the screens for demanding applications and high quality requirements. The Omniboost is specifically designed to recycle PET waste. The integrated Gneuss Jump polyreactor raises the IV value to the desired level within minutes. After leaving the MRS extruder, the polymer flows directly into the reactor in the melt phase, while the viscosity of the melt is tightly controlled. By controlling the vacuum, residence time and surface exchange rate in the reactor vessel, the viscosity is adjust to the desired level. With a consistent set viscosity, the melt can then be fed directly into the production process. www.gneuss.com GNEUSS Booth B12"},{"@ID":11,

 "9 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net NPE2024: Over one million square feet of exhibit space sold The Plast ics Indust ry Associat ion announced that NPE2024: The Plast ics Show has sold 1,024,462 sq.ft (95,176 m2) of exhibit space at this year’s in-person Space Draw event - a new record high with 982,000 sq. ft. (91,230m2) sold in 2018. More than 1,100 exhibitors selected space across 1,259 booths in preparation for the return of the trade show on May 6-10, 2024 in Orlando, Florida, USA. Space Draw was held as an in-person event where exhibitors select their booth location for NPE2024. “We are thrilled to see this level of commitment 14-months ahead of the show opening,” said Matt Seaholm, President and CEO of Plastics Industry Association. “The plastics industry has undergone an incredible amount of change over the last few years and industry leaders are eager to showcase their latest innovations. The swift pace of floor space selections is a testament to NPE’s significance as the largest plastics products, materials and manufacturing show in the Americas. NPE2024 will represent the full plastics ecosystem and supply chain – and servicing key markets like automotive, consumer, recycling, packaging, medical and building and construction. It’s an incredibly positive indication for NPE2024 and for the plastics industry as a whole.” NPE is regularly held every three years as a five-day focal point event for the plastics industry. It is designed to help organisations leverage innovations, drive business growth and build a more sustainable economy. The trade show feature new plastics, materials and manufacturing solutions. The latest product and service advancements will be highlighted in seven technology zones including: Advanced Manufacturing Zone, Bottle Zone, Business Solution Zone, Materials Science Zone, Mouldmaking Zone, Recycling & Sustainability Zone and the Packaging Zone. www.npe.org"},{"@ID":58,

 "No.04 2023 www.petpla.net D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 17 . 04 . 23 PETplanet is read in more than 140 countries MAGAZ I NE FOR BOT T L E R S AND BOT T L E - MAK E R S IN THE AMER ICAS, AS IA, EUROPE AND AL L AROUND THE PLANET MARKETsurvey Suppliers of preforms & preform inspection systems Page 27 PREFORMS Page 14 Page 31"},{"@ID":37,

 "35 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net Secondary packaging SMI will present several end of line packaging solutions. Cardboard box is an example of a packaging with a simple, but effective design, optimised according to the size of the product to be packed and ideal to maximise the visibility of the brand on the shelves in the points of sale, thanks to the possibility of graphic customisation of the case. With the automatic pick & place case packer from the ACP Ergon, SMI enters the sector of packaging in RSC cardboard cases (the so-called “American boxes”) and offers customers an alternative to the traditional packaging in wrap-around boxes. At the trade fair, SMI will showcase an ACP 20 S Ergon case packer that processes multipacks of 2x3 cans coming from the TPP Ergon, stacking them on two layers within the box; the result of the packaging process is a robust and resistant pack, firmly closed by adhesive tape. The same machine is also available in ACP G version with box sealing by means of hot melt glue. Pick & place ACP 20 case packers by SMI feature a solid monobloc structure in which all machine functions are grouped: product separation, placement in boxes with loose product top loading, cardboard magazine, box sealing. The packaging process is alternate (stop & go) and uses a pick & place system, capable of realising RSC packs at the production speed of 20 packs per minute (depending on the format). The ACP Ergon series can pack several types of products, such as food bags as well as oval containers (shampoo, liquid soap, detergents) and briks (tea, juices) simply by changing the picking gripper/suction cup. Thanks to the pick & place system, this machine range can process delicate and exclusive products such as wines, sparkling wines and liquors, without damaging the glass bottle labels during processing. Palletising system The compactness of the end of the line presented at the show is enhanced by the presence of the new APS 620 Ergon automatic palletising system, that allows to efficiently and cost-effectively automate the end-of-line operations at a production speed of 20 packs/minute (depending on the palletising pattern). With the palletisers from the APS range, SMI claims to offer a versatile solution for processing products, which is flexible in adapting to format changeover and efficient in avoiding damages during the handling operations. www.smigroup.it Coding, packaging intelligence and connected product solutions Markem-Imaje, global provider of end-to-end supply chain solutions and industrial marking and coding systems for multiple market verticals, presents its latest developments to support the packaging industry. These encompass smart codes, packaging intelligence and connected products – from manufacturing, through the supply chain to the end consumer. Visitors will be able to enjoy a production line demonstrating the latest within laser, continuous inkjet, thermal transfer overprinting, large character inkjet, and intelligent print and apply labelling systems. The inline printing demo is fully integrated and managed by Markem-Imaje’s Packaging Intelligence suite powered by Colos and prepared for supply chain traceability and engaging consumer experiences. Markem-Imaje will also present new solutions within inkjet coding with its patented Super Piezo Inkjet technology. The development is claimed to be capable of printing serialised 2D barcodes in good quality, at high-speed on 3D surfaces. www.markem-imaje.com SMI Hall 13 Booth B15 MARKEM Hall 8b Booth E58"},{"@ID":47,

 "45 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 on the status of the Single Use Plastics Directive, which will be implemented by 2027. The implementing act for the calculation and verification of the recycled content was supposed to enter into force on January 1, 2022, but actually lasted until 2023. An important factor in 2024 is the implementation of the tethered caps for beverage containers with a capacity up to 3 l. As a further step for the year 2025, the directive stipulates that PET beverage bottles must consist of at least 25% recycled material and that 77% of SUP beverage bottles up to 3 l must be collected separately. An evaluation of the directive should take place in 2027. They summarised the status of the Recycled Plastics Regulation (EU) 2022/1616 as follows: The Regulation was adopted on September 15, 2022 and entered into force on October 10, 2022 with a limited implementation period. Approval decisions for individual mechanical recycling processes are expected in 2023. Similarly, the establishment of an EU register focusing on mechanically recycled PET is expected to be implemented, as well as actions on novel technologies. As one of the most important deadlines in terms of transparency for the use of recycled plastic, Leonor mentioned October 10, 2024, which is the deadline for the introduction of independent third party certification of plastic waste quality assurance systems. Leonor presented numerous other EU projects that are still under revision. www.petcore-europe.org Hall Booth Only from KHS: freshness protection which is 100% bottle-to-bottle recyclable. With FreshSafe-PET® YG JCXG EQODKPGF VJG DGPGƂ VU QH 2'6 CPF INCUU DQVVNGU  +VU YCHGT VJKP  KPUKFG NC[GT QH INCUU MGGRU DGXGTCIGU HTGUJ HQT NQPIGT s CPF OCKPVCKPU VCUVG CPF XKVCOKPU   6JG  EQCVKPI  KU  CNUQ  HWNN[  EQORCVKDNG YKVJ  '2$2  FGUKIP  IWKFGNKPGU  HQT  TGE[ENKPI  CPF  KU  TGEQIPK\\GF D[ VJG #24  6JKU KU [GV HWTVJGT RTQQH QH JQY YG CTG EQPUVCPVN[ TGKPXGPVKPI  the PET bottle. JVVR   RGV MJU EQO HTGUJUCHGRGV PET BOTTLE. THE REVOLUTION OF THE IT DOESN’T COMPROMISE ON RECYCLING EITHER. Dr M. Leonor Garcia and Dr Suzanne de Cort gave an overview of the different EU directives and regulations."}]}}