Klӧckner Pentaplast commits to PET capacity expansion for the sustainable consumer and protein packaging market in North America

Klöckner Pentaplast (kp), a global leader in recycled content products and high-barrier protective packaging, announces its commitment to expand its post-consumer recycled PET extrusion capacity by 17,500 metric tonnes, which significantly increases it’s capacity for thermoformed recyclable protein trays in North America. The multimillion-dollar capacity expansion will be located among the

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Spanish dairy farmers favour aseptic bottling in PET

In cooperation with Sidel, Spanish dairy company Andía Lácteos de Cantabria S.L. have modernised their plant in Renedo de Piélagos with the most modern, state-of-the-art aseptic PET bottling technology for ultra-high-temperature (UHT) milk for the Spanish dairy player. Andía Lácteos de Cantabriaare a part of the Iparlat Group, which originally were created

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Greiner Packaging partners with Plastic Bank to open plastic collection centers in the Philippines

Plastic Bank is empowering the world to stop ocean plastic. It builds ethical recycling ecosystems in coastal communities and reprocesses the materials for reintroduction into the global manufacturing supply chain. Plastic Bank’s collectors receive a bonus for the plastic they collect, providing an increased income they can count on. This recycled

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Primo Water Corporation announced acquisition substantially all of the assets of Mountain Glacier LLC

Primo Water Corporation, a leading provider of water direct to consumers and water filtration services in North America and Europe as well as a leading provider of water dispensers, purified bottled water, and self-service refill drinking water in the U.S. and Canada, announced that Primo Water North America, a wholly-owned subsidiary of

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Erema launches its “ShowHello!” digital event platform

As opportunities for face-to-face meetings and customer visits are rare these days, Erema has created its own “ShowHello!” virtual event platform. Visually similar to the company’s stand at the 2019 K trade fair which also incorporated their Circonomic Centre, Erema provides information on the latest recycling technologies, examples of best practice

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Towards harmonised certification of plastics packaging recyclability

RecyClass Platform recognised first series of Certification Bodies RecyClass welcomes Recoup, SUEZ.Circpack, plastship, Circular Analytics, AIMPLAS, Veolia PET Germany GmbH and REDILO as Certification Bodies who will apply RecyClass method for assessing the recyclability of plastics packaging. Twenty individual auditors within these companies have been granted accreditation to issue RecyClass Recyclability Certifications

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