Methodology for plastic packaging recyclability assessment published by RecyClass

RecyClass Recyclability Methodology document provides comprehensive information on the assessment methods used to assess and certify recyclability of a plastic package. By certifying packaging compatibility with a recycling process, the methodology is geared towards setting a level playing field for design for recycling claims of the value chain actors. RecyClass specifies

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Starlinger introduces measures in the field of corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly important. With Clarissa Graf, the Austrian mechanical engineering company Starlinger has hired a Sustainability Manager to address this essential task; since autumn 2019, she has been actively defining CSR measures for the internal and external implementation of the company strategy. One of these measures

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Call for faster recognition & legislation review to unlock the potential of chemical recycling

In a position paper published on the 2nd of June 2020, Chemical Recycling Europe calls for a faster recognition and legislation review to unlock the potential of chemical recycling. The recycling industry plays an important role in the transition to a more circular economy by turning polymeric waste into new value-added

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Alpla to buy plant in Spain

Alpla, the global packaging solutions and recycling specialist, is acquiring Bopla S.A. as part of an asset deal. Alpla intends to use the Spanish company’s expertise in the area of single-stage manufacturing technologies to expand its own product portfolio. Founded in 1978, Bopla S.A. uses the technologies EBM (extrusion blow moulding)

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Report: Plastic recycling labelling confusing and inconsistent

A global assessment of recycling and sustainability labelling on plastic packaging has found only 17% of assessed labels give consumers quality information to make informed recycling and purchasing decisions. The research from the UN Environment Programme, Consumers International and the One Planet network found that 20% of the 30 worldwide labels

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Panel discussion: “Has the crisis changed the view on packaging? Is there a ‘plastic renaissance’?”

On May 27th, the platform “Verpackung mit Zukunft” (Packaging with a Future) in cooperation with “Der Brutkasten” organised a digital panel discussion, in which the question was discussed to what extent the image of plastic packaging has changed due to the Corona crisis. In the panel, which was moderated by Brutkasten

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“Packaging with a future” (Verpackung mit Zukunft): Engel is a founding member

Engel is committed to greater sustainability of plastic packaging. In collaboration with six other companies from the Austrian packaging industry, the injection moulding machine manufacturer founded the “Verpackung mit Zukunft” (Packaging with a Future) platform. The aim of the initiative is to improve public awareness of meaningful use of packaging. The

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