Henkel shares software tool for evaluating there cyclability of packaging

Recyclable packaging is a prerequisite for a functioning circular economy. In order to quickly and reliably determine the recyclability of new packaging, Henkel uses its specially developed software tool EasyD4R. Henkel has now made this assessment tool publicly available on its website that more companies and organisations can use it and

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Amcor designs first lightweight PET bottles for pasteurised beer in Brazil

The company designed custom 600 milliliter containers for beverage maker New Age Bebidas, Leme, São Paulo, that feature the beauty of a glass-like, champagne-style base combined with the convenience of lightweight and shatter-resistant PET.   Amcor’s design showcases New Age’s Salzburg craft beer brand and differentiates it from standard glass bottle

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Relevant sustainability aspects combined in one bottle

KHS, Hall 13, Booth A75 KHS presents a new PET concept based on the juice bottle as an example. It combines individual environmentally friendly packaging solutions in one container and thereby supports the theory of circular economy. Kai Acker, CEO of KHS, emphasises the continuously growing demand in the food and

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United Caps honoured with IMDA Award

United Caps, an international manufacturer of caps and closures,has been honoured with an IMDA award for Best Technical Achievement: Holographic Closure Technologies, for a holographic in-mould label jointly developed with Morphotonix, a high-tech brand protection company. The In-Mould Decorating Association (IMDA) is a trade association representing moulders, label printers, material suppliers,

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High costs and unfavourable product mix impact profitability at Krones in first half of 2019

The difficult economic conditions and uncertainties such as the unresolved trade conflict between China and the USA increasingly affected Krones’ business in the first half of 2019. After strong growth in the first quarter (by 10.3%), revenue from April to June increased by 0.7% year-on-year. In total, the company’s revenue from

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Suntory aims to use fully recycled or plant-based materials for all PET bottles by 2030

Suntory Group’s new company-wide policy focuses on implementing sustainable plastic that promote a recycling-oriented and decarbonised society. Based on this Plastic Policy, Suntory will aim for fully sustainable plastic bottles by expanding “FtoP production” capability and switching to recycled materials or plant-based materials for all PET bottles used globally by 2030.

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