Buyer's Guide

The sorting challenge

Dry recyclables and light packaging – The varying and constantly changing composition of waste materials poses a challenge for designers of sorting plants, which need to deliver consistently high purity rates while managing an increasing degree of complexity. Stadler, a leading supplier of sorting plants for the recycling industry, has the

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Test installation validates new techniques for plastic recycling

B+B Anlagenbau has recently put into operation a testing facility where potential clients can test their plastic recycling requirements, in order to substantiate the business case before building. B+B Anlagenbau is part of Heilig Group and is a specialist in designing, building, installing and maintaining complete plastic recycling installations and individual

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Cosmetic portfolio made from ocean-bound PET

In addition to the already established cosmetics packaging made from various blends of recycled PET (rPET), Gerresheimer now offers its cosmetic portfolio made from ocean-bound plastic. At Luxepack the company presented this offer to its customers. “We are very pleased to introduce this material to our customers for their sustainability concepts.

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Solvent-based recycling

A new plastics recycling technology Interview with Florian Riedl, Director Business Development at APK AG, Merseburg, Germany PETplanet: Dear Mr Riedl, may I ask you to briefly introduce you and your company? What were your reasons for looking at an alternative to mechanical and so-called “chemical” recycling?Florian Riedl: APK is a

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