Buyer's Guide

Key considerations for integration of recycled content in plastic products

Eunomia consultancy carried out new research which has identified key considerations to verify recycled content claims in plastic products. The reason for the research was to inform actions in support of Canada’s target of achieving at least 50% recycled content in plastic products, where applicable, by 2030. Currently, Canada generates approximately

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Senbis Polymer Innovations B.V. releases whitepaper “Evaluating recycled PET grades and making them Fit for Purpose.”

Senbis is a Dutch company that divides its activities between R&D services and the production of sustainable polymeric products. In a new whitepaper, the company provides in-depth insights how recycled PET (rPET) can be evaluated and modified to convert the polymer into rPET based products that are ‘Fit for Purpose’. During PET

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Tomra’s Circular Economy Conference: Collaboration to “Close the Loop on Plastics”

According to calculations by the World Bank, approximately two-thirds of household waste is still incinerated or landfilled. In its 4th global conference, industry leaders joined Tomra, the Norwegian specialist for waste collection, sorting and recycling, to continue to set the course for sorting and recycling significantly more plastic from household waste

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New launch of the PET returnable bottle in Austria

Austria’s market leader in the mineral water market, Vöslauer Mineralwasser GmbH, is concretising its plans to relaunch the first and so far only PET returnable container in Austria. “In Austria, PET reusable containers were common until the 1990s, but they disappeared from the shelves completely due to a lack of demand.

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First products granted RecyClass Recycled Plastics Certification

RecyClass Recycled Plastics Traceability Certification was granted to first products covering both flexible and rigid, as well as food and non-food applications. The Certification attest the inclusion of recycled plastics in products containing between 10% to 100% of recycled content. With the growing pressure to demonstrate to consumers that products are genuinely

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