Buyer's Guide

Panel discussion: “Has the crisis changed the view on packaging? Is there a ‘plastic renaissance’?”

On May 27th, the platform “Verpackung mit Zukunft” (Packaging with a Future) in cooperation with “Der Brutkasten” organised a digital panel discussion, in which the question was discussed to what extent the image of plastic packaging has changed due to the Corona crisis. In the panel, which was moderated by Brutkasten

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“Packaging with a future” (Verpackung mit Zukunft): Engel is a founding member

Engel is committed to greater sustainability of plastic packaging. In collaboration with six other companies from the Austrian packaging industry, the injection moulding machine manufacturer founded the “Verpackung mit Zukunft” (Packaging with a Future) platform. The aim of the initiative is to improve public awareness of meaningful use of packaging. The

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It is time to RE-focus

by Lucia Buffoni, Marketing Manager, Repi Group With no doubt such a complexity like the Covid-19 one could not be imagined even remotely. So it happens that this year, that was meant to mark important acceleration of transition to an economy made of plastic alternatives have instead underscored that plastic is

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The barrel press HSM FP 3000

With the HSM FP 3000 barrel press, HSM GmbH + Co. KG, the Frickingen manufacturer of baling presses, PET solutions and document shredders, offers a robust and reliable disposal solution for pressing empty, lightweight sheet or roller-type barrels, canisters and plastic containers. The barrel press is easily operated by hand. The

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Plastics promotes two to lead sustainability initiatives

The Plastics Industry Association (Plastics) announced two internal promotions to strengthen its sustainability and materials portfolios. Ashley Hood-Morley is now Senior Director of Sustainability and Materials, and Patrick Krieger is the Director of Sustainability and Materials. Hood-Morley will oversee all projects and programs related to Plastics’ materials, sustainability and recycling initiatives.

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