The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) announced official programming for the 2018 Refocus Sustainability & Recycling Summit, co-located with the expanded Refocus Zone at NPE2018: The Plastics Show. Oliver Campbell, director of worldwide procurement & packaging at Dell, will kick off the summit with the keynote presentation, “Using Dell Innovation and Supply Chain to Tackle Ocean Plastic,” explaining how Dell developed and launched a program to create a commercially scalable supply of plastics recovered from the ocean that can be used in product packaging.
The three-day summit will feature five other educational sessions with expert panels that will lead discussion and provide practical steps companies can take to achieve their recycling and sustainability goals. Sessions and speakers include:
Recycling Game Changer: Moving Beyond Mechanical Recycling: Moderated by Robert Render, Commercial Manager at Ravago Recycling Group and featuring John Layman of P&G and PureCycle Technologies, Joe Vaillancourt of Agilyx and researchers from Purdue University.
Advances in Composite Recycling: Moderated by Chris Surbrook, New Business Development at Midland Compounding Company and featuring Mark Janney of Carbon Conversions, Inc. and Brian Pillay of University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Under One Roof: Investing in Onsite Plastic Reprocessing at MRFs: Moderated by Jim Keefe, Executive Vice President & Group Publisher at Recycling Today Media Group. Featuring speakers: Martin Baumann of EREMA North America, Daniel Reshef of Canada Fibers Ltd., Jose Augusto Viveiro of Braskem and Brian Pillay of University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Additives for Upcycling: Moderated by Mark Richardson, Engineering Consultant at Series One and featuring Salvatore Monte of Kenrich Petrochemicals Inc., Prem Patel of Milliken & Company and Timothy Dean of ExxonMobil Chemical Company.
Biobased Bioplastic Polymers and the Future of Bottling: Moderated by Patrick Krieger, Assistant Director, Regulatory and Technical Affairs at PLASTICS and featuring Michael A. Saltzberg, Ph.D of DuPont Industrial Biosciences, John Bissell of Origin Materials and Jose Augusto Viveiro of Braskem.
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Visit 2018 Refocus Sustainability & Recycling Summit