Relocation of Poly Recycling AG

Poly Recycling AG in Weinfelden, the PET recycling company of the Resilux Group,

intends to relocate to Bilten before the end of the year. The reason is that the current rented location will
be claimed by the owner’s for own use. After evaluating various scenarios, the choice fell on the location Bilten.

In Bilten is also the seat of Resilux Schweiz AG, which manufactures PET preforms from the finished products
of Poly Recycling AG. The integration of the two processes under one roof will bring further synergies in the improvement of the PET recycling industry. The company strives to minimise the impact of the relocation on its employees. The geographical merger of the two companies further strengthens Switzerland’s pioneering role in the circularity of the PET supply chain.

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