Berry and Coca-Cola collaborate to implement tethered caps in EU markets

After winning a prestigious sustainability award at Pack Expo International last month for this circular solution, Berry Global Group, Inc. is the first plastic packaging manufacturer in Europe to supply The Coca-Cola Company with a lightweight, tethered closure for its carbonated soft drinks in PET bottles. Bolstered by the European Union

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PET raw material and recyclate from India

A conversation with India’s largest private company December 9, 2022, Reliance Industries Ltd. We met:Mr Bharat B Mehta, Vice President – PET MarketingMr Rakesh Bali, Senior Vice President, Head Marketing (Petchem)Mr Raghunath Datar, Regional ManagerMr Rajiv Kumar, AVP – PET MarketingMr Aditya Pahurkar, Manager Sales & Marketing (PET)Mr Shubhang Shanbag, Manager

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The Recycling Partnership announces first grants to improve capture of PET 

The US-based Recycling Partnership’s PET Recycling Coalition (Coalition) announced three grants to grow and strengthen PET recycling. In its initial round of granting, the Coalition awarded grants to two PET reclaimers and one Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) that will result in over 2.5 million pounds per year of new PET capture,

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Interpack 2023

Around 2,700 companies from all over the world will be presenting cutting-edge technologies and packaging trends along the entire value chain in Düsseldorf from 4 to 10 May 2023 – the fully booked Interpack 2023 features a hall concept with clear industry focal points. To help visitors not get lost in

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