Labelling machinery

Newtec Labelling Hall C6 – Booth 231 Newtec Labelling will exhibit a full range of labelling machines: Adhesive Cold Glue, Hot Melt and Rollfed. The adhesive labelling machine has the adhesive group, intentionally oversize, to guarantee a maximum precision during the application of the labels on the bottle and it will

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Production line for sustainable, floatable shrink sleeve film opened in Poland

Innovia Films, producer of highly differentiated speciality films, announce the opening of a new 6.2m multi-layer co-extrusion line at its site in Płock, Poland. The state-of-the-art line will be dedicated to manufacture low-density polyolefin shrink film for shrink sleeve labels and tamper evident applications. The film forms the basis to produce

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New label links ecological credibility with a feel-good atmosphere

The first of the redesigned Frosch product groups are already on retail shelves. One after another, the remaining products around the world will don the new design as the cleaning products manufacturer Werner & Mertz of Mainz, Germany, rolls out the biggest design relaunch in eco brand’s 35-year-plus history. Clearly Distinct

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Digimarc to acquire Evrythng

Digimarc Corporation, the creator of Digimarc watermarks, driving the next generation of digital identification and detection-based technologies, has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the product cloud company Evrythng Limited in a stock transaction. Evrythng is one of the market leaders which pioneered the product cloud category, linking every product

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Avery Dennison announces the release of a sustainable product range for paper and film labels

Avery Dennison announced the release of the AD RDX sustainable product range for paper and film labels. The AD RDX product portfolio for paper and film is claimed to offer benefits such as less materials, resources, waste, transport and storage than conventional Avery Dennison products, which also means less downtime, changeovers

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