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20 years of stretch-blowing and filler technology in PETplanet Insider

Dear friends of PETplanet,

I would like to give you my subjective summary of the last 20 years of two-stage SBM and filling. I’ve been working on this for a long time because my thoughts have digressed so many times. The many people we have got to know throughout our 20-year journey, the interviews, the site visits, the travelling. For me, it’s been 20 years full of emotions. In this overview, I have tried to sketch out the history of the main protagonists, the companies and the technology. Corpoplast has always been a tower of strength. Sold many times (Krupp, SIG, KHS) and even more frequently trying to integrate, the company has continually developed and under today’s KHS umbrella, it is enjoying what may be its golden era. Which brings us to the just as chequered history of KHS. A continually changing CEO - I won’t bore you with all their names - bankruptcy of the parent company WCM and now finally, structured expansion under Salzgitter. Things were not always so changeable at KHS and this was shown in our interview in 2010 with Maternus Gemmel, who retired as CSO after 48 years in the company.

Two further old hands that must get a mention here are Gianfranco Zoppas, owner of Sipa and, of course, Volker Kronseder of Krones. Both have promoted and supported the development of PET drinks technology with clear vision. Over 20 years ago, Volker Kronseder recognised that stretch blowing belonged in filling and he has continually driven forward his own Contiform development. The first facilities may have raised a smile but today they are among the market leaders. Gianfranco Zoppas is a technological visionary. Regardless of what had gone before, he has always addressed the question of what the market needs.
In Top Talk Filling Special 2005, he was still convinced that single-stage was the right way to go but in a 2018 interview, he reinforced the 2- stage procedure. But what does he have in mind? The blocked Xtreme from granulate to finished bottle all at one heat. But isn’t that the signature feature of the 1-stage process? So Zoppas statement in 2005 has proven to be well-founded, although in quite a different way than first thought.

Enjoy the overview. Perhaps you’ll be mentioned somewhere too.

Alexander Büchler

Year Acquisitions Market and technical data Sipa SIG Corpoplast from 2008 KHS Corpoplast Krones Sidel Tech-Long Packaging Machinery
1999 Introduction of rotary SBM
2000 SIG takes over Krupp Kunststofftechnik and therefore also Corpoplast SIG Plastics reports that the world market for 2-stage stretchblowing facilities is 1,590 units, for single-stage facilities 1,355 units and 1,150 preform facilities. In their view, in 2005, 17% of investment was in other drinks, 9% in oil and soya, 7% each in water and hotfill, and 4.4% in CSD. Introduction of the SBM Series III
2001 SFR rotary SBM, up to 1,750 b/h per cavity Top Talk with Roman Boutellier, CEO SIG: He reports on the purchasing of various elements from Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Corpoplast (stretch-blowing, Germany) and SASIB (filler, Italy) should free SIG from dependence on drinks cartons Top Talk with Volker Kronseder, CEO of Krones. Presentation of Contiform S 2nd generation with suspended preform heating. 1,600 b/h per cavity. Presentation of Contiform Bloc SBM filler block Top Talk: Francis Olivier, CEO Sidel. At that time, Sidel had 2,800 machines on the market
2002 Packaging strategies reports over 2,125 million barrier bottles in 2001. Of these, 60% multilayer and 40% coated The first electronic filler Unitronic Introduction of Plasmax interior coating Top Talk with Gerard Stricher, new CEO of Sidel. Sidel is taken over by Tetrapack
2003 The EU Commission approves the purchase of Sidel by Tetra Laval Group. KHS takes over All-Fill Canadean reports that the market share of PET in water packaging has risen from just over 40% in 1997 to 70% that year. The loser is the PVC bottle, which has fallen from 15% to 0% Contiform H: first heat-set SBM
2004 SIG Blowtec launched 2nd generation ISBMs, in the same breath, SIG announces sale of Blowtec Top Talk Fabio Firmani, CEO Sipa: “We are the only provider that delivers the entire process chain from preform to pallet”. Triple cavity blow moulder SFR 9/27 Top Talk: Rolf-Dieter Rademacher, CEO SIG Holding reinforces the concept with acquisition subsidiaries Corpoplast and Simonazzi as the direction for SIG in the PET world. SBM Blomax 24 Series III C with up to 1,800 b/h per cavity; KHS: launched third generation aseptic cold filling; cleanroom shrinks by 80% Top Talk Christoph Klenk, Krones. “We need facilities for the high-end market and also for the low-spec market.” Contiform S increases to 1,800 b/h per cavity
2005 SIG sells Simonazzi to Tetra Laval. KHS takes over majority at India production site Canadean reports that 40% of packaged drinks globally are in PET Top Talk Gianfranco Zoppas, Owner Sipa:" I believe the best solution is single stage". SFL linear SBM were redesigned (SFL 4 and 6) TopTalk Olaf Weiland, CEO SIG Corpoplast: he reports on the 1,000th SBM, SIG Corpoplast appears independently for the first time at Interpack, Top Talk Ralf Bajorat, Head of SIG Beverage; KHS presents plastics-only filler SBM Contiform creates OPP bottles at the same speed as PET bottles; Krones F1 filler table-free filler only for PET SBO Universal. 3rd generation SBM 1,800 b/h per cavity. SBO first linear blower
2006 WCM as owner of the Klöckner factories is insolvent. KHS is later taken over by Salzgitter SIG reports that 60% of bottle costs are raw materials, 13% preform production and only 7% investment in SBM The first volumetric isobaric filler Top Talk: Rolf-Dieter Rademacher, CEO SIG: Sales increase, erosion of margins stops. KHS Till and Carlsberg launch the PET keg Krones reports a rapid rise in orders for blocked facilities Top Talk with Gerard Stricher, CEO of Sidel, about merger of Simonazzi and Sidel. Sale of 100th SBO Universal: Publisher Alexander Büchler, together with Subba Bangera, plants his second tree in India on the Sidel factory site
2007 GEA takes over Procomac. Simonazzi fillers are now only sold under the name Sidel Canadean reports that almost 60% of all packaged water globally is in PET Redesign of the SFR EVO, now up to 2,000 b/h per cavity Introduction of InnoPET BloFill, the first SBM filler block Sidel sells 20 water lines at 36,000 b/h to Ting Hsin, China
2008 Salzgitter takes over KHS and SIG Beverages with Corpoplast. Brings everything together under the KHS umbrella. So KHS becomes a complete facility provider The lightweight 0.5 l bottle is here: Krones 8.85 g, Sipa 10.9 g, Sidel 9.9 g The first Sincro Bloc KHS expands capacities for Corpoplast in Hamburg. So Anker goes to India, Allfill to Bad Kreuznach Top Talk Marcel Krauth, "Mr. Beer" by Sidel: “Beer is the largest packaging market worldwide after water; PET has a good starting point to gain a significant market share there.”
2009 Kosme, provider of facilities in the low-spec range, is taken over 100% by Krones Sincro Tribloc: SBM filler and labelling Introduction of InnoPET Blomax Series IV Contiform S with 2,000 b/h per cavity. Sale of 1,000th Contiform. Presentation of ErgoBloc L SBM with filler and labeller Sale of 500th SBM
2010 Departure of Maternus Gemmel, CSO KHS, after 48 years in the company: “The takeover by Salzgitter was a sign for us” SBO Universal 2 2,000 b/h per cavity
2011 For 2015, Pira International envisages 7.7 billion PET beer bottles, of which around 50% without barriers, 1/4 multilayer, 10% coated, the rest with monolayer blends Sale of 100th InnoPET Blomax Series IV. Presentation of the dual concept aseptic filler Innosept Asbofill Contiform 3. Third generation, now with 2,250 b/h per cavity. Introduction of PET-Asept D Compact for low output range
2013 Launch of Flexotronic: new filler platform with high flexibility
2014 Awarding of the PETplanet After Sales Award Developing Countries for the categories "They know me" and "pricing and volume discount on aftermarket" Awarding of the PETplanet After Sales Award Developing Countries for the categories "Supplier addresses me", "friendliness", "effective training", "Competence" and "Responsiveness" Awarding of the PETplanet After Sales Award Developing Countries for the categories “Technician close to my plant" and "Reachability". LiquiForm, a JV between Amcor and Sidel to develop bottle forming and filling. Introduction of Sidel Matrix Hotfill filler from 200 ml to 2 l
2015 Sipa takes over Automa SBM and preform compression moulding Xtreme as a block in a facility. From granulate to finished bottle all at one heat Corpoplast celebrates 40 years of existence Contiform 3 Pro with 2,300 b/h per cavity. Volker Kronseder hands over operations to Christoph Klenk LiquiForm, the JV between Amcor and Sidel, is launched in USA Tech-Long presents 5th generation SBM. 2,400 b/h per cavity
2016 LiquiForm partners with Krones as development partner. LiquiForm also cooperates with KHS Sidel reports on the reduction of the 0.5 l water bottle from 28 g in 1985 to 7.95 g in 2015 Introduction of the Triblock FreshSafe
2017 Launch of Xtra rotary SBM with 2,550 b/h per cavity FormFill SBM and filling in one process Contiform 3 Pro now with 2,500 b/h per cavity 3G technology (laser heating of preforms) gives previously unheard of freedom in bottle design
2018 Sidel takes over PET Engineering GEA takes over Vipoll Gianfranco Zoppas, Owner, presents the Xtreme with blocked SBM and filler in Vittorio Veneto. "In the past single stage plants were required. Today, it has become a two-stage technology" Kai Acker as new CEO makes it his primary goal to bring more structure and order to the KHS Group. InnoPET Blomax V with 2,500 b/h per cavity



All-Fill | Alfieri | AMS Ferrari | Amsler Equipment | Aseptic Systems | AVE Technologies | Bardi | CHP | Claranor | Comac | ENOBERG | Fogg Filler | GEA Group AG | GEA Procomac | HEUFT | Index-6 | Induflex Sondermaschinenbau GmbH | Jiangsu Huihe Packaging | KEENPRO | KHS | Kosme | Krones | LiquiForm | Melegari | M/S Mechanical Systems | Newamstar Packaging Machinery | Ocme | PET Machinery | PET Technologies | Pressco | PROMEC | Sacmi | Sidel | Sipa | SMF Maschinenfabrik GmbH | SMI | Tech-Long Packaging Machinery | Thermo-Pack | UM Inc. | Vaccum Barrier | Vanta | Vipoll | ... |

Market surveys

Market survey are available for the following categories:

Category Company Issue
Filling equipment Sipa Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment STM Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment Krones Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment SMI Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment KHS Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment ENOBERG Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment Sacmi Issue 10/2024
Filling inspection systems KHS Issue 10/2024
Filling inspection systems Pressco Issue 10/2024
Filling inspection systems HEUFT Issue 10/2024
Filling inspection systems Sacmi Issue 10/2024
Filling inspection systems Krones Issue 10/2024
Filling inspection systems Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2024
Filling equipment Sipa Issue 10/2023
Filling equipment Sipa Issue 10/2023
Filling equipment Krones Issue 10/2023
Filling equipment SMI Issue 10/2023
Filling equipment KHS Issue 10/2023
Filling inspection systems KHS Issue 10/2023
Filling inspection systems Pressco Issue 10/2023
Filling inspection systems HEUFT Issue 10/2023
Filling inspection systems Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2023
Filling inspection systems Enoberg Issue 10/2023
Filling inspection systems Sacmi Issue 10/2023
Filling equipment Sipa Issue 10/2022
Filling equipment Krones Issue 10/2022
Filling equipment Fogg Filler Issue 10/2022
Filling equipment SMI Issue 10/2022
Filling equipment KHS Issue 10/2022
Filling equipment Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2022
Filling inspection systems KHS Issue 10/2022
Filling inspection systems Pressco Issue 10/2022
Filling inspection systems HEUFT Issue 10/2022
Filling inspection systems Sacmi Issue 10/2022
Filling inspection systems Krones Issue 10/2022
Filling inspection systems Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2022
Filling equipment Sipa Issue 10/2021
Filling equipment Krones Issue 10/2021
Filling equipment Fogg Filler Issue 10/2021
Filling equipment Sidel Issue 10/2021
Filling equipment SMI Issue 10/2021
Filling equipment KHS Issue 10/2021
Filling equipment Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2021
Filling inspection systems KHS Issue 10/2021
Filling inspection systems Pressco Issue 10/2021
Filling inspection systems Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2021
Filling inspection systems Sacmi Issue 10/2021
Filling inspection systems Krones Issue 10/2021
Filling equipment Sipa Issue 10/2020
Filling equipment STM Issue 10/2020
Filling equipment SMI Issue 10/2020
Filling equipment Sidel Issue 10/2020
Filling equipment KHS Issue 10/2020
Filling equipment Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2020
Filling inspection systems HEUFT Issue 10/2020
Filling inspection systems Pressco Issue 10/2020
Filling inspection systems HEUFT Issue 10/2020
Filling inspection systems Sacmi Issue 10/2020
Filling inspection systems Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 10/2020
Filling equipment Sipa Issue 09/2019
Filling equipment SMI Issue 09/2019
Filling equipment KHS Issue 09/2019
Filling equipment Newamstar Packaging Machinery Issue 09/2019
Filling equipment Fogg Filler Issue 09/2019
Filling equipment Sidel Issue 09/2019
Filling equipment Krones Issue 09/2019
Filling equipment Serac Issue 09/2019
Filling inspection systems Sacmi Issue 09/2019
Filling inspection systems FILTEC Issue 09/2019
Filling inspection systems Pressco Issue 09/2019
Filling inspection systems HEUFT Issue 09/2019
Filling inspection systems Krones Issue 09/2019
Filling inspection systems KHS Issue 09/2019